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10 rules of a Secretary chapter 41

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“……As I’ve mentioned before, my preference lies strictly with the opposite sex, the XX chromosome, not men. And especially not Alphas.”

“Then there’s nothing for you to worry about, is there? It’s not like it matters who I do things for.”

“You’ve never dealt with ordinary people before. You usually associate with prominent figures in the financial and political worlds. It’s the first time you’re involved with someone as ordinary as that model.”

Out of sight, I clenched my fist and swallowed hard. The midday sunlight falling behind him was unusually bright.

A faint breath tickled my ear.

“This is interesting.”

CEO Han Doha said as he snatched the pillow from my embrace and tucked it under his arm.

“Because they’re pretty.”

“…What do you mean, pretty?”

“You know I like pretty things, Secretary Seonyul. You’re well aware.”

Of course I was. All of his past twenty-two lovers, and the women he dated before them, were nothing short of stunning.

Even the flowers decorating his office had to be perfectly arranged and beautiful.

Five years ago, a clueless rookie rearranged the carefully crafted floral arrangement by a florist and ended up getting slapped across the face with the flowers.

The incident was famous.

I nearly went crazy trying to console the rookie, who was on the verge of quitting in tears.

Back then, securing the position of CEO Han’s secretary was difficult, so I couldn’t let the rookie walk away.

Fortunately, things have improved somewhat these days, but only because I’ve learned to anticipate and prevent his outbursts.

That’s not to say he’s mellowed. It was clear enough when he hit Executive CEO Han, whom I personally found handsome.

The reason was simple—CEO Han thought he was ugly.

He only wanted to see beautiful, harmonious things. If something displeased his eye, he’d overturn everything on the spot.

In that sense, it suited CEO Han perfectly. From design to interior, everything had to align with his aesthetic sensibilities before he would approve it.

“He’s really that pretty.”


“We’ll outfit him with all the clothes and jewelry here. Secretary Seonyul, order a watch. Hmm… Patek Philippe would be good. Add the Grand and Petite Sonnerie complications, and the Moonphase. The body should be white gold PT950. Oh, and you choose the strap, Secretary Seonyul.”

A custom-made watch?

This is absurd, even by his standards. CEO Han tossed the pillow onto a nearby sofa and handed me a black card.

Seriously? He’s even using his personal funds?

“Don’t go through that woman who claims to be the manager or whatever. Give it directly to the model. Who knows what she might try to skim off the top.”

“…I don’t think she’s that kind of person.”

“Since when did you start trusting people so easily? Pay with my card. It’s not the company’s budget, so don’t charge it to the office.”

After working as his secretary for eight years, the best offer I got was a car, but for a model he met just yesterday, he was showering them with clothes and jewelry.

I clenched my teeth in frustration. How was I supposed to interpret this?

What made them so different from me?

He could have given that money to me instead. But, honestly, even if he had offered, I wouldn’t have accepted it.

Nothing in this world comes for free. I earned my money by working hard, and any additional pay was a result of my efforts.

In other words, the clothes and jewelry filling this VIP room were not the fruits of my labor.

CEO Han’s actions in preparing all these things were beyond my comprehension.

If he showered every lover with such gifts, I might have understood, but what he was doing now couldn’t be considered ‘normal.’

How was I supposed to interpret this?

Was it the difference between his former lovers and his current sex partner?

In truth, CEO Han never kept sex partners around. He only ever categorized people as either lovers or not, and he kept it strictly that way.


As I took a deep breath, I watched him laugh like a deflated balloon and spoke.

“Is this payment for services rendered?”

CEO Han’s face instantly hardened.

Giving this amount of money to a sex partner couldn’t be considered anything other than payment for services, no matter how generously one looked at it.

Moreover, I hadn’t even slept with him the previous night.

I hadn’t done anything that would warrant an emotional attachment, and in fact, I should have been paying him.

After all, I avoided getting raped by other Alphas thanks to him, so the payment should have been my responsibility, not his.

Standing there, looking like someone who had just been slapped, CEO Han slowly covered his face with one hand and rested his other hand on his waist.

The sigh he let out was heavy with irritation.

“Why would you think that?”

“In the past eight years, there have been five female Omega, fifteen female Beta, and twenty-two male Beta lovers by your side. Not once did you personally give them gifts. Most of them left with parting gifts like cars, apartments, houses, or occasionally a villa somewhere overseas. Sometimes, they wanted a commercial gig. And while some didn’t take anything, it was never because you gave them something; it was always what they requested.”

Out of all those lovers, twenty of them had thrown a teacup at me.

Not one or two—twenty.

In other words, I’d had cold or hot tea poured over me twenty times.

Each time they broke up, they all said the same thing to me.

‘A crazy eunuch who only works in hotel rooms.’

When the angry lovers stormed out of the hotel, CEO Han would call me to act as his driver.

Three months ago, he woke me up at midnight and used me as a shuttle bus. Atleast I was at peace in knowing the fact that at least it wasn’t one of those ex-boyfriends overwhelmed with emotions at 2 a.m.

In the end, I drove him home. To describe how I felt at the time would be simple.

‘A shameless man who makes you drive after a one-night stand at midnight.’

Of course, whether or not CEO Han slept with someone was none of my business. It wouldn’t matter to me if he suddenly fell for a Beta man and decided to ring wedding bells.

A handsome jerk, a pretty waste of space—that’s how I would describe CEO Han.

At least, that’s how I saw him until about thirty minutes ago.

My stomach churned. My neck felt stiff, and I took a deep breath.

The sight of the man talking about watches amidst the sparkling jewelry and luxury items surrounding him made me feel sick.

I felt like crying, and I wanted to scream in anger.

Taking shallow breaths, I pressed the edge of the black card CEO Han handed me tightly between my fingers and continued.

“That’s why I must point out that what you’re doing for this model is different from your usual behavior. I’m your secretary. I need to manage your schedule, your relationships, and even your scandals. You need to inform me of things before they happen so I can deal with them later. It might seem presumptuous, but this is my job.”

The more I spoke, the paler his face became. He took a step back, lowered his head, and covered his face with both hands.

“If this is payment for services rendered, then I’ll make sure everything is handled properly so there won’t be any problems.”

“…Secretary Seonyul.”


CEO Han took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and lifted his head. His shirt, which had been taut, slowly relaxed, but the emotions etched on his face remained tense. In short, he was pissed off.

“You said if you want to win someone over, you should go all out.”

This crazy bastard. That advice was for normal human relationships, not for showering a sex partner with money. CEO Han appeared to be perfectly fine, but sometimes he acted like an absolute idiot.

He’s two years younger than me, but sometimes it felt like he was ten years younger. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of frustration.

“Or should I really grasp your weakness and shake you? Should I make you lie down under my feet and act like a dog?”


“Doing that doesn’t gain you a person; it just gets you a well-behaved dog. Or, it’s like having a watchdog that might one day bite my throat.”


“Or should I thank you for letting me know just how much Secretary Seonyul sees me as trash?”

It was a question, but at the same time, it wasn’t. His face, speaking so indifferently, showed no discernible emotion.

I opened and closed my mouth several times, eventually bowing my head and apologizing.

“I overstepped. I’m sorry, CEO.”

“Calculate and come out. Return to the company first. I have somewhere to stop by.”

“But the TF team in the afternoon—”


The name he had rarely used until now came out at that moment.

The CEO passed me by, unlocked the door, and, gripping the handle and turning the knob halfway, looked back at me.

“That’s my concern. Not yours.”

He finished with his own words, closing the door with a slam that made his shoulders flinch.

I was left alone, clutching the card in my hand tightly. The blunt edge of the card dug painfully into my palm.

“Why is he suddenly doing this…?”

I was suddenly filled with a frustrating feeling I couldn’t quite understand.

Back at the company alone, I threw myself into work to calm my heavy, sinking heart.

I tackled tasks that had been passed on to other secretaries and began working on the report I hadn’t finished last Friday.

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23 days ago

It’s really frustrating

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12 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter

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