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Due to Moon festival, some novels will not have any updates of new chapters between Sept. 17-19, 2024!

ETHTKE chapter 14

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“…That’s what happened.”

After bringing Ken to Baek Yigang’s office, I left him outside the door and explained the situation alone.


“And… Ken is waiting outside. Maybe you could hear him out just this once…”

As expected, Baek Yigang’s reaction was cold, almost icy. The chill in the air made it feel like winter was just around the corner.

Of course, I never thought he’d be happy about it.

But I didn’t expect him to be this harsh. After all, Ken was forced to act under threat to his family, and I thought they had some history together…

“If you really think that the commander of the imperial guard could change just because he took a few hits, I’m afraid you’re sorely mistaken.”

His words were as cold as the look in his eyes, which he kept away from the door, clearly uninterested in the situation.

“He’s really changed, I’m telling you. Just meet with him once. Who knows? He might have important information.”

This was my last attempt. If he rejected it… Ken, you should just avoid Baek Yigang forever and live quietly from now on.

But this time, Baek Yigang’s expression was different. After thinking for a moment, he narrowed his eyes and looked at me directly.

“Let me ask you something. Is this your request?”

“Huh? Uh… well, sort of… I am curious about what Ken has to say.”

His sudden question caught me off guard, and I nodded without thinking. A faint smile appeared on Baek Yigang’s lips.

…Why is he smiling like that? There was nothing funny about our conversation just now…

“If I grant your request, what will you do for me?”

Ah, this damn Baek Yigang. Here we go again! Does his cunning nature never change? Trying to squeeze something out of me even in this situation… I’m so stunned that I can’t even laugh…

“Are you seriously going to be this petty?!”

“If you don’t like it, forget it.”

Frustrated, I hurriedly protested, but Baek Yigang turned his head away as if he couldn’t care less.

The sound of his pen scratching across the papers echoed like Ken’s anxious gaze waiting for me outside.

Do I really have to go this far…? But Ken probably knows a lot of useful information from his time with the second prince…

“…Fine, what do you want?”

The words slipped out quietly, almost like a mumble, as if I was talking to myself.

If Baek Yigang hadn’t heard me, I would’ve just let it go… But the pen that had been moving nonstop suddenly halted.

“Are you saying you’ll do anything?”

He asked subtly, showing interest, but his crescent-shaped eyes were incredibly menacing. The purple glow in his eyes, shining like the moon, was so piercing it was almost unbearable.

He’s already got me wrapped up in a ridiculous contract, so what more does he want to take from me?

Seriously, what am I supposed to do with this evil mastermind?

“Do you think I’m some kind of fairy who’ll grant your every wish?”

“I thought so.”

“Ugh, are you really going to act like this? After forcing me into an unfair contract, how am I supposed to trust you—”

“Hmm, I have another appointment, so I’ll be going now.”

Baek Yigang cut me off mid-sentence and immediately acted as if I weren’t even there. Not only that, he began tidying up the documents on his desk, getting ready to leave.

Sigh, fine. Even if I grant a few more wishes now, there’s nothing more to lose.

I can already see the tattered ending looming ahead.

“Alright, alright. I’ll do whatever you want!”

Hearing my faint, defeated words, Baek Yigang’s lips curled into a twisted smile. Ugh, I hate him so much.

Ken Verde, given how things have turned out, I’m going to make you pay dearly for this injustice!

“Philip, bring Ken in.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Oh, right, Philip was here too…?

For some reason, all of Baek Yigang’s people had an odd lack of presence.

Or rather, they were exceptionally good at hiding. Anna, the maid, and Asel, the shadow, were all incredibly skilled at concealing themselves.

Philip Asnel was the son of the nanny who raised Baek Yigang and had watched over him closely since childhood.

If the opportunity arises, it might be a good idea to subtly ask Philip about the things I’m curious about regarding Baek Yigang.

Anyway, after suddenly realizing Philip was there, I cleared my throat and adjusted my clothes.

Following his orders, Philip opened the firmly shut door of the office.

Ken, who had received permission to enter, approached us with a somewhat stiff expression.

“Your Highness… I’m deeply moved to see you again.”

“Keep it brief.”

At Baek Yigang’s cold words, Ken slowly knelt down. Then he drew his sword, cutting his palm, and raised it high toward Baek Yigang.

Scarlet blood trickled down the silver blade, dripping from the tip.

“If I dare speak lies from this moment on, I’ll gladly give my life.”

Ken’s firm blood oath filled the spacious office with an oppressive atmosphere.

After a moment of heavy silence, Baek Yigang’s sharp gaze slowly softened.

With a faint smile, he finally spoke.

“More importantly, my fairy should find your story interesting.”

What, what is this? Why is he saying that while looking at me? …Wait a minute. Did he just call me a ‘fairy’? He’s insane.

“No, I—”

“If Cheong Dowoon finds your story interesting, you’ll be spared.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Hey, wait a second.

Why am I being dragged into such an important moment? And Ken, how could you take that nonsense so seriously?

“Baek Yigang, stop joking around.”

“I’m not joking.”

Ignoring my protest, Baek Yigang simply nodded at the sword Ken had raised, accepting Ken’s oath.



You want to start now? Are you serious?

As I gasped in disbelief, Baek Yigang quietly poked my side, telling me to be silent.

His smoothly raised lips made him look gentle and kind. But in reality, he was a madman who was deciding Ken’s fate based on whether or not I was entertained…

“The Second Prince knows about you, Cheong Dowoon. By now, he’s likely ordered his crow, which he commands like a limb, to keep an eye on you.”

“…A crow?”

I had a vague idea that this would be about the Second Prince. So neither Baek Yigang nor I were surprised when he was mentioned.

However, the sudden mention of a bird made Baek Yigang’s brow furrow slightly.

“Yes, it’s a black-feathered bird that the Second Prince has trained as a messenger. I haven’t seen it up close often, but it had an unsettling aura, different from other birds. It also seemed to understand human speech.”

Hmm, a ‘crow,’ huh… Fortunately or unfortunately, I knew the truth. It wasn’t a crow that the Second Prince was controlling.

To most people, it would appear to be just a well-trained crow, but in reality, it was a different species, known as a ‘demonic beast.’

Specifically, it was a monster summoned from the demon realm, using the Second Prince’s blood as a medium.

Should I tell him this?

Telling him won’t help Baek Yigang become emperor…

And if I interfere with the original story, the plot might go awry.

“There are no crows that understand human speech. So, it’s not a crow.”

After a brief thought, Baek Yigang quickly reached a conclusion. Though he spoke vaguely, it seemed he had somewhat figured out the identity of the ‘crow.’

Well… if he already knows, there’s no point in hiding it.

“Ken, it’s not a crow.”

“Huh? But when I saw it before, it was definitely…”

At my firm tone, Ken’s eyes widened in surprise.

I wanted to explain, but… should I even tell Ken about this?

More importantly, Ken is an ordinary person, so he wouldn’t believe in the demon realm’s existence. But I can’t explain the demonic beast without mentioning its origin in the demon realm.

On the other hand, if I explain it carelessly, Baek Yigang might be accused of heresy, and that wouldn’t be good for either of us.

Feeling conflicted, I glanced at Baek Yigang, who blinked slowly, as if telling me to do as I pleased.

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27 days ago

Never say “I’ll do anything” bro

19 days ago

He fell in a trap

17 days ago

Hmm I wonder how screwed over the plot is of the original story just by the mere presence of our dear mc

4 days ago

The novel is beautiful and fun

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