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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 78

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The MCs standing beside him and the singers gathered to share their acceptance speeches were all bewildered and started murmuring.

The broadcast was still live.

The cameraman, unsure of what to capture, was flustered, switching between close-up shots and wide-angle views.

Of course, the ones most surprised were the members.

Heungmin and Dojae, standing on either side, quickly bent down to check on Woochul.

On the messy floor covered with paper confetti, Woochul knelt, bowing his head as he cried.


“Hey, you…!”

Heungmin swallowed back a mix of exclamations, both positive and negative.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a physical issue.

Dojae carefully but firmly held Woochul’s trembling shoulders.

With Heungmin and Dojae’s support, Woochul managed to get up.

Then, he continued his interrupted acceptance speech.

“Thank you so much, and to everyone, thank you… heoong…”

His face, streaked with tears and snot, was a perfect example of what it means to cry uncontrollably.

His usually handsome face was all contorted.

Woochul, crying like an eleven-year-old instead of a twenty-one-year-old, looked both ridiculous and pitiful.

Stepping aside, Woochul roughly rubbed his face with the back of the hand holding the trophy to wipe his tears.

Heungmin and Kyuseong tried to comfort Woochul.

Since someone had to take control, Dojae took over the microphone.

“Being number one is always a joy, but today it’s especially delightful and we are grateful. We dedicate this honor to all our fans who always cry and laugh with us, believing and supporting us.”

After finishing his speech, Dojae bowed deeply.

Louis, Kijoon, followed by Kyuseong and Heungmin, also bowed their heads.

“Don’t cry!”

“Don’t cry!”

The fans raised their voices in encouragement to Woochul, who was still crying and not himself.

As the intro to [Yours] began to play, the MCs and other singers congratulated MOST once more and exited the stage.

The members hugged Woochul, who was still teary-eyed.

“Park Woochul, stop crying, man.”

“Hyung, don’t cry. It’s a happy day! Smile!”

Even though they told him not to cry, the members understood better than anyone why Woochul was crying.

It had been two days since the news of the manipulated chart rankings broke.

Those two days were long and grueling for the members.

They had to endure criticism despite being innocent, and it was unclear if things would be resolved.

The fact that they had to go through such a controversy was painful in itself.

It was unfair to be blamed without guilt, but seeing fans defend them, trying to prove the controversy was false, made them feel even more apologetic.

‘Woochul, with his sensitive heart, must have been more troubled…’

Dojae thought as he patted Woochul’s shoulder again.

Moreover, Woochul was the member who used the internet the most actively.

He must have seen all the hateful comments and fan discussions that the other members missed, causing him more emotional distress.

With the members comforting him, Woochul bit his lip hard.


Dojae’s guess was right, but Woochul also felt lingering guilt for momentarily doubting if their song was really manipulated when the controversy arose.

Seeing fans believe in them so firmly made him both happy and apologetic.

“Crying isn’t something to apologize for.”

Kijoon dismissed it, suggesting they now focus on the encore stage.

Woochul quickly nodded.

After bowing once more to the fans, the members continued with the encore stage.

―My everything is yours―

Singing together with the fans, the members’ voices grew louder with excitement.


After finishing their late-night radio schedule following the music show, the members headed to a Korean ginseng chicken soup restaurant near the broadcast station.

It was a recommendation from their manager, Jung Giljoo, to recharge with a nutritious meal after their physical and emotional exhaustion.

“Oh, no people here. Nice.”

Despite being a 24-hour place, the restaurant was empty due to the odd hour.

Following Jung Giljoo inside, the members trailed behind.

As their manager, Jung Giljoo had also been through physical and emotional hardships with the members.

Enjoying tender chicken in hot broth, he too wanted some ‘healing.’

He wished he could have a bottle of soju, but driving prevented that.

“Hyung, can we each get our own ginseng chicken soup?”

“Can we get the special?”

Hungry from not eating all evening, the members asked eagerly, and Jung Giljoo nodded.

Normally, he’d limit their late-night eating to prevent overeating before the next day’s schedule, but today was special.

Ordering seven special ginseng chicken soups, the lady taking their order looked troubled.

“Oh dear, what to do? We’re low on ingredients right now. It’ll take about 30 minutes to prepare more.”

Jung Giljoo asked the members for their opinion.

It would take just as long to find another 24-hour restaurant.

This place was convenient as it was empty and comfortable.

“We’ll wait. Just make it extra delicious for us, ma’am!”

With Jung Giljoo’s cheeky comment, the lady smiled and agreed.

The members sat comfortably, playing with their phones or chatting while waiting for the soup.

However, 30 minutes felt longer than expected.

Bored, Louis noticed a printout on the restaurant wall and his eyes lit up.

“Guys! Let’s do that!”

Kijoon frowned at the printout Louis pointed to, doubting him.

“Are you serious?”

“It sounds fun! And we get a discount. I’ll do it even if you guys don’t!”

Just as Louis was about to call the lady over, Kyuseong stepped in to help.

“I’d like to try it too.”

Dojae, curious since it was a first for him, joined in.

“Sure, why not. I’m bored anyway.”

With Woochul also joining, it seemed like everyone was in.

Kijoon and Heungmin expressed their willingness to participate with a resigned sigh.

Jung Giljoo smiled, thinking they were amusing as usual, and said he would sit out because he had to drive.

“What does driving have to do with this?”

Ignoring Heungmin’s question, Jung Giljoo pretended not to hear and answered a call on his phone.

It was his girlfriend, whom he hadn’t seen in days.

As he stepped out to take the call, Jung Giljoo informed the lady of the group’s decision.

“If you’re bored of waiting, peel garlic.

10 won discount per clove

-24-Hour Best Health Samgyetang-”

This notice was written in blue on the restaurant wall.


A lady carrying a basket of garlic soaked in water approached with a doubtful look.

“It’s my first time seeing young folks willing to peel garlic. Do you even know how?”

Peeling garlic was a challenge that the restaurant owners had put up for fun, but there were surprisingly some customers who agreed to do it.

However, this was the first time young, soft-skinned customers had volunteered.

Louis, who had stepped up eagerly, now blinked silently, wide-eyed.

Out of habit, Louis looked at Dojae.

After all, Dojae was good at everything…

But Dojae, who had lived in a palace, had no reason to know how to peel garlic.

“I’ll teach you.”

“Oh, you know how, student?”


It was Kijoon who answered wearily.

The lady nodded and returned to the kitchen.

Kijoon, familiar with the process, picked up a knife and a clove of garlic.

“Like this.”

Kijoon cut off the tip of the garlic with the knife and peeled each clove. What seemed like difficult-to-remove skins came off easily, revealing smooth cloves.

All the members watched in astonishment at Kijoon’s skilled hands.

“I’ve known you for years, but I never knew you could peel garlic.”

“What’s the big deal?”

Kijoon responded incredulously to Heungmin’s remark.

“Seriously, though, the way you handle the knife looks too proficient. Could it be that… you know how to cook too?”

Woochul hesitated as if he’d seen something scary, and Kijoon shot him a glance.

“Of course, I know how.”


“But I’ve never even seen you cook ramen!”

Woochul and Heungmin spoke with a sense of betrayal.

The other members, though to varying degrees, were equally shocked.

They had assumed he couldn’t cook since he had never so much as turned on the gas stove.

“I just didn’t do it because it was a hassle.”

“When did you learn this stuff?”

“Don’t you do it at home?”

In fact, Kijoon was the youngest among two sisters and a brother, often caught between his strong-willed siblings and burdened with all sorts of household chores during his school years.

He even cried, identifying with Cinderella when he was very young.

One of his hundred reasons for becoming a trainee was to escape to dormitory life.

Recalling his sisters’ calls to congratulate him on his first place and urging him to come home and grill some beef, Kijoon shut down the thought, not wanting to delve further.

He didn’t want to reveal this to his younger brothers, who somewhat feared and looked up to him.

“Hurry up and peel the garlic. Louis, you suggested this, so you do the most.”

“Oops… Okay, like this, right?”

Louis and the other members quickly grabbed their knives.

Kyuseong and Woochul, uncomfortable with knives, peeled the skins with their hands.

“Ah, it’s really pungent.”

Woochul wrinkled his nose at the sting, and Dojae watched him closely.



“Don’t cry again.”

“Oh… I won’t.”

Woochul, trying to avoid the embarrassing topic, found it brought up by Dojae.

Once it was mentioned, the members began teasing Woochul relentlessly.

“Woochul, you’re a celebrity now. You need to manage your image even when you cry. Have you seen the screenshots? I can’t live.”

“Right, Woochul… Kneeling because we got first place was a bit much…”

“Kyuseong hyung too?”

Woochul’s protest brought laughter from Kyuseong.

“Hyung, but the fans really loved it. They were touched. Your crying gifs are all over the place, you know?”

“Kim Louis…”

“Kijoon hyung, now Woochul has taken the title of crybaby. Treat your successor well.”

Of course, Heungmin was the most enthusiastic about teasing Woochul.

Even Kijoon, who had been peeling garlic with a stern expression, chuckled.

“Still, it’s a relief. Everything worked out well…”

The members, momentarily silent, nodded in agreement.

Thanks to this, they could sit, laugh, and chat together like this.

Moments later.

Returning from his call, Jung Giljoo smiled as he saw the members peeling garlic and chatting.

Snap. He didn’t forget to take a picture of the pleasant scene.


Whether it was because of the number of people.

Or Kijoon’s incredible speed.

The members peeled twenty cloves of garlic in no time, earning a 200-won discount.

Being thanked by the lady was an added bonus.

The next day.

“It still smells.”

Sniffing his fingertips, Woochul frowned.

Despite barely peeling a single clove, Woochul fussed about the lingering smell.

Kijoon, changing his clothes, smirked.

“But the samgyetang was really good yesterday. Right? I feel like I can perform better on stage today!”

Louis’s comment made Kyuseong nod.

The lady hadn’t lied about adding more medicinal herbs; they definitely felt more energized.

Just then, Dojae, checking his phone, spoke to the members.

“Guys, looks like we need to eat chicken again?”

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