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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 40- Dance Battle

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“It’s been a while since we had some meat soup. Let’s make some today.”

“What’s up with you? Seriously!”

“What’s wrong? It’s good, Hajin.”

“I thought you were mature for your age, but you’re still just a kid.”

Yoo Hajin said this and suddenly turned around.

“Guys! Tomorrow! Dance battle!”

Immediately, the trainees practicing for debut cheered loudly. Wait, aren’t only the two of us doing it?

“Who do you think will do the voting?”


I quickly bowed my head to them.

“Please give me a clean vote.”

They laughed heartily. Yoo Hajin patted my shoulder.

“You’re funnier than I thought. You’d do well in variety shows.”

“It’s more of a wordplay than a joke.”

This was something I automatically said whenever voting was mentioned.

‘I’ve done election part-time jobs too.’

To help my aunt.

I quickly ran over. Well, giving them a run for their money wouldn’t be bad.

‘But still, it’s different with Seoyung hyung.’

He resorted to violence without warning.

‘Is it because of the debut team’s atmosphere?’

I looked at Yoo Hajin. It seemed like the bright and foolish atmosphere of the debut team was because of him.

‘I really like him.’

Why didn’t he make it into ‘Zenis’?

Shaking my head, I looked up the song Ki Jaeyun recommended on the video app. Vita’s song played on my smartphone.

I quietly memorized the choreography. Was it because of my quick perception? My body moved freely.

‘They probably expect me to lose.’

If it was the old me, I might have lost.

‘But what can they do?’

With my dance rank improved.

I stifled a smile and started practicing. My A-rank dance and my flexible body were certainly different.

‘The song doesn’t have high pitches?’

It matched my vocal range.

Suddenly, a good idea came to mind. It was a brilliant idea, even to myself.


Yoo Hajin raised one hand and shouted.

“Debut team~”

The senior trainees responded together.

“Dance battle!”

They stood up and danced merrily.

“Jjan jjan jjan jjan~”

Wow. It’s like a nationwide singing contest?


I looked at the sign of ‘Friends Entertainment’ on the wall.

‘Is this okay?’

Future K-pop stars?

They continued to shout ‘jjan jjan jjan’ regardless of my thoughts, then finally sat down.

“Red corner~ 8 years of training~ Ki. Jae. Yoon!”

Is it wrestling this time?

“Blue corner~ 1 month of training~ Cha. Do. Won!”

Compared to the senior, my background was utterly insignificant. As I stepped out with a smile, Yoo Hajin added.

“He has experience in YUMI’s music video and a bakery commercial. A kid to be envious of. Everyone, applause!”

Clap clap clap-

It couldn’t have been more pathetic. As I sighed softly, the jerk in front of me said.

“Dowon, smile.”


What are you doing, Kang Minjae.

“Why did you bring a camera?”

Kang Minjae smiled brightly.

“Because it’s fun, I have to film it. Ah, Director Joo lent me the camera.”

Seriously, is everyone in this company so free?

“He insisted I film it well and show it to him.”

The damn jerk looked even more delighted. I quietly crossed my arms and sighed.

‘Is it just my feeling? It seems more heated than the monthly evaluation?’

Yoo Hajin was still laughing with the debut team members.

‘He’s got a great personality.’

I looked at Kang Minjae again. The prospective ‘leader’ of Zenis was looking only at me with the camera on.

‘The real leader is Yoo Hajin.’

Why did the fox become the leader? I couldn’t understand at all.

“Alright, let’s start. Who wants to go first?”

Shaking my head, I said.

“Anything is fine.”

“Then, Jaeyun, you go first.”

Wondering what the standard was, I looked at Yoo Hajin, who smiled kindly.

“The Maknae should go last.”

Then it can’t be helped.

Ki Jaeyun loosened up and moved to the center of the practice room. Yoo Hajin sat me in a chair. It was the best place to see Ki Jaeyun.

“Why am I the only one sitting in a chair?”

“Oh, only participants sit. It’s a tradition.”

Everyone else sat on the floor.

“Though I just made it up on the spot right now.”


Dumbfounded, I stared at Yoo Hajin, who whispered to me.

“Traditions are created as we go.”

“You didn’t put me here to make me feel pressured, right?”

It wasn’t Yoo Hajin who answered. It was Kang Minjae, who was filming me with the camera.

“Dowon, feeling pressured?”

What nonsense is that.

“I haven’t even seen my opponent’s skills, why would I feel pressured?”

Kang Minjae chuckled.

“That’s Dowon for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hajin, he’s like this.”


Yoo Hajin looked at me and smiled.

“Really? A kid full of ambition?”

“That’s why his nickname is the Ambitious One.”

“That fits!”

Yoo Hajin laughed so hard he held his belly.

‘They’re really bouncing off each other well?’


Regardless of their chat, the music started. Ki Jaeyun danced with a confident expression.

‘Popping is his specialty.’

His joints moved sharply. Indeed, a prodigy was a prodigy.

His body moved lightly, flying here and there with the music. Seeing him dance, I could understand why he was in the debut team.

‘He’s good.’

I admitted it honestly. He was probably better than me at the moment.

‘But still.’

Those who are prepared have a generous heart. I smiled and enjoyed Ki Jaeyun’s dance.

The dance soon ended. Ki Jaeyun licked his thumb with a confident look.


Do you want to do this in a room full of guys?

Sure enough, the beloved debut team members all pretended to vomit.

“Alright, alright!”

Yoo Hajin stood up and said.

“Thank you for the great dance. Everyone, give him a round of applause!”

MC, you seem to be good at this. The senior members of the debut group clapped enthusiastically. Yoo Hajin smiled at me.

“Clap too!”


I also clapped mechanically.

“Alright, let’s get ready then?”

I stood up and stretched my body. Before I knew it, Seungjoon asked me,

“Is your body okay?”


“Do your best!”

It really felt like I was about to compete in some event. I took a small breath and nodded.

Yoo Hajin clasped his hands together and said,

“Are you ready~?”

What are we, kindergartners?

“Yes, I’m ready.”

“Alright. Get on stage.”

The atmosphere was crazy. Seriously, were these guys on something? Why were they so pumped up?

‘Well, this is still a stage.’

I stood in the center and grinned. Ki Jaeyun, sitting alone, smirked as if daring me to give it a try.

‘I should live up to their expectations.’

Soon, the music started.

I widened my stance and bent my waist. My flexible joints moved smoothly.


A short exclamation came from Yoo Hajin. I smirked.

‘It’s nothing special.’

It really wasn’t anything.

‘Having an audience makes my blood boil.’

I moved my legs to the beat. Twirling my fingertips in the air, I immediately lowered my upper body. Unlike Ki Jaeyun, who only did the robot dance.

Soon, the noise died down. I grinned at the audience.

This was it.

“I’m amazing, can’t help it~!”

As I sang, their eyes twitched.

Hey, seniors?

‘It’s a dance battle, but who says I can’t sing too?’

We’re aiming to be idols, aren’t we?

‘So, I should sing and dance.’

Just dancing wouldn’t cut it. We’re not just dancers.

I engaged my abs and started the chorus.

“You looking at me~ Me looking at you~”

I noticed Kang Minjae holding a camera.

I sat down and then sprang up like a jump.

“Talented me!”

The childish lyrics were ridiculous, but somehow it felt good in this situation. I took a deep breath as I finished the final move.

Feeling the sweat run down my back, I bowed my head.

“Please give me your precious vote.”

I pointed with two fingers.

“I’m candidate number 2, Cha Dowon.”

Laughter erupted from the seniors. I slowly returned to my seat, hearing the cheerful noise. I tried to catch a glimpse of Ki Jaeyun’s expression, but Seungjoon grabbed my shoulder first.

“Good job!”

“Thanks. I’ll share some beef soup with you.”

I caught my breath and looked at Yoo Hajin. He stood up and said,

“Alright, let’s have a fair, transparent, and clean vote. You know it’s confidential, right?”

I crossed my arms. Could I also give my precious vote?

“Who thinks Jaeyoon did well? Raise your hands!”


‘Is this a hand vote?’

So much for fair, transparent, and confidential.

Ki Jaeyun and a few others raised their hands. Yoo Hajin smiled brightly and said,

“Who thinks Ya Dowon did well?”

Oh, again. This guy.

Most of them raised their hands. I sighed and bowed again.

“Thank you for your precious vote.”

Large hands patted my limbs and shoulders. These people knew how to judge.

Then, Ki Jaeyun shouted,

“This is a dance battle! We should only judge the dancing!”

“Oh, is that so.”


I looked at my dear senior members and said,

“Our job is not dancers, we’re trainees. In a trainee dance battle, it’s okay to sing too. The scoring is up to each individual. If you’re really upset, Jaeyoon, you should sing too.”

At that moment, Kang Minjae, who was filming, covered his mouth and laughed. Then, as if waiting, the trainees burst into laughter one by one.

Ki Jaeyun shouted,


Oh, geez! Why so loud?


Yoo Hajin patted my shoulder and said,

“Jaeyoon can’t sing.”

Someone next to him chimed in,

“He’s tone-deaf.”

“He can’t rap either. He’s offbeat.”

“Three vocal teachers gave up on him.”

“So he suggested the dance battle because he’s only good at dancing.”

I see.

I looked at Ki Jaeyun. Seeing him, a rare sense of pity bubbled up.

“Let’s just vote based on dance then.”

Ki Jaeyun shouted,

“Don’t pity me!”

I smiled at him.

“I’m okay with it!”

“Hey, Cha Dowon!”

Suddenly, Ki Jaeyun grabbed my collar.


Is he going to hit me?

His arm trembled slightly. Ki Jaeyun’s pupils were shaking endlessly.

I glanced to the side. Kang Minjae, holding the camera, was silently filming.

‘Aren’t you going to stop this?’


Ki Jaeyun tightened his grip on my collar.

“Cha Dowon. You’ve been a trainee for a month, right? I’ve been doing this for 8 years.”

I looked into his eyes and replied,

“I see.”

Ki Jaeyun averted his gaze and whispered,

“Thank you.”


Suddenly, the tension in his grip relaxed. Kang Minjae jumped up and down like a monkey, shouting,

“Dowon says to vote based on dance only! Hands up! Hands up! Hands up!”

Oh, damn.

‘I got played.’

For the first time since my return, I was truly fooled. This felt surprisingly refreshing.

As I clicked my tongue in disbelief, someone patted my shoulder. I turned slightly to see Kang Minjae holding the camera and covering his mouth.

“Hyung, just laugh.”


That guy laughs too. Kang Minjae wiped his tears, not knowing what to do.

“I’ve never seen you fooled before!”

“You look really pleased.”

“You’re weak against fools.”

I sighed. I wanted to deny it, but it nagged at my mind.

How many fools were there again?

‘Manager, choreographer…’

I turned my head to see Seungjoon laughing while crying.

‘And Seungjoon. Right.’

He nodded hesitantly, his laughter growing stronger. Yoo Hajin shouted again.

“So, who thinks Ki Jaeyun’s dance is good?”

Most raised their hands.

“10,000 won like gold.”

A 10,000 could buy you 400 grams of beef.

Silently shedding tears inside, Kang Minjae said,

“Normally, the loser should pay 10,000 won.”

He took out an envelope from his pocket.

“But our President said it’s too harsh to take money from the loser, so winners take this and leave.”

“Wow! President! President!”

The debut seniors cheered, calling out “President!”

“As expected, the boss is generous.”

Kang Minjae handed the white envelope to Ki Jaeyun. He gladly took it and ran off.

Yoo Hajin put his hand on my head and asked,

“How do you feel?”

“Feels like a monkey just handed it to me to sign.”

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1 month ago

Still good job Dowon

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