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Why am I stranded in this shitty Island again? chapter 40

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“Wow… Senior, how did you do that?”

Dansol shook his gun, which couldn’t even come close to the target. Daesoo had already hit 10 out of 10 bullseyes and was holding a large rabbit doll under his arm.

“Why, is there something you want? I’ll get it for you.”

“No, it’s just that… there’s someone I want to give it to.”

Dansol fiddled regretfully with the now-empty gun after using all ten shots. At those words, Daesoo’s expression hardened as if he’d bitten into something bitter.



“Who do you want to give it to?”

Could it be… jealousy? Dansol stammered in his excuse.

“Oh… Jisoo hyung. He always said he needed a comfort doll… Now that we don’t share a room anymore, I thought he might feel lonely.”

Daesoo internally scoffed at Dansol’s words. Jisoo hated having anything at home, let alone a comfort doll.

He didn’t even have pots or cups in his place, so much so that he’d sneak into Daesoo’s house to steal things whenever Daesoo wasn’t home.

“What do you want to give him?”

Daesoo asked while looking at the shabby dolls lined up. He seemed determined to grant Dansol’s wish, even if it was for the comfort of the despised Jisoo.

“I don’t know… Could you pick one for me? You know Jisoo hyung well, after all.”

Daesoo raised an eyebrow and picked out the most hideous-looking doll from the lineup.

“Boss, what’s that doll?”

The doll Daesoo pointed to was a strange design, somewhere between brown and orange, with a grotesque appearance that made it difficult to identify.

It looked like a large cylindrical pepero with a pointed end resembling a squid. It was such a bizarre doll that one had to wonder who designed it and why.

“That’s a penis fish. About two years ago, sea creature dolls were all the rage. Whales, seahorses, and octopuses sold out, but that penis fish just wouldn’t sell. The plastic is dirty, but it’s brand new! I’ve never even opened it, so it’s still clean.”

The shooting range owner, sensing the perfect opportunity to finally get rid of the penis fish doll after two years, unsealed it to show it was still clean and fluffy.

“Jisoo would like that.”

Actors must have unique tastes. Dansol nodded, trusting Daesoo’s choice.

“Ten shots, please.”


“Sit here; I’ll go get something cool to drink.”

After bringing Dansol to a large tree on a wide hill, Daesoo went back down the path. As it was almost evening and most people had left, Dansol took off the rabbit costume head and placed it beside him.

“Three rabbits and one penis fish. You could start a zoo.”

Dansol looked at the two grinning rabbit heads, the large white rabbit doll Daesoo won at the shooting range, and the penis fish doll for Jisoo. He was surrounded by fluffy things.


Dansol waved at Daesoo, who was coming back holding two drinks and a cotton candy.

The setting sun highlighted Daesoo’s features—prominent brow bones, a high nose, thick eyebrows, and a strong jawline—making him look like an enviable alpha.

Dansol took the cotton candy from Daesoo’s hand and asked, “Why cotton candy?”

“I thought you’d like it. Don’t you?”


Dansol couldn’t remember ever eating cotton candy. To decide if he liked it, he’d have to try it. He silently brought the cotton candy in Daesoo’s hand to his mouth.


Daesoo involuntarily held his breath at the sight of Dansol’s red, small tongue in slow motion.

“It seems like I like it. It’s tasty, senior.”

“Excuse me for a moment.”

Daesoo, flustered by the sight, dropped the drink carrier and ran down the hill, putting the rabbit costume head on. Dansol, left holding the large cotton candy, stood there puzzled.


Daesoo returned as dusk was falling. It seemed he had urgent business, having made several trips up and down the hill, and looked unusually tired.

“Shall we go now? Let’s have dinner.”


As Dansol eagerly got up, he stumbled again. Daesoo felt a sense of déjà vu. He realized he’d caught Dansol stumbling more times than he could count. Could it be orthostatic hypotension?

“Joo Dansol.”

Even though Daesoo had called Dansol several times from his left, Dansol didn’t notice and kept walking.

“Joo Dansol!”

Sensing something was wrong, Daesoo called out loudly, and only then did Dansol turn around. It was indeed strange.

“Yes, senior?”

“Walk slowly, you’ll fall.”

But Daesoo didn’t want to acknowledge it hastily. If something was wrong with Dansol’s body and he noticed, Dansol wouldn’t be unaware of it.

He hadn’t seen Dansol go to the island for treatment or take medicine. There must be a reason he didn’t talk about it.

“Oh, okay! What should we have for dinner?”

“Whatever you like.”


“Auntie’s Catfish Soup”

Dansol suddenly remembered their first meeting. He never thought the words he’d said to keep Lee Yiyeon at a distance would come back like this.

As soon as they entered, they saw walls filled with celebrity autographs, a sign of a popular restaurant. Daesoo wore a triumphant expression.

“Luckily, it was nearby.”

Dansol felt awkward. Even though he wasn’t picky about food, he had never tried catfish spicy soup before.

He had never even had the chance to eat common cotton candy, so he had never been to an out-of-the-way spicy soup restaurant.

“What do you want to eat?”

Daesoo asked formally as he looked at the menu filled with catfish spicy soup, freshwater fish spicy soup, and rockfish spicy soup.

“…Hamburg steak.”


“The truth is… I’ve never had spicy soup before…”

“Then why did you…”

It was then that Daesoo realized his mistake. He had said anything to get away from Eoyeon and now felt ridiculous that he had used the precious date coupon to come to a restaurant frequented by old men.


“I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s fine… I don’t really eat spicy soup either.”

Daesoo scratched his head awkwardly and placed the order.

“Sir, we’ll have two Hamburg steaks and… do you have a one-person portion of spicy soup?”

“There’s no such thing as a one-person spicy soup! You have to order per person! Just by looking at you, I can tell you’d eat a whole pot!”

“Alright… then two portions of catfish spicy soup, please.”

Since Daesoo wasn’t a fan of fish, he asked just to make sure, but the response he got was harsher than the spicy soup.

The owner, who had been laughing heartily, asked if they wanted soju, but Daesoo declined, saying he had driven.

Once the chatty owner left, an awkward silence settled between the two as they sat across the table from each other.


“No, it’s my fault.”

As they sat in silence, Hamburg steaks that looked like they were meant for children were placed in front of them, complete with orange juice.

As the owner went back to the kitchen, Daesoo rubbed his forehead once more.

“Ha, I’m really sorry. Who would have thought we’d eat steak at a place like this…”

Daesoo felt a deep sense of guilt as he watched Dansol looking at the round Hamburg steak. He regretted wasting such a golden opportunity on a foolish choice.

“Senior! This is really good!”

However, to Dansol, who had grown accustomed to the simple tastes of snack foods, the child-friendly Hamburg steak tasted as good as any high-end restaurant meal.


“Oh my! This pretty girl knows his stuff! I chop the onions and grind the meat myself for that, and everyone says it’s delicious! If you need more, just let me know!”

The owner, who was bringing over the catfish spicy soup, beamed at Dansol’s words.

The heavy pot he placed on the gas burner was filled with ingredients for the spicy soup.


“Eat it when it starts boiling.”

Unlike Daesoo’s dismal mood, Dansol was humming happily.

“Senior, thank you so much for today. I think this is the first time I’ve been out like this.”

“Didn’t you say you’ve been a trainee since you were thirteen?”

Daesoo asked as he poured the hot broth over the still-uncooked fish.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“What about your parents? Weren’t they against it?”

“Uh… What about you, senior? You were really good at studying, right? Your parents must have been against it.”

Daesoo realized that Dansol was reluctant to answer. If he asked again, his gentle nature would make his answer, but he didn’t want to force his if he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Well, I wouldn’t call it opposition. They were briefly disappointed. They said if I had told them earlier, they would have preferred I majored in theater instead of film studies. That’s all.”

“Oh… I see.”

Dansol couldn’t continue and just moved his lips.

“You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.”

“It’s not that… Could you edit this part out?”

Dansol asked the PD who had been filming him. Unlike PD Choi, the more understanding PD from Team B suggested turning off the audio while keeping the camera on.

“Sure. Actually, my parents divorced when I was young. And… they each started new families, so it’s a bit sensitive to talk about it on broadcast.”


That explained why Dansol, who usually talked freely about his dorm and team members, clammed up when it came to his family.

“So there was no opposition… I had to survive on my own… They were actually happy when I joined the company. I got out of the house and had people to look after me.”

Daesoo clenched his fist under the table, wondering what kind of parents could sleep soundly after leaving their child in someone else’s care.

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1 month ago


1 month ago

I kinda like daesoo bro

22 days ago

I hate everyone that has ever made Dansol feel bad… and yes this include his members and those people in the show. It could’ve been another life but that doesn’t justified for me

3 days ago

Verdaderamente son una mierda de padres

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