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ETHTKE chapter 6

* * *

“Oh my, that’s His Highness’s…”

“Why does that guy have it…?”

Ken Verdo, being the captain of the knights, spent most of his time at the training grounds, except when on guard duty for the crown prince.

As I approached the training grounds, I heard the knights gasp and murmur in surprise when they saw the Full Moon in my hand, their eyes wide like startled rabbits.

“Hello! Is there a traitor named Ken Verdo here?”

Upon reaching the training grounds, I looked at the knights and greeted them loudly.

Finding him was no easy task with his plain brown hair and brown eyes, blending in like a supporting character.

“You insolent fool! How dare you—”

I figured causing a bit of a scene would lure him out, and sure enough, an enraged Ken appeared before me in no time.

He was a simple man, reacting exactly as expected.

Maybe I should take back what I said about him being sharp earlier…

But only for a moment. When Ken saw Full Moon in my hand, his face, which had been filled with anger, crumbled in shock.

It was as if his expression screamed, “How could His Highness give this suspicious guy Full Moon?!”

Seeing his transparent emotions made me burst out laughing.

“How dare you, a mere criminal, touch His Highness’s Full Moon…!”

As expected.

Now, let’s gently suggest some reformation.

“It’s hard to talk here. Can you follow me?”

“What? How dare a criminal like you give me orders?”

“You’d better come quietly while I’m asking nicely.”

I tossed out a simple threat, lightly swinging Full Moon, and Ken’s face immediately showed blatant bewilderment.

Understandably so—Full Moon was a legendary demon sword that could inflict a fatal wound with just a graze. It was natural to be wary of even touching it.

Thanks to Full Moon, Ken quietly followed behind me.

I could hear the occasional sound of him grinding his teeth, but knowing his personality, it was a relief that he was even following me this quietly.

Finally, we reached a deserted, dark spot beside the training grounds, and I slowly approached Ken.

“W-What do you want?”

“Oh, you’re not even trying to dodge? By now, you must have figured out that I know something.

But… I guess expecting you to confess on your own is asking too much?

There’s only one type of remedy I know.

Of course, it only works on one kind of person—the type you can’t reason with.

“I’m going to reform you now. It’s the perfect punishment for a traitor who won’t listen.”

“What the…!”

Without waiting for a response, I thrust Full Moon into Ken’s solar plexus.

Blood gushed from Ken’s mouth in an instant.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t use magic, so you won’t die. But it’ll hurt like hell.”

“You… crazy… bastard.”

“Still not thinking straight, huh?”

Clicking my tongue, I quickly swung Full Moon at his shin, and Ken crumpled to the ground helplessly.

As he lay there unable to move, I wondered if I’d gone too far.

But only for a moment—Ken slowly struggled to his feet, drew his sword, and charged at me with a determined expression.

Even though I held back, it must be hard for him to move like that… You’ve got to admire his tenacity.

“You’re still not learning. You could just confess your sins.”

Whether it was due to his injuries or his anger, Ken’s attacks were full of openings, unworthy of a knight commander.

“Full Moon isn’t a sword someone like you should wield… Give it to me right now…!”

He was clearly losing his composure.

I never thought he’d be so furious about me having Full Moon…

“Huff, huff… huff.”

After a brief struggle, Ken leaned against the wall, panting and coughing in pain.

No matter how strong a knight commander he was, in front of me, he was just an ordinary knight.

After all, I had more experience and years of wielding a weapon than Ken.

Including my past life and my time in the military, I was quite the seasoned pro.

“Cough… How much do you know?”

Ken’s probing question reminded me of something Baek Yigang had once said to me.

It was a comment that would be incredibly annoying to hear but oddly satisfying to say.

“More than you think.”

Smiling softly, just like Baek Yigang, I watched as Ken’s face turned pale with shock and frustration.

“You annoying bastard…! Cough.”

Hearing the same answer I once received, I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of camaraderie.

See? It wasn’t just me who found that line infuriating.

After a few more blows, Ken finally let out a voice of defeat.

“W-wait. Stop, please!”

“Have you come to your senses now?”

Ken, who had been beaten so badly that dust was flying everywhere, raised his hands in surrender.

Bruises bloomed on his cheeks and forehead, marking his submission.

“I had no choice! The Second Prince has my family as hostages…”

“Oh, that? I know.”


“I told you, I know more than you think.”

Ken’s fate was sealed the moment he realized I knew everything. If anyone else discovered he was a spy, his only option would be to take his own life to protect the secret.

Ken’s brown eyes filled with despair as the full weight of the situation dawned on him.

Seeing this change, I quickly took advantage of his hesitation and spoke.

“I’ll give you a chance. Stop working for the Second Prince and become the Crown Prince’s man. I’ll protect your family.”

“Who do you think you are? You’re nothing but a criminal.”

“Hey, that’s a good question. Why do you keep calling me a criminal? What did I do wrong?”

I almost got reset because of the sword you swung at me as soon as I woke up! If I die here, it’s not just a dream—it all gets reset!

For someone like me, living on the edge with no backup, there’s nothing more terrifying than having my life threatened.

Even if dying doesn’t mean true death, the pain of reliving the same time again is unimaginable.

“Are you seriously asking? You suddenly appeared in the Royal Forest, and everything nearby burned to the ground. Even the Royal Garden of Poisonous Herbs, which was kept secret, was completely destroyed! Your execution was well-deserved!’

“What… Did I have an entry effect or something? I must’ve missed it because I was out of it… That’s too bad.”

Sure, I’m technically guilty since I burned down the palace’s property… But still, isn’t it a bit much to tie up someone who’s barely conscious and carry out an execution?

“An entry effect…? What are you talking about…?”

“Ah, forget it. So, are you going to reform or not? The Crown Prince ordered me to kill you. The only reason you’re breathing right now is because of me.’

Ken fell silent for a moment, and I heard him sigh deeply.

Come on, just give up already, man. This is getting boring.

“…How will you protect my family?”

“I’ll send them to another continent.”

“Hah, do you think I haven’t considered that? I must be an idiot for even hoping for a moment.”

What does he take me for? I have Full Moon, yet he doesn’t trust me at all.

“Hey, don’t compare me to yourself. If you take the word “emigrate” literally, you’re missing the point. I’m going to move the entire house to another continent without crossing any borders.”

Honestly, I’ve never moved something as large as a house that far before.

But if need be, I could just leech off Baek Yigang’s immense magical power, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

In the end, Ken’s family would disappear without a trace, and the Second Prince would never find them.

Since they wouldn’t have crossed any borders, tracking them down would be impossible.

As Ken chewed over my words in silence, he carefully opened his mouth with a strange look in his eyes.

“Are you… a wizard?”

“What about it?”

“…You saved my life, so I’ll give you some advice. Never let anyone know you’re a wizard. Ever.”

Ken’s brown eyes had grown serious, a stark contrast to earlier. And then…



Did I hit him too hard? Ken had fainted.

“Yigang, I’m back.”

“Don’t call me Yigang, I’m Baek… Hah, forget it. How’s Ken?”

Carrying Ken’s limp body, I took him to the royal infirmary. When the doctor asked me if I knew why the patient was losing so much blood, I just smiled innocently and left the hospital.

I wanted to sit by Baek Yigang’s side and softly narrate ‘Ken’s Reformation,’ but… his complexion looked so bad that I decided against it.

“Ken… wait, what? You’re already working again?”

The pile of documents on his desk had almost halved when I left the office, but now it was back to where it started.

As someone who would shudder at the slightest hint of overtime and constantly looked for ways to slip away from work, I couldn’t understand Baek Yigang’s workaholism.

Even if he has insomnia and can’t sleep… most people wouldn’t choose work just because they can’t sleep.

And he seems to tire out pretty quickly, too…

“You’re going to die at this rate. You’ll work yourself to death.”

I drew my hand across my throat, signaling a warning, and Baek Yigang’s hand, which had been busy moving, suddenly stopped.

Soon, his violet eyes met mine with a faint gleam of light.

“Are you… worried about me?”

What, worried? Me?

My thoughts came to a halt at Baek Yigang’s unexpected question.

If I had to pick the most pitiful person in this world, it would undoubtedly be me.

As if being randomly possessed wasn’t enough, I ended up getting trapped in a fraudulent contract—who could be more unfortunate than me?

There’s no way I’d be in a position to worry about anyone else.

Especially when the other person is the final villain.”

With extraordinary abilities, Baek Yigang could establish a nation even if he were abandoned on any deserted island. He was not someone who would easily die.

“…No, it’s not so much worry as it is just… you’ve been working all day without sleep.”

“Is that so?”

“Well, I mean… at this rate, you might really collapse… You’re not even eating properly… It’s not that I’m worried, really.”

Baek Yigang, who had been staring intently at my fumbling words, slowly curled the corner of his lips.

Soon after, a small, soft chuckle lazily lingered in the air.

“So you are worried.”

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28 days ago

This MC is quite OP and a tsundere 🤭

28 days ago

Lol flirting already?

28 days ago

Mc is powerful and cares about ml. Cute

20 days ago


17 days ago

Heheh, a powerful main character is a main character I love reading about 😈

16 days ago

Kinda soft

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