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A couple for show chapter 2

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‘Amond Management @Amond_official
The couple interview photo book [High Five] featuring actors Cha Joobin and Gong Yoochan is now available for pre-order!
Filled with their long love story and biographies, don’t miss out!
Pre-order page ▶ http://mpsg.com/product/12435235
Random photocards available during the pre-order period!’

The photo book filled with their interviews and photos sold like hotcakes, garnering massive public attention.

Cha Joobin and Gong Yoochan, who had long established themselves as each other’s perfect match, were even dubbed the “nation’s couple.”

Their love story drew immense interest, hitting the bullseye for both fans and the public.

When the pre-order page went live, the site crashed due to the overwhelming demand.

Their names shot to the top of every bookstore ranking, with the most popular item being the cover photo.

Even though they were actors, the two appeared on the cover dressed like idols, holding light sticks and wearing in-ear monitors.

At first glance, one might think it was an idol photobook, but the image was actually a re-enactment of the drama where they first met.

That youth drama, aired 10 years ago, depicted the lives of trainees struggling to become idols at ages 15 and 17.

It had been a constant buzz during its airing, becoming a defining work in both their careers.

The photo book, featuring both their professional and personal lives, spanned 280 pages, meticulously produced by their management company, magazine, and advertising partners.

Naturally, the response was phenomenal.

Fans’ expectations had been building thanks to the regular SNS updates during the photoshoots, and with news articles constantly dropping, public interest was at an all-time high.

Yet, the two stars of this highly anticipated photo book walked into their agency’s office with expressions devoid of excitement.

The air inside Amond Management felt cold and tense.

“So… you broke up?”

Manager Jang Giyeong wiped his face in disbelief.

Today of all days?

After all the fights they had, they had never once mentioned breaking up, and now, here they were, calmly sitting down and dropping that bomb.

He glanced at Yoochan, hoping for an explanation, but Yoochan merely shrugged indifferently.

Despite ending such a long relationship, there was no sign of an emotional aftershock—he looked as calm as ever.

Then, Jang Giyoung turned to Joobin.

Though Joobin looked slightly pouty, he had no differing opinion and kept his lips tightly sealed.


Jang Giyoung asked, still not understanding. Joobin replied with an irritated tone.

“Ask him.”

“You’re both here. Just answer together. Why?”

“Because we’ve been together for so long? We don’t really talk anymore.”

“No, no…”

Jang Giyoung quickly shook his head, raising his hands as if to stop them.

However, while they had only known each other in official settings for a little over 10 years, the two had been close friends and reliable colleagues since Cha Joobin’s debut, making the current situation hard to predict.

As countless contracts flashed through his mind, Jang Giyoung suppressed his frustration and decided to reason with them.

He swallowed nervously, organized his thoughts, and barely managed to open his mouth.

“So, guys… In any relationship, there are periods of boredom, times when conversations lessen. But then things usually get better. Aren’t you being too hasty?”

He offered this advice, hoping they’d take it to heart. But…

“Well, if Hyung says we should break up, what can we do? Let’s just break up.”

Joobin’s sharp and flippant reply made Giyoung press his lips into a firm line.

When he glanced over at Gong Yoochan, he saw him nodding in agreement.

If they were just regular people, this wouldn’t be such a big deal.

Feelings flare up and burn out, and people move on without looking back.

Sometimes there’s a painful aftermath, and they may even get back together before finally calling it quits.

It’s a common cycle.

But these two were celebrities.

A couple whose long-term relationship had become part of their public image.

Fortunately, their relationship hadn’t significantly impacted their careers, allowing them to work in various genres.

But that only applied to their work, not their personal lives.

“What about the commercials…?”

Giyoung propped his head on his hand, deep in thought.

The problem was the advertisements.

Just as well-known as their relationship was the fact that they lived together.

They had been together for so long that rumors had started circulating, asking why they hadn’t gotten married yet.

The couple had contracts for various commercials, including household appliances, as a ‘couple.’

Naturally, the contract stipulated that their image couldn’t take a hit.

Breaking this clause would result in a massive penalty.

Just thinking about the potential financial consequences was suffocating.

To make matters worse, they were both under his management, doubling the burden.

A long sigh escaped him.

He had watched these two grow up from their early days, so Giyoung didn’t bother hiding his dismay.

If he’d known things would end this quickly, he would’ve delayed their recent contract renewals. Regrets weighed him down.

Just then, Yoochan’s voice broke through.

“Well, we’ll have to keep up appearances until the contracts end, right?”

Giyoung perked up slightly at the sound of Yoochan’s words.

When he glanced up, he saw Joobin looking a bit disgruntled, but Yoochan’s words were like a ray of hope to Giyoung.


“Yeah, that’s what we’ll do.”

“Joobin, you’re not against it?”

“I have to. What else can I do if that’s the decision?”

Looking at Joobin’s indifferent attitude, Giyoung couldn’t help but think that his temperament probably played a big part in the breakup.

Still, the kid wasn’t always like this. Yoochan knew him well enough. How did they end up splitting?

There was no point in pressing them now, so Giyoung decided to wrap up the conversation. He stood up, waved them off, and said, “Alright, I get it. If anything changes, let me know. Think it over carefully. Oh, Joobin, since you’re here, let’s talk about your next project. You wanted to do a romance, right?”


Of all things, a romance project had come in right after they broke up.

The timing couldn’t have been worse, but what could he do?

After Yoochan left, Giyoung handed the script to Joobin.

Joobin skimmed through a few pages and casually agreed to do it.

Since the director and writer were both reputable, there wasn’t much to worry about.

Still, his detached attitude bothered Giyoung.

“Are you really okay?”

Giyoung asked cautiously.

It had been seven years.

Everyone knew how much Joobin liked and respected Yoochan.

Even if his feelings were resolved, relationships like theirs don’t just disappear overnight. Giyoung was concerned.

“I don’t know.”

But Joobin, with a deep sigh full of irritation, tousled his hair.

His voice was heavy with frustration, and he made no effort to hide it.

“I’ll do it. When’s the shoot?”

“They haven’t cast the lead yet. It depends on your casting. It’s an omega role.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m not blind.”

“You brat.”

“It’s not like it’s the first time. I’m leaving.”

Joobin, clearly annoyed, stood up.

Clutching the script tightly, he glanced at the title.

It was obvious that the romance script had been written with him in mind.

Not bad. He had received this kind of treatment so often that it no longer stirred any emotion.

All he could think about was how to handle things with Yoochan moving forward.

Continuing to act like they were still together for the sake of the contract?

It didn’t seem right.

Just the thought of it made him irritated.

He was frowning deeply as he left the office.

As the door shut with a thud…

“What about the house?”

Yoochan’s indifferent voice hit his ears.

Joobin turned around, annoyed.

He had thought Yoochan had already left, but there he was, leaning against the hallway wall.


“What are we going to do? Should I move out, or should you?”

Are we really sorting this out right now?

With no break in his schedule and no time to find a new place, Yoochan’s immediate question about the house felt unfair.

Joobin didn’t want to say anything.

As he stood there silently, Yoochan’s gaze swept over him.

He noticed the script in Joobin’s hand and raised an eyebrow.

“A romance?”

“Does it matter?”

“Who said anything?”

Even when they were dating, they had agreed not to interfere with each other’s work.

He had no intention of changing that now, so Yoochan straightened up.

“We can’t live together after breaking up. What do you think?”

Though there were lingering feelings, now that they had decided to end it, Yoochan felt it was important to draw clear boundaries.

Even if they had to act like a couple in the media for a while due to the contract, their personal lives didn’t need to overlap.

Since they had been together for so long, he thought they should properly clean up.

With that in mind, Yoochan spoke more coldly than necessary.

“You paid for the place, so I’ll move out.”

“Didn’t you hear the boss say to keep things as they are for now?”

“I heard.”

“Then why are you packing up so soon?”

“Joobin, could you keep seeing my face every day?”

Even Yoochan didn’t know what kind of response he wanted.

Maybe the question came from his inability to process the breakup fully.

Perhaps he would regret these words later.

For now, he watched Joobin with an expressionless face, lips pressed tightly together.

Joobin didn’t reply.

Clutching the script tightly, he turned away.

“If you’ve already made up your mind, why ask me?”

With that, he walked away, leaving only the sound of his footsteps behind.

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