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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 47- To debut, it’ll cost money

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I sighed deeply and patted Lee Seungjoon on the back.

“Should we make the tteokbokki spicy, salty, or sweet?”

“I don’t really like it too spicy.”

“Got it.”

“But add some cheese.”

Just then, Kang Minjae spoke from behind.

“Is Dowon making tteokbokki today?”


“For just the two of you?”

Damn. How unlucky.

“Minjae hyung, do you want some too? Oh, Hajin hyung, is tteokbokki okay for you today?”

Yoo Hajin smiled awkwardly and nodded.

‘Well, he doesn’t have anyone to talk to either.’

He probably lost touch with his family. Though, with Yoo Hajin’s personality, I bet he has a lot of friends.

Kang Minjae put his arm around my shoulder and said,

“I like it spicy, but don’t make it too spicy.”

“Why not?”

“It’ll irritate my throat. I’ll be using my voice soon, so I need to be careful.”

I didn’t know that.

I nodded and went outside.

‘These guys eat a lot, so I should make plenty.’

The cost of ingredients might get pretty high.

I shook my head. Somehow, I felt like I was losing money in this deal.


Director Joo quietly watched the screen.

The raw personalities of the members were all captured in the footage shot to edit “The Birth of Zenis.”

The president quietly handed Director Joo an iced Americano. Director Joo drank it in big gulps, as if it were a familiar routine, and said,

“It’s quite raw.”

“They don’t know how to act in front of the camera yet.”

“Is Minjae really that petty? I didn’t know.”

“He only acts like that when Dowon is around. You know Minjae’s personality. It’s pretty cold.”

Director Joo fast-forwarded through the video. When it came to the part where they were choosing the leader, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“I thought Minjae would be the leader.”

“Minjae is very ambitious.”

“But Cha Dowon’s right. You can’t have everything!”

“That’s true. But Dowon is getting more interesting.”

The leader was quickly decided to be Yoo Hajin. Director Joo shook her head as she watched the tall, likable Yoo Hajin.

“Hajin is fine.”

“He takes good care of everyone. But without a title, he tends to hold back.”

“Dowon has a good eye for people.”

“You know, sister-in-law,” said the president, blinking his button-like eyes.

“Did you know Dowon is the youngest?”


“But if you look closely,” Director Joo folded his arms, “our ambitious Cha Dowon seems like the leader?”

“You noticed too?”

“Yes, quite clearly. It’s funny that the youngest seems like the leader.”

The one commanding the biggest tasks was actually the smallest one.

“Minjae needs to let go a bit.”

“True. But I thought Minjae would be upset, yet he surprisingly accepted it quickly?”

“Is that Dowon’s influence too?”

They both looked at the screen simultaneously.

The boy in the monitor was indeed fascinating.

“He seems like a mature man.”

“It’s strange.”

“Hey, brother-in-law. This has a great vibe. This is going to be a hit.”

The balance was perfect. They would assign characters, but even without that, it was already quite interesting.

“When the kids are together, it’s usually funny, but you need someone to drive the action.”

“There are plenty who can be the target.”

“Let’s go with Dowon picking on Minjae. It seems like it’ll work.”

They nodded at the same time.

“We need to plan.”

“We need to include something that will hit.”

“Vita was a bust, so we have plenty of manpower.”

“Damn those Vita guys.”

Director Joo shook his head. Fortunately, they stopped at just writing the songs.

If they had gone as far as shooting the jacket, the losses would have been immense.

“Thank goodness Dowon did the commercial.”

“The response is good. He might have done better than Vita’s lead, even though it was for free.”

The president patted his belly and said,

“Never make him do free things again.”

“Of course.”

The boy on the screen turned his head indifferently. The president grinned and said,

“Sister-in-law, let’s plan this out. Even if it takes all night.”

Director Joo nodded. Her heart strangely raced. She didn’t know what the outcome would be, but it felt like the universe was on their side.

‘Not bad.’

Her sharp intuition told her. This was definitely going to be a hit.


Kang Minjae said,

“Planning an idol group takes money.”

I rested my chin on my hand and nodded. But who here wouldn’t know that?

“Everything is money. Raising trainees, making songs, mixing effects, jackets, costumes, music videos, stages. All of it.”

Yoo Hajin spoke up from behind while doing the dishes.

“How much do you think it costs?”

“Check the accounts later. But if everything is money, what do you think the planner is thinking?”

This time, I answered.

“They’ll try not to take a loss.”


Kang Minjae sipped his espresso.

“This means that if there’s no performance, they’ll take us everywhere they can.”

“Provincial events?”

“If you don’t want to travel all over the country like crazy, you have to get it right from the start.”

It sounded like even the great Kang Minjae didn’t want to struggle.

Yoo Hajin added,

“The worst is when they don’t even call you.”

Oh no.

“You might end up being sold along with seniors.”

Oh, that’s too miserable.

Then Lee Seungjoon spoke up.

“But we can’t spend less on planning, can we?”

“Right. If it looks too cheap, the public won’t see the ‘idol’ value. Idols are supposed to be idols. Where’s the shabby idol?”

Yoo Hajin, wiping a dish, turned around.

“But aren’t there some shabby idols who are really popular?”

“Hajin, being relatable and being shabby are different. Seungjoon, what’s the most important thing for an idol?”

Bear-like Seungjoon said,

“Well, sincerity? Skill?”

“Those are good to have, but they’re not everything. What’s the most important thing?”

Yoo Hajin finished the dishes and sat at the table.

I quietly waited for Seungjoon’s answer.

“I don’t know.”

“At least you’re honest.”

“So, Dowon, what do you think?”

I said, resting my chin on the empty table.

“It’s to be good.”

That’s what idols are supposed to do.

“You can personally like an unsuccessful celebrity, but idols are different. If they’re popular, they’re popular because they’re popular.”

Kang Minjae smirked. It was not a pleasant sight and made me feel slightly nauseous.

“Talent or diligence, it all lays the foundation for popularity. Even if a group isn’t popular now, fans will support them, hoping they’ll gain popularity someday.”

“You never cease to amaze me, Dowon.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet, Minjae hyung.”

I smiled brightly.

“I still have a lot more to show.”

“Really interesting. So, Dowon, how can we become more popular?”

This was an easy question.

“First of all, we need more exposure.”

“Correct. Fans and haters alike need to see us first. Every journey begins with a single step, so everyone, create new SNS accounts starting today. Use a completely different email address than before.”

Did you really make that whole speech just to say that? And after eating the tteokbokki I made for you. Yoo Hajin stretched his shoulders and said.

“It seems like you’re having a meeting without Ki Jaeyun. I’ll pass the message.”

“Oh, sorry. Please do, Hajin.”

Yoo Hajin smiled kindly.

“Well, I’m the leader, so I should handle the annoying tasks.”

It was so typical of Yoo Hajin not to argue why he had to do this because he was the leader.

‘I chose the right person.’

It’s funny, but what Zenis needed was consideration. Someone had to be accommodating.

Kang Minjae stood up and said.

“Dowon, come see me for a moment. It won’t take long.”

Damn it. What now?

‘It’s already hard to be with him, and now we have to be alone?’

I sighed deeply and got up.

‘He wouldn’t ask to see me for no reason, given how busy he is.’

Kang Minjae smiled faintly in front of me. I frowned and followed him.


“Dowon, I know you.”

I was startled for a moment.

‘What does he know?’

That I use cheats? That I returned from the past?

There were too many possibilities to choose from. Kang Minjae whispered softly, sitting in a chair.

“You have a good sense.”

Ah, damn it. So he did know something.

“Yes, I do.”

“Your mother was a remarkable person.”

I nodded. Wasn’t she the most famous person in Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do?

“I still remember it vividly. Both ruling and opposition parties would line up in the public housing corridor to see her.”

Her popularity exploded during election times.

“You used to sing and dance in front of her, thanking her for bringing you. Than bragging it to all the children in the neighborhood.”

“I don’t remember that.”

“You said the pocket money was nice and bought snacks.”

“Forget about that.”

“How could I? You shared those snacks like a mountain.”

Looking back, why did I share those precious snacks with someone like you?

“Anyway, Dowon, I desperately need your sense right now.”

I tilted my head.

“You know sense is just sense, right?”

“I know.”

“But still?”


“It sounds like you’re desperate for success.”

Kang Minjae grabbed my arm tightly.

“I’m desperate. Dowon, we need to rise quickly.”

Not just me, but us?

‘Does this guy get anxious too?’


Kang Minjae handed me a headset.

“There are five songs. I wrote them all with the intention of making them titles.”

“You’ve really put in the effort, hyung.”

“I need to discuss it with Director Joo, but she’ll prioritize my opinion.”

This guy is disgustingly talented and recognized by others.

“I did all the demo myself. Let’s play it.”

I nodded. Soon, the first song started. Bright and cheerful tones filled the air.

-I want to swim to you.

I knew this song. I immediately took off the headset.

“Hyung, this one is a no-go!”

Kang Minjae tilted his head.

“I thought this was a good title track?”

“Hyung, this is a definite no-go. We’re debuting in the summer, right?”

“Yes, it’s a song that fits summer.”

Right. Zenis released this song but had to change it immediately, and their debut was not impressive.

“A typhoon is coming.”

Kang Minjae’s eyes wavered.

“Typhoons are common in our country now. And lyrics like ‘I want to swim to you’?”

He nodded immediately.

“That’s not going to work.”

“Don’t make it the title track. We’ll flop.”

“That was close.”

“And does a bright and refreshing image suit us?”

Kang Minjae rested his chin and fell into thought.

“Usually, debut songs are bright.”

“That’s the method from five years ago.”

Vita debuted like that.

“The world has changed, and the public’s desires have shifted. The old ways won’t work. Isn’t it better to highlight our strengths?”

“What are our strengths?”

Why ask something so obvious? Does he really not know?

“Our faces.”

Kang Minjae’s eyes wavered again.

“Honestly, except for Ki Jaeyun, we’re all handsome.”

“That’s true, but…”

“We have good bodies too. Except for Ki Jaeyun.”

Everyone had good proportions. Even Lee Seungjoon had broad shoulders and a small face. Yoo Hajin was also very handsome.

“Jaeyun does have a slightly bigger face.”

“I know you want to succeed on talent.”

I scanned Kang Minjae’s nauseatingly good-looking face.

“Right now, our best bet is to bank on our looks.”

He sighed softly with his annoyingly neat face.

“Got it.”

“Go with the looks. Next song.”

The second song started. I knew this one too. After the first song failed due to weather, they released this one.

‘Not bad.’

It felt bland but was safe.

“This one feels a bit dull.”

Kang Minjae’s expression hardened.


“If it’s the debut song, it makes sense to go for something powerful. Of course, that’s just my opinion; hyung, who’s a professional, would know better. Please play the next song.”

Another song started playing right away. I listened with wide eyes.

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1 month ago

Wow he really is blunt lol

1 month ago

Poor Ki Jaeyun🤭🤣😂😅

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