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Why am I stranded in this shitty Island again? chapter 39

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In a corner of the large flower field, there was a place where you could plant flowers with small shovels.

Amidst the small children enjoying the experience with their tiny hands, the two of them in rabbit costumes also crouched down and started digging the ground.

After participating in the “RO Match Survival in Island,” he had gone on two dates, but he couldn’t help but laugh at the thought that he always ended up digging on every date.

Maybe he was destined to be a farmer, not an idol.

“Mr. Rabbit! Help us!”

Daesoo was busy being called here and there by the children, carrying a watering can. Today, he was not the top star Jung Daesoo, but a one-day teacher for the kids.

After being pulled around by the children’s tiny hands for a while, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and approached Dansol.

“You’ve got dirt on you.”

Daesoo brushed the dirt off Dansol’s costume.

“Oh, I didn’t notice. Hehe.”

“Why are you laughing?”

Daesoo tilted his head in confusion as Dansol chuckled.

“It just feels funny. You look like a kindergarten teacher.”

“Should we leave if you don’t like it?”

“No! I like it here, senior.”

“Get up, I’ll show you around.”

When he took Daesoo’s hand and stood up, he staggered for a moment.

Thankfully, Daesoo caught him. he awkwardly stepped out of his arms, feeling embarrassed by the sudden closeness.

It was a good thing he was wearing the costume. Without it, Daesoo would have seen his blushing face.

After dusting off the dirt, they arrived at a small amusement park.

Despite its small size, it had everything from Viking ships to gyro drops and roller coasters. Dansol excitedly stomped his feet.

“Senior! Let’s ride that!”

Since elementary school, he hadn’t properly enjoyed an amusement park.

Even when his parents sent his living expenses, he didn’t have money as a trainee, and it was the same after debuting as an idol.

He had occasionally been to events but only managed to sing briefly on small stages.

“Uh, okay…”

Reluctantly, Daesoo moved towards the Viking ship, his steps heavy.

“Will it hold up?”

Daesoo asked the employee standing in front of the Viking.

“Our Viking is built to hold adults, so it won’t collapse.”

Leaving the friendly employee behind, Dansol led Daesoo to the back seat of the Viking.

“It really is for kids. It’s full with just the two of us.”

Dansol didn’t seem to realize that Daesoo’s size took up the space of two average adults.


As the Viking began to move, Daesoo felt like his seat was sinking.

The small, old Viking creaked and made unpleasant, slightly eerie noises.

A moment ago, the employee who kindly assured there was no risk of collapse seemed to turn pale and stare at them in shock upon hearing the noise. Was it just their imagination?

“Wow! It’s moving! Senior, it’s moving!”

“I know…”

“Wow! Senior, raise your hands!”

“No, I’m fine…”

Daesoo couldn’t let go of the handle until the Viking ride stopped.

When the angle of the ride’s swinging grew larger, Daesoo and Dansol felt a jolt on their side of the ride.

It wasn’t just their imagination. The employee, now with a stiff face and a pale complexion, came holding something in their hands.

After turning away those in line for the ride, the employee placed a ‘Maintenance in Progress’ sign and left Daesoo and Dansol still suspended in mid-air.

Fortunately, Dansol, hidden by the costume, didn’t see the sign and continued to chatter excitedly.

“Senior, are you afraid of rides? That’s really surprising…”

“Yes, so… let’s stop riding them.”

Daesoo, unable to admit he wasn’t afraid of the rides but scared he might break them, quickly turned Dansol around and left.

“Shall we… go over there?”

Wandering aimlessly, they came across a shabby haunted house. Dansol was scared of ghosts.

To be precise, he disliked sudden loud noises. This stemmed from his childhood, influenced by his parents’ frequent loud arguments. The loud noises at home often frightened young Dansol.

However, thinking Daesoo rode the Viking for his sake despite his fear, Dansol couldn’t refuse his suggestion.

“Let’s… go in!”

At the haunted house entrance stood an employee dressed as a gumiho (nine-tailed fox).

“Are you both adults? You might throw punches, collapse, or lose your sense of direction if startled, so please hold onto the person in front of you tightly by the waist.”

Despite the clumsy costume, Dansol, now very scared, held onto Daesoo’s waist tightly as the employee instructed.

Even through the clothes, he could feel his firm muscles, which oddly reassured him.

“Alright, if you follow the glowing arrows, you’ll find the exit. Ready, go—”



“Ahhhhh! I can’t see anything!”

As soon as they entered, white smoke poured out, and Dansol’s view was blocked by the costume head turning. Startled, Dansol clung to Daesoo’s waist from the entrance.


“Ahhhhh! Sorry, Senior! But can I hold onto you for a bit? It’s too dark to see ahead!”

“No, it’s just…”

“Ahhhhh‼ Hold on, don’t let go!”

Dansol, clinging desperately, tightened his grip as Daesoo tried to pry his off.

“No, I meant, you can let go now.”

Daesoo sighed deeply and removed the pink rabbit costume head from his waist. Static made Dansol’s hair stand like dandelion seeds.

“Ahhh! A ghost! Senior, it’s a ghost!”

In the suddenly brightened view, Dansol buried his face in Daesoo’s chest, startled by the eerie props.

“Joo Dansol.”


“Open your eyes.”

Daesoo cupped his face and met his eyes.


The closeness of Daesoo’s face made Dansol forget to breathe.



“Slowly. And hold my waist, follow me.”

Daesoo, holding the limp rabbit costume ears in one hand, wrapped his other arm around Dansol.

Dansol, clinging like a cicada to an old tree, held onto Daesoo’s waist.

Daesoo smiled at their almost couple-like appearance, but Dansol was busy being startled by the ghost props popping out.

“Ahhh! Senior, a skeleton! There’s a skeleton!”

“A mummy! It’s a mummy!”

“Ahhh! A ghost lady!”

Every time Dansol screamed at a ghost emerging from a coffin, Daesoo physically dealt with them.

Meeting eyes with part-time ghost employees ready to scare, Daesoo quietly put them back down.

The employees, fascinated by the celebrity in the old haunted house, closed the coffin lids quietly, subdued by Daesoo’s gaze.

“We’re here, open your eyes.”

Crawling out of the haunted house with half-open eyes, Dansol finally stood up straight at the sight of bright light outside.

Dansol’s fluffy forehead was drenched in sweat. Daesoo naturally wiped the sweat off his round forehead with his hand.

“Ah… that wasn’t scary at all.”

Seeing the camera in the bright area, Dansol boasted bravado, which made Daesoo chuckle.

Realizing his intent, Dansol blushed as Daesoo placed the pink costume head back on his and tapped his on the crown.

“Let’s go have more fun.”

Walking hand in hand now naturally, they came across old game stalls.

Among them, Dansol’s eyes were drawn to a huge rabbit doll at a shooting game stall.

“Senior, look at that! It looks just like us!”

“Do you want it?”

Well. Dansol wasn’t particularly fond of dolls. Sometimes he kept special ones gifted by fans on his cramped bed, but the size of that rabbit doll was quite burdensome for his narrow single bed.

To make room, he’d have to sleep on the floor and let the doll have the bed.

“Uh… I just thought it was interesting…”

But Daesoo was already adjusting the sights on the toy gun. Removing the costume head that got in his way, the disinterested stall owner’s gaze nonchalantly shifted to Daesoo.

But then, as soon as he saw Daesoo’s face, his eyes widened and he stuttered, barely able to get Daesoo’s name out.

“Uh… it’s… Jung…”

“Shh.” If he called out Daesoo’s name loudly here, it wouldn’t be a kindergarten teacher experience this time, but a fan signing event experience.

Knowing this, Daesoo placed his index finger to his lips, signaling for quiet, and looked at the man.

Was there some special ability or magic in Daesoo’s eyes? The loud man’s voice was silenced by Daesoo’s firm gaze, and he nodded.

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22 days ago

Dansol getting scared :((

He’s life was so sad…

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not work with dark mode