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GTLTGIDES chapter 32

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  • Click.

Thankfully, Eunsoo didn’t watch my disgraceful display for too long.

It was only after hearing the door close as Eunsoo left that I could focus entirely on Rex again.



Even after tormenting me for so long, Rex continued to stare at me with a look that clearly wanted something more.

His blue eyes seemed to be saying that it still wasn’t enough.

He really does love kissing, doesn’t he?

I smiled as I wiped the saliva from Rex’s lips.

“You can do it as much as you want. I’ll take responsibility.”

“I want to… but if I keep going, I don’t think I can stop.”

Rex avoided my gaze.

Damn it. How cute…

I couldn’t help but let my lips part.

“I can guide you. It’s okay if you let go.”

“Hey! You just woke up…”

“I can do it.”

My body was already damaged beyond repair.

I was already at around 2900 damage, so what’s 5 more going to do?

Besides, it wouldn’t be fair if I guided Elliot but not Rex.

After all, I’m the guide for Special A Team.

“I’m cold right now. Make me warm.”


Rex muttered under his breath and then covered my lips again.

For someone who said he would hold back, Rex was just as intense as Elliot, if not more.

He must have been in agony trying to restrain himself.

Maybe his worries about me only made it worse.

So I have to take responsibility.


As our lips parted for a moment, I let out a hot breath.

The heat from the kiss poured into my body, making it feel like a furnace was igniting inside me.

It wasn’t just that it was burning; I felt like the heat could melt my entire body into a puddle.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide the pained expression on my face, so even though I could tell Rex was calming down, I didn’t loosen my grip around him.

I held onto his lips a little longer, ensuring he wouldn’t pull away.

When the long kiss finally ended, Rex’s face was just as flushed as mine, both of us heated by the intense feelings he had poured into me.

“Yang Heewoon. Did you guide someone other than me?”

“Uh, yes…”

“Was it that bastard Elliot? Did you guide him through mucous contact?”



…Although we didn’t use tongues.

‘Ah, so maybe it wasn’t mucous guiding after all?’

I didn’t consider merely touching lips as mucous guiding, but it didn’t seem necessary to correct him.

My thoughts were muddled by the lingering effects of the guiding, but Rex’s reaction was strange.

He looked as if he was about to explode with displeasure, as if something about me guiding someone else was so incomprehensible.

Why is he acting like this?

“Yang Heewoon, after I saw you pinned under that bastard Jake when he went berserk… I realized something.”

“Realized what?”


“……What is it?”

Berserk, Jake. These were ominous words.

My body tensed up with nervous anticipation.

“I thought I just had a thing for you…”

“What? You’re attracted to me?”

Just when I thought it was serious, the tension evaporated.

Sexual harassment, right after I almost died?

I stared at him in disbelief, and Rex quickly waved his hands in defense.

“No, no, just let me finish!”

“Okay, go on.”

“You… I… um…”

Rex stammered for a long time, then squeezed his eyes shut. He took a deep breath, then slowly opened him again.

When he did, his expression was one I had never seen before.

A serious face without a hint of a smile.

His deep blue eyes were filled with a resolute determination as they locked onto me.

Somehow, the air around us grew heavier. I stiffened in response, watching him intently.

“Yang Heewoon, I lo—”

  • Bang!

The door to the hospital room burst open with a tremendous noise.

Startled, I turned to see Eunsoo standing there, holding a paper bag from a fast-food restaurant in one hand and lifting one leg.

So Eunsoo had kicked the door open.



At the sound of my voice, Eunsoo glanced briefly at Rex and me before closing the door with a tap of his foot.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he walked over to the table in the room, sat down, and began unpacking the paper bag he had brought in.

His nonchalant attitude made it seem as though he had no recollection of what he had just done.

‘Maybe he just wanted to see what it was like to kick a door open…?’

He had entered in a similar way when Rex came in earlier, so perhaps he wanted to try it out for himself.

It was a bit surprising, but our boy can kick a door if he wants to…

It didn’t seem like a big deal, so I turned back to Rex, eager to hear what he was about to say.

But unlike me, Rex’s demeanor had shifted dramatically.

“That… that little brat…!”

His face was flushed with anger, and his voice was boiling over with rage.

Rex was clearly in “pissed off” mode.

An alarm went off in my head.

“Hey, you! Get out here.”


I screamed his name as I clung to his waist, preventing him from advancing towards Eunsoo.

“Don’t do anything rough to Eunsoo.”

“No, he did that on purpose! He did that to screw with me!”

“Don’t shout. Not in front of the kid. Please.”

Rex was like this in the original story too.

The first encounter between Ye Eunsoo and Rex Hamilton had gone exactly like this.

A very minor action by Eunsoo had rubbed Rex the wrong way, and he had shown his anger openly.

It was true that Eunsoo was at fault, but it was also true that Rex had overreacted.

It was a mutual mistake. This bad first impression led to a strained relationship that lasted for four volumes.

If this continues, it’s going to be the “regretful path” again!

He absolutely cannot show this side of himself in front of Eunsoo.

We can’t let this first encounter become a twisted, hurtful experience.

I pleaded with him with my eyes, shaking my head vigorously.

Please, control yourself. You’re the older one here by five years!


Fortunately, Rex didn’t escalate further. He glanced at me, then took a deep breath.

And then he said to me,

“Yang Heewoon, how could you do this to me?”


“I… I made such a big decision to come here… and you’re taking his side instead of mine, even though he’s the one who did something wrong?”

Rex’s voice no longer carried anger. Instead, his blue eyes, once filled with ferocity, now trembled as if wounded.

His voice, too, was on the verge of breaking into a sob.

“Did I do something wrong?”


“Do you like him more than me? Do you like that little brat more than me?”

I blinked at the sight of him shouting, veins bulging in his neck.


How should I respond?

Ye Eunsoo is my idol. Although I like all the characters in “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy”, if I had to choose, I watched it mainly for Eunsoo’s story.

While I have affection for her as a character, since I’ve been inside Yang Hee-woon’s body, I’ve interacted more with Rex and recently received a lot of help from him.

Rex even saved my life. I’ve grown closer to Rex on a personal level, more so than with Eunsoo, who I only watched from afar.

But… do I really need to compare the two? I like him both…

It’s like being a child asked, “Who do you love more, Mom or Dad?”

How ridiculous for someone my age.

“Is that really important?”

“It is!”

“Eunsoo is just a kid. She’s still… Just let the adult, Rex, handle it and it’ll be resolved…”

“So you’re saying you like that arrogant convenience store brat more than me?”

“No, that’s not what I meant…”

“But you do! You keep defending him. I had something really, really important to say, but that brat ruined it all…”


I reached out to him, but before I could touch him, Rex dodged my hand and shouted.

“I hate you! I don’t want to see you again! Get out of Special A Team!”

  • Bang!

Rex stormed off at a tremendous speed, without looking back, leaving me speechless.

I wasn’t in any condition to chase after him, so I could only stare blankly at the closed door.

If I had a terminal, I would try to reach out to him with a message, but without one, there was nothing I could do.

“He’s acting like a child…”

Rex probably thought he was saying something shocking, but I was just baffled.

I knew he didn’t mean it, so I wasn’t shocked.

If Rex truly hated me and wanted me gone, he would have treated me as fiercely as he did Eunsoo earlier.

He wouldn’t act like such a child.

It’s like a kid who confessed his feelings and, after getting rejected, said something they couldn’t take back out of embarrassment.

Desperate for attention…

‘Still, I fear the aftermath…’

I closed my eyes and sighed briefly.

Things between Rex and I had been going well lately, but now he is so tangled…

How should I make it right?

My head was a mess.


I heard something again. A sound like air escaping, or maybe a soft chuckle.

There’s only Eunsoo and me in this room, and it wasn’t me…

I turned to look at Eunsoo.

He was struggling to tear open a ketchup packet to dip his fries.

…Did I mishear a sneeze or a cough?

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1 month ago

Rex : I love you

1 month ago

I see some jealousy

26 days ago

Although it’s too soon for rex to say that eunsoo was a bit annoying

23 days ago

Summary of this chapter: there are three kiddo : a dense one, a mischievous one, and a crybaby one 🤣🤣

Thank you for your translation ❤️💐

23 days ago

Poor Rex

22 days ago

Rex wants to confessssss

14 days ago

Wow thanks

12 days ago

At this point Heewon’s just making excuses because he doesn’t want to believe eunsoo would behave that way.💀 How can a sneeze or cough sound like a chuckle😶

11 days ago


10 days ago

Rex: “I love yo..no..I hate you”😂

10 days ago

Jajajajaja hewoon con los lentes de filtro más grande del planeta

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