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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 39

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Hook glanced around the room, which was bathed in bright sunlight, making everything look transparent.

He had always thought it was spacious and nice, even when he snuck in secretly, but in the full light of day, that impression was even stronger.

If a mere mansion purchased and made into the Crown Prince’s room looked like this, how much more splendid must the Imperial Palace be?

Even though he openly scanned the room, his body remained rooted in the chair.

Nothing was physically binding him, yet for some reason, Hook felt compelled to limit his movements.

“Aren’t you hungry?”

A man walked elegantly toward Hook. Hook glared at him before turning his head away.

The reason he hadn’t moved easily, even though he wasn’t bound, was because of that man.

“No matter what you do, I won’t speak.”

“I just want to observe. I didn’t bind you, so why do you think I’m going to interrogate you?”

“… Didn’t you imprison me?”

Hook glared at Crown Prince William. He had disliked the man’s characteristic smirk from the beginning.

In the past, he managed to control his expressions because William was part of Henry’s group, but now he didn’t see the need.

After all, he was already caught, so what was the point in trying to make a good impression?

“Oh, I thought you wanted to confine yourself here. Shall I let you go?”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course, but there will be a price to pay. What will it be?”

Wherever William’s gaze landed on Hook’s body, it started to sting. Hook huddled up, bringing his arms and legs together.

It felt like only one of his limbs would make it out if he agreed, so he kept his mouth shut.

William pulled a chair opposite Hook.

The cat that had been sneaking into his room was such a familiar face.

Thanks to observing the cat, he hadn’t left his room for over a day.

William glanced from Hook’s face down to his body.

When he had been with Henry, the stark contrast between them was striking, but even alone, Hook wasn’t bad to look at.

His flamboyant face was to William’s taste.

If Henry was like a meticulously crafted jewel, Hook was like an uncut gemstone, radiating light naturally.

“For the record, I’m not the type to get bored easily. I won’t ask why you sneaked into my room or what your purpose is, so don’t worry.”

Hook furrowed his brows in confusion. Why wasn’t he asking? Don’t most people interrogate about identity and purpose?

“Why won’t you ask?”

“Because that would get me involved.”


“Learning those things would entangle me, and I don’t like that. I’m not interested in others’ circumstances. Want an example?”

William stroked his chin and raised a finger.

“Someone stole bread. Since they committed a crime, it’s only natural to punish them, but they kneel and beg. They say the shop was originally theirs and was unjustly taken from them. They stole the bread because they were about to starve, and they have a child who might die from hunger. Now, if all of this is true, could you punish them right away?”


Hook started to say something but then closed his mouth again. Something felt off, but William’s expression made it seem like he was stating the right answer.

“That’s why I don’t listen to excuses. I have to punish the crime of stealing bread the same way for everyone.”

William stroked his chin as he looked at Hook. He wasn’t interested in Hook’s circumstances; now he was just contemplating what punishment to give him.

However, Hook, who had been silently listening, suddenly lifted his head.

Just moments ago, he seemed confused by William’s words, but now his expression was resolute.

“That’s cowardly.”

William showed interest in the unexpected response.


William pointed at himself. Hook didn’t back down, meeting his gaze steadily.

“There’s no need to go easy on someone just because you hear their story. You just have to punish them accordingly. But…”

Hook found William’s example absurd and felt even more frustrated.

“You should also punish the shopkeeper who unjustly took the shop and take care of the child.”

“Why should I?”

Hook’s mouth fell open at William’s brazen reply. He couldn’t believe the future emperor was so irresponsible.

“So punishment is all that matters? That kind of selfish…”

“Oh, so to be a truly selfless Crown Prince, I should take care of everyone? That’s simple.”

William’s mocking tone made Hook want to argue back, but he held his tongue and just glared at him.

What was wrong with his suggestion?

Why was William being so contrary?

“If I took in every wronged child, the Imperial Palace would be quite a sight. Turning the palace into an orphanage would definitely go down in history.”

“Well, that’s just what you suggested, so I was answering accordingly. When did I say you should take in all the children? And why in the palace?”

“When I say ‘take care,’ that’s what I mean.”

William’s firm answer made Hook look into his eyes.

The playful demeanor was gone, replaced by a cold, stern look, as if he had stripped off all his masks, freezing the air around him.

“If I start taking in one or two, they’ll all become my weaknesses.”

William revealed a candid side of himself that he hadn’t even shown Edwin.

“Why would that be a weakness? You’re just taking care of your people.”

“The people I take care of could target my life, or others could resent me for it. Either way, it creates too many complications. Don’t you think?”

“That’s all nonsense.”

“Sure, it could be nonsense. But when my future is already stable, why create unnecessary risks?”


Hook clenched his teeth as he stared at William.

The stability of the empire, the throne secured without rivals, and the two strong pillars supporting it were all in William’s grasp.

He wasn’t just lucky; he was a coward. A coward too scared to lose what he was born with.

He shouldn’t have expected anything from someone like this.

Hook abandoned all his plans to test William.

Once he got out of here, he would exact his revenge on the Crown Prince…

“But you know…”

William suddenly wore his usual sly smile again.

“Since I didn’t ask about your circumstances, I didn’t really need to keep you here. But now that you’ve heard my thoughts… well, that’s a problem.”

“Damn it.”

Hook realized too late that he had fallen into William’s trap. William smiled brightly at him.

“Looks like I can’t let you go, after all.”

Edwin entered Henry’s room, greeted by a servant tidying up the bedding.

“Where did he go?”

“Master Henry left early this morning.”

Hearing this, Edwin noticeably slowed his pace. Just last night, he had managed to calm Henry after yet another episode, and now, just a few hours later, he had disappeared.

“Did he say where he was going?”

“He left with Sir Teher, but didn’t say anything else.”

Something caught Edwin’s eye as he scanned the room.

Some of the clothes visible through the open closet were missing.

“Did he take spare clothes?”

“Yes, sir. I packed them myself at his instruction.”

Needing extra clothes meant Henry wouldn’t be returning today.

Edwin’s eyes narrowed as he gazed out the window, wondering what to do about Henry, who had left without a word.

Henry, the person Edwin was looking for, was standing with reins in hand, staring at something in the distance—a mansion barely visible in the distance.

Sir Teher, who had ridden ahead, returned to Henry’s side.

“Sir, this way.”

“…Let’s go.”

Henry shook his head at the questioning look from Sir Teher and turned his horse around.

Slowly urging his horse forward, Henry looked straight ahead.

‘By now, they must have realized I’m gone.’

The night before, he had suffered yet another episode.

Realizing this, Henry had no choice but to stay awake and watch as Edwin came in.

As Edwin kissed him while he lay there unable to even close his eyes, only one thought filled Henry’s mind.

‘I have to get out of here.’

Now was not the time to sit and agonize over decisions in the mansion.

So, as soon as Edwin left, Henry hurriedly packed his things and left with Sir Teher.

As the sky slowly brightened, they climbed a mountain, relying on the fading blue light.

Henry believed that the further he was from Edwin, the more these episodes would subside.

It was all because Edwin was too close; distancing himself from Edwin was the priority.

Pulling his hat down low, Henry quickened his pace.

Although he had always traveled by carriage until now, he seemed quite adept at handling the horse.

It was all part of the preparation for this journey.

“There might be others wandering around here. Be cautious.”

“Just assist me until we turn off the main path.”

Henry glanced around but lacked the sharp instincts to fully assess the surroundings, so he relied on Sir Teher.

In any case, it was only until they reached the entrance of the mountain range. The place Henry was headed to wasn’t where the treasure was hidden. It was a mountain path leading somewhere entirely different.

Fortunately, no one appeared in front of them.

As they exited what Henry had considered a dangerous path, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Even though he had tried to appear indifferent, he had apparently been more nervous than he let on.

“Is it safe from here on?”

Henry asked, his tone slightly lighter, but he fell silent at the sight of Sir Teher’s serious expression. Focused on something ahead, Sir Teher approached Henry and shook his head.

At the signal, Henry closed his mouth and listened carefully. The faint sound of metal clashing came from somewhere nearby. A fight seemed to have broken out.

“This path is dangerous. We should take another route.”

“Even so, we have to go this way.”

Despite Sir Teher’s low warning, Henry shook his head. He thought all he had to do was avoid the place where the treasure was, but Henry didn’t know how to find his way back from here.

“In that case, I will go ahead first.”

“We can’t guarantee there are no other dangers here.”

In response to Henry’s words, Sir Teher reluctantly turned his horse around.

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3 days ago

Henry’s courting death now 💀☠️🤭

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