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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 71

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Soon, a spotlight illuminated an empty spot on the stage.


A deep drum sound echoed as if it was shaking the very heart.


The previously quiet audience erupted in loud cheers, boiling with excitement.

The show was beginning.

The small circle of light gradually brightened, revealing the entire stage.



Fans chanted “MOST” excitedly at the sight of the members taking their positions.

Everyone here had come to see MOST and no one else.

The members of MOST felt their hearts pound from the cheers directed solely at them.

If not for the song that followed, they might have stayed frozen, lost in the ongoing cheers.

Soon, [intro 2], the first track, began to play.

[intro 2] was a modified version of [intro] from their debut album, with a darker melody added.

To the beat of the a cappella, the members danced sharply as if their bodies would break.

“…Oh my god. They look so cool.”

“My heart is about to explode!”


An overwhelming energy was emanating from the stage.

It wasn’t just the members on stage whose heartbeats were racing.

The excited fans’ hearts were also beating rapidly.

There were fans who couldn’t speak, covering their mouths, fans stomping their feet in excitement, and fans simply screaming.

“But where’s Dojae? Where did Dojae go?”

Someone was looking for Dojae.

There were only five members on stage.

Especially Dojae’s fans, who had come just to see him, were frantically looking around.

The song, which had been speeding up, suddenly slowed down as if it were a stretched tape.

Red laser pointers clearly marked the chests of the five members.

“What, what is this……?”

Before the fans could murmur further,


A loud gunshot reverberated shockingly through the concert hall.

Simultaneously, the five members collapsed onto the floor.



The fans’ cheers turned into near screams.

Even though they knew it wasn’t real, they were deeply immersed in the performance.

A quiet prelude played behind the members sprawled around the grand piano.

The prelude of [Yours] was modified with a melancholy and desolate melody for the performance.

At the same time, Dojae walked out slowly from the left side of the stage, accompanied by a large shadow.



“It’s Dojae!”

“Oh my god, what should we do!!!”

Dojae’s face, his black hair tinged with ash giving it a silvery look, was close-up on the large screen.

“He’s so handsome!”

His face drew automatic admiration.

Dojae’s face looked even more striking than it did at the recent ‘Music Festival.’

From the edge of the stage to the center, Dojae walked slowly, dragging a wooden bat to the prelude’s timing.

His tousled hair and eyes filled with contemplation gave him a strangely decadent look.

It contrasted sharply with his neat features.

This made him appear even more dangerous and precarious.

Avoiding the spots where the members were lying, Dojae took a large step onto the piano bench.

His towering figure further heightened the excitement in the audience.


Dojae didn’t stop there.

He stepped onto the piano keys.

The keys were crushed under his weight.

Fans held their breath, their eyes glittering in anticipation of his next move.

Crash― Crash―

Dojae started smashing the grand piano with the wooden bat.

The fans were well aware of Dojae’s usual image.

The members always said Dojae was a model student who spoke only kind, proper words.

His real personality, shown through ‘Limora,’ was also like that.

But at that moment, Dojae seemed like someone lost in irreparable despair from losing his dreams.

Filled with rage, he smashed away yet looked infinitely vulnerable.

He was almost unrecognizable.

The fans found it shocking to see Dojae destroying the piano and to realize it was really him.

They couldn’t take their eyes off the stage for a single moment.

After completely demolishing the piano, Dojae collapsed onto his knees on the piano.

At that moment, the lights dimmed and the song changed.

The real prelude of [Yours] began.

With the dreamy sound, the members started to rise one by one.

Their movements were soft and flexible, like wildflowers swaying in the wind.

The members, now standing, formed a circle, and Dojae, who had swiftly descended to the stage, was in the center.

The members stepped back like petals unfolding, changing their formation.

―I can’t see anything

Dojae began to sing, holding a handheld microphone.

His perfectly sweet voice captivated the ears.


“Kang Dojae! Dojae!”

The audience erupted in cheers.

―I can’t see you either

I’ve lost everything, wandering, roaming the streets

The members in the background moved as one.

Dojae stepped aside after finishing his part, and Woochul was next.

―If I can’t find you,

If I can’t meet you again, if it’s a permanent farewell!

The song’s intensity was building.

Fans nearly fainted at the synchronized wave dance performed by the members lined up.

[I’m Different] was a dance song that showcased their group dance, and [Dynamic] had a free-spirited, hip-hop vibe.

This choreography had a different feel altogether.


“They’re so sexy!”

“The atmosphere… It’s truly insane.”

―As long as I have you

A desolate, empty island

A star that has exploded

Still, as long as I have you

Louis’s delicate voice blended seamlessly with the nostalgic melody and lyrics.

“Seeing this performance live! I could die happy right now.”

“Don’t die. You need to see more!”

“Damn. You’re right. I can’t die. I need to live long.”

Sighs of admiration echoed from all around.

The energy of the performance was different from their previous, more vigorous stages, but it was still very much present.

As the chorus transitioned from waves to a synchronized dance, MOST showcased their strongest choreography.

―my everything is yours

―is yours

―is yours

The six members moved in perfect harmony.

Despite the constant formation changes, their movements were flawless.

For this performance, the members had practiced the same moves hundreds, thousands of times in a short period.

Their feet naturally fell into the right spacing.

―because my everything is yours

―Your name is my youth

―From those who envy us

―Let’s run away

Heungmin’s deep, heavy-toned rap added weight to the song.

When Kijoon’s rhythmic rap followed, the song had no time to become dull.

It was a stage that completely captivated both the eyes and ears.

―If only I could reach you again!

And finally, the moment when Kyusung’s high note exploded.

The fans felt a shiver down their spines.

Kyusung and Dojae’s harmonies resonated beautifully.

―We can meet again

The final part belonged to Dojae again.

With five members kneeling on the floor, continuing their choreography, Dojae sang the last part with a distant gaze.

He gestured as if shooting a gun with his fingers, staring straight ahead.

His eyes looked more as if he had been shot and wounded rather than doing the shooting.

As the song ended, the members lay on the floor in their initial positions, and the stage darkened, marking the end of the title song [Yours].

Thunderous cheers filled the venue.


After the performance, a pre-prepared video played on the large screen.

It was a video edited with concept photos for the upcoming album.

There were also candid shots from the music video filming set.





Fans went wild over the newly revealed photos.

Every time the photo changed, they called out the corresponding member’s name, focusing intently on the monitor.

Meanwhile, the staff quickly cleared the piano from the stage.

The members, who had stepped off the stage, caught their breath.

Their expressions were half-dazed.

Amidst the deafening cheers, it was hard to remember how they had managed the performance.


Woochul, barely managing to speak while getting his makeup touched up, addressed the stylist.

The stylist replied without needing to be asked.

“You did great, really great. Your stage was truly the best. I almost teared up too.”

“It looks like the response to the song is good too. The staff in the waiting room are in a celebratory mood.”

The stylist fixing Dojae’s makeup chimed in.

The response on-site was evident enough without words.

Woochul nodded, finally feeling reassured.

The video was coming to an end.

With his face flushed from the stage’s heat, Kijoon gathered the members.

“Let’s go.”

The members, with determined looks, nodded and headed back to the stage.

Their reappearance brought another wave of cheers from the audience.

Standing in a line, the members bowed in unison.

“We are MOST, striving to be the best!”

“We are MOST, striving to be the best!”

Fans welcomed the members’ greeting with joy.

Their first fan meeting, and the beginning of their first full album activities, had just begun.


The members, having greeted the fans, asked them how they liked the [Yours] stage, if they had listened to the newly released track, and how they felt about it.

Despite the scattered shouts, the fans ultimately responded in unison with a resounding “Yes!”

The members, smiling at the fans’ enthusiastic response, relaxed.


It was a space filled only with people who loved and cherished MOST.

The positive energy of that space made the members feel like they were floating on air.

‘Happiness feels almost tangible.’

Dojae thought.

It was unlikely to be grasped, but it felt that vivid.

‘performing with all our might until we’re exhausted… Receiving the fans’ cheers.’

No matter how many times he thought about it, it was truly an amazing experience.

It was especially so when thousands of fans existed solely for them.

He began to understand why artists wanted to hold concerts.

‘Hopefully soon…’

It became Dojae’s new wish.

After the stage greeting, they performed [I’m Different], a familiar song for the fans.

Back on stage, they shared stories about the album preparation period with the fans.

The news arrived then.

Heungmin, acting as the MC for the day, was thrilled by the news from the staff.

“What’s going on?”

“What is it?”

It was natural for the members to be curious, seeing a staff member come up on stage suddenly.

They urged Heungmin to reveal the news.

“They say the ranking for our newly released song came out while we were performing… Uh…”

Seeing the ranking, Heungmin was momentarily speechless.

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2 months ago

thank for chapter

25 days ago

Thx for chapter

16 days ago

So excited

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