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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 49- Making Money

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Translator’s note: DUI is Driving under influence.


The destination was surprisingly close. No, it was very close.

“Order with this.”

Vita’s Jiki handed me a card. I stood up with a naive smile.

‘Crazy bastard.’

The place we arrived at in a sports car was a café just ten minutes away.

‘Why drive when you can walk?’

Ah. Maybe it’s for showing off.

“Can I order something expensive?”

“Of course. I’ll have an espresso.”

I chuckled. It seemed he didn’t realize that franchise cafes have a limit to their prices. How does he view me?

I got up and walked to the counter.

“How can I help you?”

“One espresso, and what’s the most expensive drink you have?”

The barista’s pupils momentarily trembled.

“Uh, how about a frappuccino with all the extras?”

“Sure. I’ll have that. Put in everything you can.”

I handed over the card Vita’s Jiki had given me.

The barista hesitated but processed the payment.

Smiling broadly, I fiddled with the pen in my shirt pocket.

It was a recorder my aunt had given me.

‘I never thought I’d actually use this.’

I quietly turned the knob.

Soon, my name was called, and I returned with the coffee.

“What did you order?”

“Something tasty. It’s trending these days. Hold on a moment.”

I took a picture with my smartphone.

“I was told to start on social media. I was wondering what to post, but thank you, senior. Fan service is tough.”

Vita’s Jiki swallowed hard, looking at the massive whipped cream concoction I’d ordered.

“It looks more like ice cream than a drink.”

“It does look delicious.”


‘Is this his taste?’

But why did he order something bitter then?

As expected, he grimaced as he sipped the espresso.

‘Just showing off.’

He looked incredibly stupid.

“You, listen.”

“Yes, senior?”

Vita’s Jiki spoke solemnly.

“Become my hands and feet.”

What’s this now?

I politely asked for clarification.

“Senior? Could you explain?”

“Be my hands and feet. Harass Kang Minjae for me.”


But excuse me? Dear respected senior? Does harassing someone really require being your hands and feet?

“Consider it an honor.”

Ah, damn.

‘He’s serious, not joking.’

It was too pathetic. I quietly rubbed my face. This bastard, really.

‘He’s beyond childish, he’s insane.’

Why does someone like him exist in the world?

“Uh, senior. I’m on the same group as Kang Minjae.”

“I know. Make sure he fails miserably.”

“That would mean I fail too, right? Are you telling me to ruin our debut?”

Do you think I’m stupid?

“There will be rewards. I’ll take you to a club if you become my hands and feet.”

Crazy bastard.

“I’m only in the 9th grade.”

Isn’t it more appropriate for someone my age to frequent franchise burger joints rather than clubs?

“It’s fine. Just come in with me.”

This guy is hopeless. I need to do something about him.

“Don’t you want to hang out with sexy girls? There’s plenty of alcohol there too.”

I’m underage, you idiot.

“Well, nightlife isn’t bad, but…”

Of course, it was very bad.

“I prefer something more certain.”

His eyes trembled. I chuckled.

‘He didn’t get it.’

People without sense don’t last long. This guy wouldn’t last three minutes in the service industry.

“How much will you pay me?”

His eyes shook.

‘He must not have much cash?’

Does maintaining a foreign car cost that much?

“Uh, how much do you want?”

“I don’t know. I need money. You’re Vita’s Jiki, right? As someone so successful, you must have plenty of money, right?”

I quietly started attacking Vita’s Jiki. His eyes shook violently.

“If you don’t like it, forget it. We’re all trying to make money here, but the risk is too high, don’t you think?”

Damn. So let me go, idiot.

“I’ll get going. It’s close, so I can walk.”

I stood up, leaving the expensive drink untouched. Then, the esteemed Vita’s Jiki grabbed my sleeve.

“I’ll pay you!”



This guy is crazy.

“How much?”

“Uh, 500,000 won (around 361 USD)…”

Senior, are you kidding me?

“I’ll leave then.”

“Hey! Sit down. If you leave, I’ll get in trouble.”


‘What’s this now?’

He’s not doing this on his own?

‘A middleman?’

I barely suppressed my laughter. Who’s making him do such pointless things?

‘This changes things.’

I calmly sat back down.



“How much were you thinking?”

I remembered the electronics market in Yongsan, but I continued.

“50 Million won (around 36,000 USD).”


“I won’t do it for less, senior.”

I smiled brightly.

“Debut songs can be challenging. If it’s not this much, it’s not worth the risk.”

A normal person would negotiate here. But somehow, I felt this guy would be different.

“Okay, I’ll ask.”

As expected. You chose to ask. You don’t even have the authority to negotiate, do you? Vita’s Jiki.

“Who are you asking?”

“I can’t tell you that.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. This time, I stood up for real, taking the whipped cream-laden drink with me.

This time, he didn’t stop me from leaving. Humming, I walked out.

‘Is it because I’ve been good? Heaven’s giving me free money.’

Once out of sight, I laughed freely. The beginning of my celebrity journey was thrilling beyond words.

I handed over a USB drive with a recording on it. In the studio, Kang Minjae blinked stupidly.

“What is this?”

“A conversation I had with Vita’s Jiki today.”

Kang Minjae narrowed his eyes.

‘Looks like he has a hunch.’

He immediately played the recording. Our conversation flowed through the speakers.


Kang Minjae ran a hand over his face.

“Trying to ruin our debut?”

“I thought about refusing on the spot, but once I realized Jiki was the mid-boss of Vita, I couldn’t.”

I sat in the front seat and offered a drink covered in whipped cream.

“Besides, if they are going to target anyone, it’s better if it’s me.”

This is a noble sacrifice, kid.

“I figured it would be best if I handled it.”


“Hyung, I didn’t expect you to have so many enemies.”

“I know who’s behind Jiki.”

Wow. He already knows their identity.

“It’s Kiki from Vita.”

I couldn’t recall who that was.

Tilting my head, Kang Minjae searched for Vita on his phone and showed me.

“This person. Vita’s leader.”

“I see. I didn’t know because Vita has other popular members. Honestly, they aren’t that well-known. But this guy…”

I rested my chin on my hand and laughed.

“Why is he acting like this?”

“I once gave him a song, but Kiki didn’t do well with it. I ended up giving the part to another member, and that’s probably when he noticed.”

Is being a producer a job that makes enemies?

“Oh, it’s because you’re talented, then.”

“No, it’s not that… or maybe it is?”

What is he saying?

“Anyway, they’re offering money. Hyung.”

“This is driving me crazy. I’m going to tell Director Joo right away.”

“No, hyung. Judging by the atmosphere, if this plan falls through, they’ll come up with another.”

It might be sloppy now, but they could tighten things up later.

“So what should we do?”

Exactly. What’s the best way to resolve this?

I fidgeted with the smartphone in my pocket.

‘How can I use this efficiently?’

I didn’t come up with anything, so I flicked the table slightly.

When I looked up, Kang Minjae was avoiding my gaze.


‘Was he always this sensitive?’

That’s surprising.

“Sorry, Dowon.”

“For what?”

“For causing this mess.”

I smirked.

“You’re not as shameless as I thought, Minjae hyung.”

I thought he wouldn’t be bothered by this kind of thing.

“It’s not your fault, anyway. If someone else dealt with this, it would be a headache. I’m handling it, so don’t worry.”

Kang Minjae’s eyes shook again.

“What do you think will happen with this?”

“The company can’t give up on Vita.”


“They’re currently our biggest money-maker.”

“Really? I thought it was YUMI.”

“Female solo artists and male groups are different. If you ask Director Joo, ‘Is it YUMI or Vita?’, she’ll choose Vita.”

“That’s cold.”

“But if we debut and become successful, it’s a different story.”

Kang Minjae let out a small sigh.

“It’s a dilemma. What should we do?”

“This will all be over once we become successful. These types are weak against strong people.”

So, that’s the conclusion.

“Don’t tell Director Joo. Let’s just buy some time by letting Vita misunderstand the situation.”

If we do that, the money will come rolling in.

‘This could be quite lucrative.’

Kang Minjae stared intently at the whipped cream-covered drink I had handed him.

“Will that really be okay?”

“Hyung, 10 million won is not a small amount. And we’re talking about 50 million won here.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

How should I handle the taxes on this? Does this count as a gift? Should I ask my aunt?

‘Oh, I just need to get it in cash.’

To avoid taxes. Is that why apple boxes are famous?

‘I didn’t know that.’

I was smiling, and Kang Minjae sighed.

“What about the song? They don’t expect us to release a bad one, do they?”

“Just act like you’re struggling, like you’re stuck. Show them some weird songs.”


“Aren’t you curious? Would they really bring such a large sum for this?”

50 million might be nothing to the wealthy, but neither Jiki nor Kiki from Vita seemed that rich.

They might earn well, but…

‘I bet their entertainment expenses aren’t cheap.’

An entertainer managing their image while partying—what a great job.

“Don’t you want to mess with them?”

“You’re a devil. But how long do we keep this up?”

“Until the song comes out. If the new song does well, we’ll inevitably get caught.”

“They’ll be angry when that happens.”

“Because of your genius skills, we couldn’t help but succeed. Say that. Whatever.”

It would be foolish to believe, but if I say it, what can they do?

“Seriously, this is driving me crazy.”

Kang Minjae rubbed his face again.

“Hyung. Why are you like this? You want to mess with them too.”

The Kang Minjae I knew would feel that way.

He looked at me through his fingers.

“Isn’t that right?”

He lowered his hands.

“Yeah, it is.”

“Then let’s make them lose 50 million won.”

“Dowon, it’s true that celebrities make a lot of money, but Vita’s cash flow is a bit tight right now.”

“Because their comeback got delayed due to the DUI?”

“Yeah, and their concert got canceled.”

“Why should I care?”

Kang Minjae’s eyes trembled.

“Why should I care about their situation? They’re the ones pulling this crap in the first place.”

Vita is hitting us, and we have to be considerate?

“Are you really going to take the money?”

“If they give it. It’s free money. 50 million can save or end a life. Why refuse?”

“Ah, seriously!”

Kang Minjae hung his head low.

‘Ah, why the act?’

You’re not that kind of person, Kang Minjae.

“I didn’t even provoke them. Jiki is the one who tried to drag me into this den of iniquity.”

Trying to lead a minor into such a mess. Great job.

“Evil has its price.”

Daring, it’s about keeping your guard up.

“But still, it’s about money. I thought earlier that playing along with the devil seems like a good idea?”

In an instant, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s not even a trick. It’s really nothing. The opponent is just stupid. Like a devil. These days, devils seem better than angels in the world.”

But to hear these words from Kang Minjae.

Kang Minjae stared at me for a while. Then he whispered quietly.

“Fine. Let’s act.”

And do it quickly.

“Good choice. Sir.”

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1 month ago

Dowon was the one talking throughout about the devil stuff right? LOLL I’m learning more and more about him 😭

1 month ago

Yeah the devil’s right, I mean Dowon who can’t say no to a free money 😂🤣

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