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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 50- Faust

* * *

“But you know what, Dowon?”

Kang Minjae suddenly clenched his fist tightly.

“I just thought of a title and lyrics for our song.”

“The third song?”

Kang Minjae nodded vigorously.


The story of a fool tempted by the devil?

“I can feel the lyrics coming to me. Yes! That’s it. The unstoppable emotions and the thrill of doing something bad! Wow, how long has it been since I felt this?”

Kang Minjae’s hands trembled slightly, like someone on drugs.

What’s wrong with him?

“Yes. Faust! It’s Faust. Paper, paper!”

I handed him the paper and pen from the table. Kang Minjae scribbled the lyrics frantically, like an addict suffering from withdrawal symptoms.

What’s really wrong with him?

‘Even though I’m into acting and know a bit about art, this is too much.’

Are all artists like this?

Kang Minjae wrote messily. I glanced over, but his handwriting was so bad I couldn’t make it out. Fine. Create away. I quietly stood up and sneaked out.

As I closed the door, I could see the living room of Kang Minjae’s house at a glance. I took out my smartphone and switched to cheat mode.

I was a bit curious. I quietly tapped the screen.

[cheat mode 1/3]

[Kang Minjae’s Faust emotions]


[cheat mode 2/3]


I didn’t notice at first, but looking closely, I understood.

‘This wasn’t capped at 100%?’

And the probability increased just by having the title.

Is Faust the perfect fit?

I put my smartphone away and crossed my arms.

‘Should I be grateful to the senior Vita members?’

Is this even possible? This gives me chills.

‘They’ve really served up a feast for me.’

If all goes well, I’m going to have a feast.

I shook my head with a smile. Just thinking about the feast made me hungry already.


50 million won wasn’t an easy amount of money. Sure, for a silver spoon, 10 million might be nothing, but still, this amount of money could make or break a person.

‘If all goes well, it could be a down payment. This is something you have to experience to understand.’

Life got much better without the monthly rent.

I gently brushed the recorder in my pocket. I caught a glimpse of cash in the drink box.

“This, here’s the first 10 million won.”

Oh, senior.

“The price is different though?”

“I’ll give you the remaining 40 million later.”

Is that so?


“The, leader hyung.”

Did you just reveal your identity? I didn’t even hint at knowing.

“Oh, the leader of Vita himself said that?”

“Oh no, I wasn’t supposed to reveal that!”

See, this is why it’s tough to have an idiot as a colleague.

‘We have one on our side too.’

That Ki Jaeyun guy is really loose-lipped.

I leaned my chin on my hand and grinned.

“I won’t do it.”

“Why, why not!”

“I clearly said 50 million. At least bring 30 million. If I mess with Kang Minjae and he writes weird songs, I’ll be in trouble too.”

Not that that would ever happen.

“Then, I’ll be leaving.”

“Wait! I’ll give it to you!”

“If you don’t give me the 30 million by tomorrow, it’s off.”

Hurry up and pay. Because Kang Minjae doesn’t seem good at acting.

‘Before the regression, that guy’s personal acting was god-tier, but now he’s oddly clumsy.’

His acting for the broadcast wasn’t great either.

I stood up. Vita’s keeper kept covering his mouth.

‘Honestly, I probably won’t get the full 50 million.’

But it didn’t matter. I turned around.


“Why did you get a drink box?”

Lee Seungjoon asked, looking at the drink box. I shrugged and stuffed the drink box into my backpack.

“Who knows. Why do you think?”

I slid the box of cash under the bed. Lee Seungjoon tilted his head.

“I got it. Heaven rewarded me for doing a good deed.”

“Did you win a prize or something?”

I shook my head.

“From the Supermarket event? We won tissues from that.”

“Then what’s this?”

“I just happened to get it. By the way, I wanted to ask you something.”


I looked at his face and asked.

“Do celebrities make a lot of money?”

Lee Seungjoon’s eyes blinked.

“Of course, right?”

“Do idols make a lot of money too?”

“Yeah, they do.”

“How much?”

Lee Seungjoon lay down on the bed and answered.

“You know the girl group iAngel, right?”

“Our company’s group? Of course, I know. Their picture is at the entrance.”

“They made 700 million won last year.”

That’s a lot.

“What about when they debuted?”

“I don’t remember well, but about 100 million?”

“I see.”

I started doing some ab exercises.

“But why are you asking that?”

“Hmm, it seems knowing the market value is important.”

Damn. I should have asked for over 100 million.

“I won’t make that mistake again.”

It was a lesson learned the hard way.

“Lee Seungjoon, do you know what the most certain way to make money is?”

“I don’t know. Earning a lot?”

“No. Eliminating ways for money to leave.”

Reducing expenses is the most certain way. But that’s just the little stuff.

“Above all, you mustn’t be fooled. Always manage your bank account yourself. Unless you’re gambling or making risky investments, always manage it yourself. Don’t give money to anyone. Not even family. There are many scammers pretending to be family.”

Like Yoo Hajin’s case and my experience of being fleeced as the eldest grandson.

“Got it.”

“You could end up in debt even if you didn’t spend any money. Remember, never sign anything carelessly, don’t hand over your bank account, and the same goes for your cards. Ignore anything about kindness. Being a sucker just gets you used and discarded.”

Sharing experiences is a good thing.

“Of course, help if you can. If someone is struggling, you should help. But don’t expect anything in return. Just give a little money outright. You won’t get it back.”

Lee Seungjoon nodded.

I kept working on my abs while talking. My muscles were really feeling it.

After a month of hard work, they were already in good shape. But I wasn’t doing this for show. It was for my vocals.

“Tomorrow is recording day, right?”

Kang Minjae is going to be something else.

I spoke to Lee Seungjoon, who was still lost in thought.

“Seungjoon, aren’t you going to do some vocal training?”

“I’m a rapper.”

“Even if it’s rap, make sure to practice. I don’t know much, but Minjae is no joke when it comes to recording.”

If that’s how he was just casually, I couldn’t imagine how meticulous he would be as a producer.

Seungjoon nodded and started practicing rap with his earphones in.

‘He’s a good listener.’

I continued my ab workout while fiddling with my smartphone in cheat mode.

‘Will this work?’

[Vocal Ability: Cha Dowon]

[Current level: B. Would you like to change it?]

[Change to A]

[Not possible in current physical condition.]

Ah, this again.

‘Just how much do I need to train my abs for this to change?’

I shook my head and practiced my vocal exercises. I didn’t know about dancing, but a promised hell awaited in vocal training with Kang Minjae.

‘I’m the one who needs to be ready.’

I had to prepare diligently before facing hell, but I couldn’t grasp the right feeling.


Vita’s Jiki stared intensely at the door. He wiped his sweaty hands nervously, pacing the hallway.

Soon, the person he was waiting for appeared. As soon as Director Joo came out, jiki followed him hastily.

“Uh, Director?”

Director Joo rubbed his eyes and glanced at the guardian.

“What is it?”

“Uh, um…”

“Don’t ask unnecessary things. Just stay out of trouble. You know the drunk driving issue isn’t resolved yet, right? Live quietly.”

“That was my mistake.”

“Why are you here? I’m busy.”

“Uh, what do you think about the new group’s song?”

Director Joo let out a deep sigh.

“Why are you asking that?”

“I’m curious. It’s Kang Minjae, after all.”

“Oh, I took special interest because it’s the Kang Minjae I adore?”

Why is she so sharp? Vita’s Jiki couldn’t meet her eyes.

“Minjae seems to be struggling, uncharacteristically.”

The guardian tried hard to suppress a smirk.

“Looks like he’s feeling some pressure. Oh, and it seems there’s some friction with Dowon too.”

“That’s expected with Minjae’s personality.”

“You talk as if your personality is great? Jiki! Take care of yourself first!”

Though offended, he got the information he wanted.

‘That arrogant jerk is doing his job well, huh!’

Kang Minjae probably had no idea.

One of his members was sabotaging him right under his nose.

Jiki planned to blow it up in front of him.

‘No matter how great Kang Minjae is, he’ll be shocked.’

For that, money wasn’t an issue.

Vita’s Jiki ran off, feeling like he was flying. Director Joo shook his head as she watched.

“Still, Minjae is Minjae, you idiot.”

Why ask such useless questions? It was really pathetic.

‘What if those kids cause trouble?’

One more mishap, and even she wouldn’t have the means to keep Vita going.

Besides, it had been five years since Vita was formed. The contract renewal period was approaching.

‘Well, it’d be nice if they survived…’

But she couldn’t shake the feeling that Minjae’s group ‘Zenis’ was going to make it big.

‘Business is business.’

And she was responsible for the company’s livelihood. Naturally, she leaned toward the profitable side.


[Vocal Ability: Cha Dowon]

[Current level: B. Would you like to change it?]

[Change to A]

[Not possible in current physical condition.]

I quietly glared at my smartphone. When would this really work?

‘Does training my body not help?’

I thought back to when the cheat had worked.

‘It required a different kind of experience.’

I let out a deep sigh.

‘But there’s no time.’

I looked around. All the members gathered outside the recording booth had a haggard look.

‘Seungjoon had personal matters and recorded separately.’

Except for the bear, everyone was in the practice room.

“Again! Open your throat more on the final note.”

The orders were relentless.

Yoo Hajin, the seemingly kind leader of Zenis, was sweating heavily as he recorded.

‘Well, I expected this.’

I recalled the parts I had to sing through my earphones. Just then, Ki Jaeyun tapped my arm.

I took out my earphones and asked,


“Isn’t Minjae hyung being too harsh?”

I blinked. Well, he was harsh, but was this guy an idiot?

“Is it okay to say that where he can hear? He’ll hear even if he’s over there.”

Jaeyoon’s face changed instantly.

‘There are so many idiots in the world.’

Kang Minjae was someone who paid a lot of attention to these things.

“Oh, right! Haha.”

I propped my chin and looked at Jaeyoon.

‘Come to think of it, Minjae and this guy are the only original Zenis members.’

Seungjoon, me, and Hajin hyung.

Before the regression, we weren’t Zenis.

‘At least this guy wasn’t one to leave Zenis without any reason.’

I wondered if he had been close to Minjae originally.

I quietly recalled the past. Was it when I was twenty? I handed a drink to Minjae and asked,

– Hyung, are you close with the members?

Minjae shook his head immediately.

– No. I don’t think I fit in with group activities. No one approaches unless there’s a benefit.

Back then, I didn’t have much to say, so I just let it pass.

‘But isn’t it normal for people to move based on benefits?’

It’s obvious. Where in the world is there a relationship that isn’t based on some give and take?

Even between parents and children, there’s some level of exchange.

Lost in thought, Jaeyoon spoke up.

“What are you thinking about?”

Why is he curious about this?

“Thinking about you.”

Jaeyoon flinched in surprise.

“It’s not in a good way, so don’t worry.”

“What? Oh, I see. Hey!”

“It’s really tricky, you know.”

“Is this your first time recording?”

I nodded.

“It must be quite nerve-wracking. It’s not easy. Are you going to cry today?”

Hmm, maybe.

“Did you cry at the beginning?”

Ki Jaeyun’s face lit up suddenly.

Oh, really?


“Don’t shout, it’ll disturb the recording.”

Ki Jaeyun whispered, looking around.

“Who said that?”

“Nothing, just asking.”

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1 month ago

Ki Jaeyun you’re really an idiot, but I guess you’re better than that guy JiKi haha 😅😆

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