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Due to Moon festival, some novels will not have any updates of new chapters between Sept. 17-19, 2024!

SSD chapter 1- Prologue

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Cold temperature, bright light, the flow of air brushing against the skin. All the sensations that were felt for the first time came rushing in at once.

Without understanding what was happening or what was causing this situation, small limbs flailed wildly until something large approached and swiftly grabbed hold of them.

Unable to see anything, only able to sense a blinding light, the small body trembled, unable to endure the sharp pain that soon followed.


The tightly shut mouth opened, and cold air rushed in, inflating the previously shrunken lungs.

The first loud cry that erupted was so intense that it startled even the one who let it out, making the whole body shake. Overwhelmed by surprise, the crying grew louder.

Crying for someone to hold them, to save them, needing food and care.

Having just escaped the amniotic fluid and been thrown into the world, the tiny body cried out, asserting itself with all its might.

There was nothing in their possession necessary for life.

The only weapon was their cry, and the only armor was their tender flesh.

The crying didn’t stop, but the small body was laid down somewhere again. Despite crying out to be held, nothing was done.

The only change was the growing noise around them.

The sound of someone shouting something unintelligible was heard from a distance.

But it wasn’t a voice concerned about them.

The small body cried even louder, hoping someone might save them, but still, no one cared, and the tiny body was carried out of the operating room.

Beyond the closing door of the operating room, someone was dying.

Life and death intersected.

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30 days ago

Huh?just like this….

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not work with dark mode