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GTLTGIDES chapter 35

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“It’s time for me to go. It’s too late. Get some sleep.”

“Yes. Please take care.”

It was late. If Eunsoo wasn’t here, I might have suggested staying over.

But I didn’t want to cause any misunderstandings with Eunsoo.

As much as it pained me, it was right to draw a clear line.

I pulled back the curtain. My breathing must have been loud, but Eunsoo was still fast asleep. Thank goodness.

“Oh, right.”

Cha Junseong, who was about to leave the hospital room, stopped and looked back at me.

“When the boy wakes up, tell him to cooperate with the investigation.”

“Eunsoo hasn’t been cooperating?”

“No. He’s been exercising his right to remain silent the whole time. So, make sure to tell him. He seems like he might listen to you.”

Will he listen to me?

Well, out of everyone here, I’m probably the closest to him.

I nodded heavily.

Cha Junseong gave me a faint smile before the door to the hospital room closed.

I like Eunsoo.

I admire the Eunsoo from the end of “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” and consider his life to be beautiful.

But I have to admit the truth. Although he is my favorite and my idol, Eunsoo has a bad personality. Especially during this period.

It’s no wonder. Our Eunsoo was kidnapped when he was young, and of all people, he grew up under Jake Powell.

Environment shapes people.

No matter how much someone curses his terrible father and vows not to become like him, they often end up resembling him as they grow.

Eunsoo was the same.

He hated Jake for many reasons, but as a child who didn’t even go to school, Jake was the only adult he could learn from.

Inevitably, he began to think Jake’s way of thinking and behavior were normal, and these ideas naturally seeped into him.

“That guy is the root of all evil…”

If it weren’t for Jake Powell, “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” wouldn’t have become such a grim story.

Even though Eunsoo wasn’t honest, he caused the three Espers of Special A Team, who were so kind, to become the “Regretful Trio.”

That’s why it wasn’t strange for Eunsoo to accept him, love him, and lead him to the “together forever” ending in “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy”.

My affection for him was strong because it was a mutual mistake, and they grew together.



As soon as Eunsoo woke up and finished eating, I carefully brought up the topic of the investigation.

But he flatly refused. It was as if he expected me to bring it up, and he didn’t hesitate for even a second.

His pretty lips pouted again.

“I don’t have anything to say.”

Why is Eunsoo acting this way? How can I convince him?

The only relief is that he seems willing to talk to me. When the investigator came by earlier, he didn’t say a word.

“Why do you hate it so much?”


Eunsoo kept his mouth shut at my question. His long eyelashes lowered. Even in his silence, I didn’t rush him.

It was just a feeling, but it seemed like Eunsoo wasn’t reluctant to tell me; he was simply scared.

My guess was confirmed when Eunsoo, after a brief pause, gathered his thoughts and quietly spoke.

“…I did something wrong.”


“It’s all my fault that you got so badly hurt. I did something wrong…”

“Whose fault, you say? Who told you that?”

“I… I tried to deceive Jake, so… everyone says… that’s why…”


Who the hell hurt our kid while I was asleep?

I wanted to kick every single one of him between the legs.

I swallowed the curse that almost escaped my throat.

Damn it, this world never leaves Eunsoo alone.

“Eunsoo, listen carefully.”

I tried to stay composed and not let my emotions show.

“I won’t say you didn’t do anything wrong. But it’s not just your fault. The first and biggest fault lies with Jake Powell. He’s the one who locked you up and stripped away all your life choices.”


“You shouldn’t do the same thing to others. It’s wrong, after all. But in this case, I don’t blame you. I actually think you did the right thing. I’m glad you did because now you’re here in front of me.”

Eunsoo’s clear, pale blue eyes met mine.

Those eyes sparkled with a strange light. How adorable.

But then his long eyelashes lowered again. His soft, pale hands fidgeted near his chest.

“But… you got hurt.”

“It’s okay. And it’s largely because I did something reckless. You don’t need to feel guilty.”


Seeing Eunsoo close his lips again, I held back a sigh.

Now that I knew why he wasn’t cooperating with the investigation, my heart felt heavy.

As if it wasn’t bad enough that his environment had suddenly changed, this kid was hurt as soon as he stepped out into the world.

How do I comfort him?

I bit my lip.

“I’m just glad I didn’t die…”

I’m relieved that Eunsoo isn’t alone in this cruel world. I’m grateful that my actions didn’t result in my death.

Maybe the reason the gods kept me alive this time is for Eunsoo’s sake.

If I was going to send the kid out into the world, and if I caused him trauma, maybe the gods want me to take responsibility until he becomes an adult.

I took a deep breath. If I let my emotions slip now, it might make things harder for Eunsoo.

I forced a soft smile.

“Eunsoo. But you can’t stay here forever. I’ll be discharged soon…”


At the word “discharge,” Eunsoo flinched.

He must be afraid of being left alone once I leave.

That thought made my heart ache with tenderness and pity.

How can I give this child strength?

I remembered that when I woke up, the kid was holding my hand.

Hoping it might give him some comfort, I reached out and took Eunsoo’s hand.

His pale blue eyes looked at me. He seemed surprised but didn’t show any dislike.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

I held Eunsoo’s hand tightly with both of mine and spoke.

“In order to decide what will happen to you, you need to cooperate with the investigation. You’re a very special kid, so the Agency won’t let you out until they understand you.”


“You want to go outside too, don’t you?”

“I just…”

Eunsoo looked at me.

His lips moved slightly. He muttered something, but it was too quiet to hear.

But it didn’t matter. The kid had bravely made up his mind.

“Then… because you want me to, I’ll cooperate with the investigation. But there are some things I can’t do.”

“What can’t you do?”

Eunsoo fidgeted with my hand before answering, as if talking about someone else’s business.

“I can’t guide anymore.”

Unlike Eunsoo’s calm demeanor, I was so shocked that I was left stunned.

I couldn’t believe it.

He said he can’t guide.

Not Eunsoo, the protagonist of “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy,” the S-class guide.

It was true.

Just in case, I went with Eunsoo to take the guide aptitude test, but the kid really couldn’t use his abilities at all.

His abilities weren’t gone. On the contrary, I realized just how strong his abilities were because he couldn’t guide.

His presence was so overwhelming that Espers and Guides alike couldn’t help but sense it just by being near him.

It was incredible that he couldn’t guide despite having such immense power.

How did this even happen?

There was no way I could handle this shocking situation on my own.

As soon as I got my device back after sending Eunsoo into the interrogation room, I opened the group chat.

[Yang Heewoon: What’s going on…?]

[Yang Heewoon: Eunsoo can’t use his powers? How is this even possible?]

[Yang Heewoon: He definitely has powers, so why can’t he use it? Seriously.]

[Yang Heewoon: Ah…]

[Yang Heewoon: Please, someone answer me.]

[R: ?]

[E: Calm down. It’s not a big deal.]

[Yang Heewoon: What do you mean, it’s not a big deal?]

[Yang Heewoon: It IS a big deal ㅠㅠ I feel like I’m going to die from worry…]

[R: Yang Heewoon, f*** off.]

[R: Stop saying you’re going to die, damn it!]

[R: Damn, this is pissing me off.]

[C: Yang Heewoon.]

[C: Wait for me. I’ll come to the hospital.]

After crying in the group chat for a while, the entire Special A Team gathered in my hospital room not long after.

They also found Eunsoo’s condition puzzling and told me what they discovered.

“So, you’re saying Eunsoo lost his powers because of me?”

“No, Heewoon. Are you stupid? That kid used his powers in a bad way and is now feeling guilty. It’s left him traumatized. It’s his fault, not yours.”


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24 days ago

Man, guess you’re left to guide these three alone

22 days ago

Oh oh

13 days ago


9 days ago

I thought he became an esper or smth

Reply to  BlueGem
7 days ago

Nah, because same. I was getting scared for him, like how’re you gonna add one more to the mix😭

9 days ago

No queda de otra que criarlo

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