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cheating way through to Stardom chapter 42- Skilled yet Disrespectful

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I leaned my chin on my hand and watched the chaos unfold. Amidst the shouting of Yoo Hajin’s parents, I shook my head.

‘Is this fortunate?’

Yoo Hajin, fortunately, threw the pen aside. I was ready to stop him if he tried to sign with trembling hands, but thankfully, it didn’t come to that.

‘Damn it. Why do I have to care so much about Yoo Hajin?’

What’s so special about Zenis anyway?

‘No, Zenis is important.’

It’s my future, my source of income, and my career.

Whether Yoo Hajin’s parents knew what I was thinking or not, their voices continued to ring in my ears.

Noisy people.

‘There are so many crazy parents in the world.’

How can they ask a newly adult kid to act as a guarantor? They should do it themselves if they want it done.


I started to understand a bit.

‘They know their eldest son’s business is going to fail.’

Shameless people.

Yoo Hajin shook off his parents’ hands and walked out. I saw a slight smile on his face, which made me tilt my head.

Why is he smiling?

‘Is that idiot crazy?’

Well, it might drive someone a bit mad. He must have just realized how terrible his parents are.

Yoo Hajin finally went outside. After confirming he was gone, I also left the cafe shortly after.

The air was still cold, as winter hadn’t ended yet.

‘What a waste of time.’

I could have been running on the treadmill instead.

As I walked forward, clicking my tongue, I spotted Yoo Hajin a little further away.

‘Well, we’re heading to the same place.’

He was going back to the dorm too.

I tapped Yoo Hajin on the arm as I walked up to him. His hand was still shaking, probably from the stress.


“Oh? Ah, it’s you, the ambitious Dowon (Ya Dowon).”

Damn it.

“Why are you out in the cold?”

I pretended not to know, even though I knew everything.

“I needed to buy something. What about you?”

“I had someone to meet.”

That ‘someone’ being his parents, I assumed.

His hand was still trembling.

“Why is your hand shaking so much?”

“Huh? Really?”

Yoo Hajin hid his hand behind his back.

“Maybe it’s the stress? Why is it shaking so much?”

“Shouldn’t you go to the hospital?”

Yoo Hajin opened and closed his hand as he spoke.

“It’s probably nothing. Oh, right.”

Yoo Hajin put his trembling arm around my shoulder.

“Should I buy you some beef?”

This guy and his beef.

“Dowon, I became a jerk today.”

“If not guaranteeing makes you a jerk, then just be a jerk.”

“Really? Well, I’ve always been an unwanted son anyway. Being a jerk doesn’t change much…”

Yoo Hajin gripped my shoulder and walked forward.

“Anyway, I’ll treat you to some meat.”

“I don’t accept food from pushovers.”

“I’m not a pushover anymore.”

I looked him up and down. He had a strangely refreshed look, smiling brightly.

“Ah~ I feel so relieved.”

“You refused to guarantee?”

“Yeah, just now. Thanks, Dowon. Your advice saved me.”

I shook my head.

“If anyone heard your story, they’d have said the same thing.”

“Hmm, I doubt many 16-year-olds would say that to a 20-year-old…”

Oh, right. I’m currently 16.

“Why don’t you talk to more people about it? Even Director Joo would probably stop you right away.”


Yoo Hajin muttered, looking up at the sky.

“I felt too embarrassed. I’m the leader of the debut group after all. I didn’t want to look pitiful when I’ve never had a problem before.”

He’s still young, seeing things like this. Is this the time to be picky?

“So you do know you’re pitiful.”

“Do I? Hahaha!”

Yoo Hajin’s laughter shook my shoulder.

“Dowon, call me hyung.”

Well, titles don’t cost anything.


“I like that. Being called hyung. Maybe because I’ve always been the younger one in my family.”

Jeez, I really don’t care.

“Anyway, thanks.”

I sighed. Yeah, you should be grateful to me. This wasn’t just about being an idol; it was a matter of life.

“Yes. Be as grateful as you want.”

Yoo Hajin laughed and squeezed my shoulder harder.

“I’ll treat you to some beef! Beef stew meat!”

Why is he like this, seriously?

“Okay, let’s go to the butcher shop.”

“Are you really going to make stew?”

“Yes, cabbage stew. Oh, do you want some too?”

Yoo Hajin’s eyes widened.

“The stew is always plentiful. Though, there aren’t many side dishes.”

Should I make something else? What’s something simple I could make?

At that moment, Yoo Hajin covered his mouth and started laughing crazily.



Why is he laughing now?

“You’re really something, you know that?”

“Making side dishes?”

“That too. Hahahaha!”

His laughter echoed in my ears. Fine, laugh away. It’s not like it’ll kill you.

As I walked forward, Yoo Hajin followed, his hand still on my shoulder. I looked at him and shook my head.

‘Well, better than a gloomy face.’

Let’s consider this an investment for the future. If he’s the leader, I might need to rely on him.

The world was still in winter. Maybe when spring comes, the debut will take shape.

I walked forward, dragging the heavy guy along. The sight of white snowflakes only added to my annoyance.


Director Joo clasped his hands, watching the screen. The video shot by Kang Minjae was playing on the monitor.

“Pause it there.”

Director Joo pressed the space bar. The President, stroking his double chin, spoke.

“He stands out.”

“Doesn’t he?”

They were watching a 16-year-old boy.

He was looking at the debut group members dancing in a dance battle with a look that seemed to say, ‘Why are they doing this?’

“I understand why the music video was successful.”

“The commercial is getting good reactions too. I was a bit surprised. I didn’t expect it to be this popular.”

When a franchise bakery wanted to shoot a follow-up commercial, it was a real shock.

“He’s as rude as he is talented.”

“Director Joo is right. This kid is something else.”

The boss said while patting his belly.

“Didn’t I tell you so?”

“I admit it!”

“His skills are improving rapidly. How perfect. An impeccably polite oddball, like a five-hundred-year-old ginseng.”

Director Joo sipped his iced Americano.

“I heard he’s ambitious one (Ya Dowon)?”


“Not in a bad way. Like the ambition in ‘Boys, be ambitious.'”


The boss laughed, leaning on his desk.

“Who came up with that?”

“I don’t know, but Manager Heo calls him that. It fits, doesn’t it?”

“The thing is, he’s a bit arrogant.”

The boss looked up at the screen again. The dance was over, and they were receiving the results.

“I’m worried if he can fit into the group. It’s not a solo act.”

On the screen, Ki Jaeyoon was furious. Both Director Joo and the boss focused on Dowon.

They both thought Dowon would ignore Ki Jaeyoon.



But the boy on the screen conceded to Ki Jaeyoon. The Dorector and President quietly clapped as the boy, who had been hovering around the edges, swiftly moved to the center.

Clap clap clap—

“This is a big deal.”

“It’s a big deal. He’s not completely arrogant.”

“He conceded even though he knew he’d lose. That’s a relief.”

The boy, watching Ki Jaeyoon who had won the dance battle, looked dejected but not overly upset. Director Joo rotated his shoulders and said,

“Can we include him?”

“We should. What does Minjae think?”

“He seems to welcome it. The ambitious boy, Cha Dowon, is friends with Kang Minjae.”

The boss furrowed his brows.

“I didn’t think they’d get along.”

“I was surprised too. But, President, they say they’ve known each other since they were kids.”

“Even if they’ve known each other, I wouldn’t think they’d be close.”

“I agree.”

If kids who didn’t seem compatible were close, there was only one conclusion.

“One of them must be compromising.”

Director Joo tilted his head.

“If it’s not Minjae, then it must be that rude kid.”

He suddenly laughed.

“He might actually do well in a group.”


“From what I see, he’s tough with the strong and soft with the weak.”

The boy on the screen shook his head.


“Kids like him, despite being rude, often do well.”

“Hmm, Minjae is tough with both the strong and the weak.”

“Minjae does have that tendency.”

Director Joo paused the video. Then he turned his chair to face the boss

“We’ve got the rough idea, right? The next group?”

“We need to fine-tune it.”

“We should take some photos too. It’s going to get busy.”

“Of course. We’ll be busy, but so will he.”

The plump boss pointed at the monitor with his finger.

“He’ll get busy too.”

“If he wants to build his reputation.”

“Will he handle it well?”

Director Joo smiled broadly.

“I think he’ll do well.”


“It would be troublesome if he doesn’t. ‘Friends Entertainment’s new group includes CF star Cha Dowon.’ We need headlines like that.”

Frontman or bait. The clean and pretty boy was perfect for the role.

“Okay, let’s go. YUMI has been asking to borrow him.”

“Let her. For what?”

“For an awards ceremony stage.”

Director Joo immediately frowned. Even the formidable YUMI had had a tough time at awards ceremony stages.

“They don’t clap.”

Invited for a performance, but they just sat there, looking aloof.

“YUMI must be frustrated.”

“Very. Despite her health and packed schedule, she’s determined to do it.”

“YUMI can be quite fiery sometimes.”

Director Joo tapped the monitor.

“You can do it, right, Dowon?”

Of course, the boy on the monitor didn’t respond. Director Joo finished her iced Americano and said,

“I’ll start by checking the selected kids’ weight and skin condition.”

“Right. We need to see the combination.”

“We’ll move things around, focusing on Minjae and tDowon.”

“Alright, let’s do it!”

The boss stood up and bowed his head.

“Good work.”

Director Joo also bowed and said,

“Thank you, boss. But brother-in-law, my sister asked me to keep an eye on you.”

“What, for what?”

“To stop you from eating sweets.”

The boss quietly covered his mouth. It was too cruel.


“Come on, you need to stop. I even told Secretary Oh not to give you any.”

“No! My beloved soda!”

“Oh, we need to cut down on soda in this company. Manager Heo too! Why do you all love it so much?”

“It’s better than alcohol.”

“Only slightly better!”

The boss quietly extended his hand.


“Just one. You like cola, right? I can’t stop my love for soda. Just one last time.”

Director Joo turned her head away. The boss, feeling betrayed, quietly walked away.

“Too harsh, sister-in-law.”

“I can’t go against my sister’s orders.”

“I’ll get my revenge.”

There was no choice. Director Joo quietly handed a lukewarm soda to the boss. He immediately put it in his pocket and whispered,

“I won’t forget this favor.”

“Just don’t get caught.”

“I’m dead if my wife finds out. She’s scary when she’s angry.”

Director Joo trembled in fear as she watched her brother-in-law leave. She clasped her hands in prayer.

“God, Buddha, Allah, all the sacred beings on our mountains, please don’t let him get caught.”

Of course, she didn’t believe in any god.


I flinched for a moment.

‘What’s going on?’

I quietly blinked my eyes. Though my vision briefly blurred and then cleared, what I saw now remained the same.

‘I didn’t come at the wrong time, did I?’

I stepped back and glanced around the practice room. Unfortunately, it was exactly as the manager had described.

‘But why is this happening?’

If the practice room had been empty, I might have understood. However, what I saw now was about twenty people lying down with their eyes closed.

I quietly closed the door and sat down, huddled. It was dark, but light seeped through the gap under the door.

‘Are they just resting?’

The people lying in the practice room didn’t seem to be dead.

‘But why?’

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1 month ago

I couldn’t resist. I had to know more. But Maybe they’re anxious with the looming debut coming up?

1 month ago

What’s happening now??

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