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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 73

* * *

The momentum was good, but it felt almost too smooth.

It was as if something was lurking just around the corner.

However, contrary to Dojae’s worries, even better news arrived.

They received the news that they were candidates for first place on a music show just before their comeback stage.

‘Was it just an unnecessary worry?’

There was no need to mess things up or feel bad due to needless anxiety.

Dojae shook off his worries and prepared for the stage with a light heart.


The first music show of their comeback week was MVS [Music Story].

The members headed to the MVS annex with excited steps.

It was a great opportunity to earn the title of first place right at their comeback, but even if they didn’t, there was no need to be anxious.

They could aim for next week when their performance would have accumulated more results.

Moreover, their competitor for first place today was none other than Sindia.

Yes, Sindia.

“I can’t believe we’re in the same first place candidate slot as Sindia…”

“We’re going to greet Sindia sunbaenim in her waiting room, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Since the members had been talking about ‘Sindia sunbaenim’ since yesterday, Jung Giljoo responded half-heartedly.

When they were candidates alongside Candiz, Louis had been ecstatic, and this time, everyone was excited overall.

For the past four years, Sindia had been undeniably the top female solo artist.

Whether it was dance or ballad, she excelled in every genre, seamlessly switching between a lovable image and a mature one, renewing her peak every year.

She had a huge fanbase and immense public recognition, and every album she released went straight to number one.

Her current album had already been number one on music shows for six consecutive weeks.

The number one song on the music charts was also Sindia’s.

She had recently succeeded as an actress as well, making her a ‘cheat key’ in the broadcasting world.

“After today’s broadcast, she won’t be appearing on music shows because of her drama schedule.”

“Wow, that was close.”

Entering the waiting room, Woochul heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, he glanced at Heungmin standing beside him.

Though Heungmin was trying to look indifferent, his excitement was evident.

While Woochul and the other members liked Sindia as fans, Heungmin, who was the same age as her, had a bit of a crush on her.

Before his debut, he had dreamt of dating her someday.

“Hyung, you’re super nervous, aren’t you?”

“What are you talking about?”

Anyone could tell his voice was shaking a bit.

“Hyung, let’s take a picture together with her!”

Recalling the photo they took with Candiz, Louis suggested.

Heungmin responded gruffly.

“Ah… no. That doesn’t make sense.”

“Why not? Seniors like it when fans take photos with them. We took pictures with Candiz sunbaenims, Infinite Boys hyungs, and We Are One sunbaes too.”

“When did you take a picture with We Are One sunbaes?”

His friendliness was astounding.

Of course, Heungmin also wanted the honor of taking a picture with Sindia.

He wanted it, but…

If it were a pure and innocent desire to take a photo with a favorite senior singer like Louis, it might have been possible.

However, meeting someone he had thought of as his future girlfriend in reality made him feel awkward.

‘I haven’t had such thoughts since debuting…’

Heungmin scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

Fortunately, it seemed the rehearsal was about to start.

The members moved to loosen their stiff bodies.

“Don’t forget today is the comeback stage.”

Kijoon reminded them sternly.

Woochul, Louis, and Heungmin stopped chatting and nodded.

What mattered most now was the stage.

‘Let’s do well, Lee Heungmin. The fans are watching, and… well, Sindia sunbaenim is watching too, right?’

Heungmin thought to himself as if making a vow.

He didn’t want to develop a romantic relationship now, but he still wanted to show a cool performance to someone who had significantly contributed to his dream of becoming a singer.


As Dojae started warming up his voice, the other vocal members followed suit.

“La la la la la―”

The way Dojae warmed up was always hard to get used to.

Who does vocal warm-ups with the HunminJungeum? (a 15th-century manuscript that introduced the Korean script Hangul. The name of the manuscript was also the original name of the script.)

The members had almost burst into laughter when they first heard it.

But since Dojae was serious, they no longer laughed.


Kyuseong’s wolf-like howl didn’t faze anyone.

Woochul and Louis warmed up their voices more conventionally with “a e i o u.”

They even discussed whether their different warm-up methods affected their singing abilities.

“We should step up our game.”

Louis nodded solemnly at Woochul’s words.


Half a day later.

The live broadcast started.

From dawn till evening.

Singers, who had prepared for those few precious minutes, went on stage one by one.

And finally, it was MOST’s turn.

“We can do this!”

“We got this!”


The members shouted their chant powerfully and stepped onto the stage as soon as the previous group finished.


“Kyuseong oppa! Oppa!”


“Over here!”

As soon as MOST stepped on stage, cheers and screams erupted from all around.

While the staff quickly set up the piano, the members took their positions and glanced towards the audience.

Many fans had shown up.

It felt almost like a fan meeting.

“Wow, can you hear these cheers?! I’m already excited. Here’s MOST, returning as first place candidates!”

“Everything of mine is yours! [Yours]!”

The MC introduced MOST during the live broadcast.

Immediately, the intro to [Yours] began.

It was an extended intro just for their comeback stage.

The five members lay on the floor while Dojae perched on the piano.

In the broadcast, performing a piece where the piano is destroyed was impossible.

Instead, Dojae mimed playing in the air.

Immersed in his performance, Dojae’s wild gestures captivated the audience, who watched in breathless silence.

Suddenly, the prelude cut off, followed by a jarring noise of piano keys from the backing track.

At that moment, Dojae also disappeared from view.

He collapsed to the side, appearing as if he had genuinely lost consciousness.

As the prelude resumed, the other members stood up one by one, with Dojae in the center.

―I see nothing

The screen zoomed in on Dojae’s face, and as his part began, the audience finally exhaled the breath they had been holding.

―I lose everything and search for you

Stumbling through the streets

The audience became increasingly entranced by the poignant yet sweet voice and melody.

The members danced with movements as light and beautiful as butterflies.

Despite several formation changes, their movements were as smooth as flowing water.

Fans focused intensely, not wanting to miss a single second of the performance, and cheered the members on.

―My everything is yours

“is yours!!!”

“is yours!!!”

The chorus was practically sung by the fans, their voices filling the venue.

Fueled by the powerful support, the members on stage gave an even more energetic performance, seemingly unaware of any fatigue.

The performance was nearly perfect.

However, a problem arose during the part where Heungmin and Kijoon exchanged raps.

―Because my everything is yours, your name is my youth

Just as Heungmin was about to step aside after his rap, his foot slipped slightly, possibly due to some moisture on the floor.

He quickly regained his balance but was delayed by a fraction of a second.

In that brief moment, Kijoon, who had moved in rapidly, accidentally struck Heungmin’s face with his elbow.


Since Kijoon’s move required precision, it was executed with considerable force.


Fortunately, Heungmin’s microphone was off at that moment, avoiding a major broadcast accident.

Nevertheless, it was still an incident. The cameras had captured Heungmin being hit by Kijoon’s elbow, but it happened so fast that it was quickly forgotten.

Unaware of Heungmin’s condition, Kijoon continued his rap, facing the camera calmly.

The real issue was with Heungmin’s face.

He felt a warm sensation under his nose.

Drip. Bright red blood began to flow.

“What, what is that? Is he bleeding?”

“MIN oppa is bleeding?!”

“Oh no! What do we do?”


Some fans who noticed the bleeding started to panic.

Heungmin quickly wiped his upper lip.

The members, realizing the situation, tried to conceal their concern.

―Let’s run away

As Kijoon finished his rap and moved to the other side, it was Dojae’s part again.

Dojae, standing in the center, wiped his upper lip with the back of his hand instead of doing the planned hand gesture.

It looked as if this move was part of the choreography, seamlessly fitting in with Heungmin’s earlier motion.

―We must bloom

Dojae’s desperate and earnest gaze dominated the screen, making the earlier incident with Heungmin seem like a distant memory.

Louis then stepped forward for his part.

―We must bloom a flower-

While Dojae and Louis sang passionately, Heungmin discreetly cleaned his face offstage.

The performance ended successfully.


After returning to the dressing room, Heungmin, who had bled during the comeback stage, furiously ruffled his hair.


Although he worried daily, he had never actually made a mistake before, and it was devastating that it happened on such an important stage.

“Are you okay, hyung?”

Dojae checked on Heungmin with concern.

Manager Jung Giljoo and Manager Seokchul also focused on making sure Heungmin’s nose was fine.

Fortunately, there were no serious issues.

“I tend to get nosebleeds when it’s dry…”

Though it usually happened at night, not on stage.

He had hit his nose quite hard.

“Is it bruised?”

Kijoon, feeling guilty though it wasn’t his fault, hovered around Heungmin, asking.

Heungmin checked in the mirror and nodded.

“I’m fine. The problem is that I ruined the performance… Sorry.”

Heungmin apologized to the members, blaming himself.

“It’s nobody’s fault. Don’t worry about it.”

Dojae comforted him.

It was just unlucky that Heungmin stepped on a slippery spot.

Anyone could have slipped there, and it was fortunate he didn’t fall completely.

Everyone understood that Heungmin was the most distressed by this incident.

‘Was this my bad premonition?’

Dojae pondered briefly.

“Actually, hyung! The reaction is surprisingly good! People thought it was part of the act, like when Dojae hyung smashed the piano.”

Woochul announced loudly after checking the responses.

Because the song’s concept was about precarious youth, those who didn’t see Heungmin getting hit by Kijoon’s elbow thought it was part of the performance.

Some even believed that Heungmin was so exhausted from practicing that he bled.

Regardless of the misunderstanding, the reactions were positive.

Ultimately, people admired their hard work and effort.

“Thanks to you, we’re trending again. MIN nosebleed…”

“What is that? My first trending search term is nosebleed?”

Heungmin despaired.

But there was no time to dwell on it, as Sindia’s performance was ending.

It was time for the winner announcement.

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16 days ago

Poor Heungmin😂

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