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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

STC chapter 11

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“Baram hyung is going to have lunch with me now!”

“It’s only 2 PM, what kind of lunch are you talking about? At least try to lie convincingly. I don’t even feel like pretending to believe you.”

“Uh, uh….”

As he said, Chae Goya was terrible at lying. As Ye Ilhu teased him, Chae Goya’s face turned beet red. Ye Ilhu burst into laughter.

“Let go, you guys. Get lost, all of you!”

Fortunately, 10 minutes had passed, so I could use my SS-rank super strength again.

The way to use this super strength was to temporarily draw out the muscle power.

Therefore, using it continuously posed a high risk of muscle rupture as the muscles couldn’t withstand the strain.

But now, I just needed to shake these guys off, not fight monsters.

I lightly swung my arms through the air. Finally, Ye Ilhu and Chae Goya, who were clinging to me, were thrown off.

Ha, I can finally breathe.

What is all this? Suddenly, I’ve been swamped with male attention.


I stomped my feet and pushed through the crowd that was staring solely at me. Like Moses parting the Red Sea, people slid to the sides.

But Ye Ilhu, who I thought had given up, persistently followed me.

“Where are you going? We’re not done talking.”

At least he seemed to have learned something from my earlier outburst since he didn’t rudely grab me like before.

Good to know he has some learning ability.

Should I be grateful for this?

But he was also incredibly stubborn.

With two years of experience as a kindergarten assistant, I could tell that ignoring a persistent five-year-old only makes them more tenacious.

It’s easier to find a compromise.

Reaching a conclusion, I stopped walking and quickly turned around.

Ye Ilhu and Chae Goya, who were following, also stopped abruptly.

I opened my mouth with a half-resigned heart.

“Hoo… Alright, Ye Ilhu.”

“Are we going to do it again?”

Can you please add the word “spar” in front…?

I was already unsettled by the ridiculous things I heard from other hunters earlier.

“Yes, but like I said, I can’t use abilities continuously like you. I can only cover my normal body with strength for three minutes.”


“So, to sum it up, sparring continuously is too much for me. I can only do it once a day. Ah, of course, I’ll rest on weekends.”

As a D-rank, I spent more time in the dormitory than out on missions.

I had plenty of free time and usually spent it in the training room anyway.

Just three minutes a day. It wasn’t a bad investment.

An SS-rank hunter begging me like this wasn’t common, and I could take advantage of this.

I continued calmly.

“But what will you do for me?”

Ye Ilhu’s face, which had been slowly brightening, turned sour again.

He raised an eyebrow and asked back.


“If I give something, I should get something in return. What will you do for me?”

I’m not a volunteer. Even if it’s just three minutes a day, it’s still valuable time.

Realizing my calculation, Ye Ilhu looked troubled.

He was fervently thinking if he had something worth three minutes. I, too, waited quietly since I had nothing to ask for first.

He bit his lower lip slightly and muttered softly.

“Ah, I really don’t do these kinds of deals anymore…”

A deal? Anymore? Did he use to do things for others?

“Keep it.”


“Like a blank check.”


“Ask me when you want something.”

I didn’t like his arrogance as if he could grant anything. But I had nothing to desire right now, so I had nothing to say.

Well, if he can really do anything, it’s beneficial for me.

I suddenly extended my hand to Ye Ilhu. Understanding the signal, he grinned and shook my hand. For once, we shook hands in a peaceful atmosphere.


“Then come down by seven tomorrow.”

“Wait, are we sparring before dinner?”

If sparring time coincided with dinner time… it felt awkward as if we might have to eat together.

But Ye Ilhu raised an eyebrow as if wondering what I was talking about and asked back.

“Dinner? I meant breakfast.”

“What? Hold on.”

“I’m busy with gate calls in the morning and afternoon.”

Hearing Ye Ilhu’s answer, I wanted to punch myself in the mouth.

My usual wake-up time was seven. Asking me to come to the training room by seven meant I had to wake up earlier than usual.

Until now, I had treated Ye Ilhu like a five-year-old kid, but now it was embarrassing to refuse because I didn’t like it.

Especially since it was due to work… As a fellow hunter, I couldn’t just say no.

With a sigh, I nodded.

“Alright, let’s do that.”

I’ll just adjust my daily routine. It’s not like I had much to do in the dormitory anyway.

When I readily agreed, Ye Ilhu’s expression turned subtle. What’s with this reaction? I was feeling uneasy when suddenly a small, translucent system window popped up above his head.

[Ye Ilhu/SS-rank Hunter (Elemental Attack)

♥ Affection ♥ : 3/??

System://Congratulations! Ye Ilhu has taken a liking to you! Work harder to win Ye Ilhu’s heart >.

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1 month ago

Yeii, Ye Ilhu first.

1 month ago

That sounds ominous

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not work with dark mode