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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 39- Debut Team

* * *

Director Joo frowned.

“He is definitely interesting.”

It’s quite unusual.

Kang Minjae smiled broadly.

“Do you think I could tag along if things go well?”

“You? With Dowon?”

Director Joo blinked and then looked back at the screen. The boy in the video was indeed impressive.

“Our Dowon is certainly frontman material.”

“We haven’t selected the members yet, have we?”

“You know it’s basically two choices. We don’t know the reaction to the CF yet, but Yumi’s music video had a great response. That alone made an impression.”

Director Joo nodded. She could feel it too.

‘This kid is the real deal.’

He was charming and sparkling. If she recognized it, the fans would too once he debuted.

“Minjae, it sounds like you’re saying we must include him?”

“Didn’t you bring the video to me with that intention?”

“True, but the only issue is he’s too young. Cha Dowon just started his third year of middle school.”

“There are many idols who debuted at that age.”

“That’s true.”

If Cha Dowon joined the project, quite a few kids would likely leave the debut team. Thinking of their reactions, Director Joo sighed softly.

Letting go of others was necessary. Not everyone in the debut team would actually debut.

“Never imagined we’d have a kid like this rolling in.”

“He’s better at dancing and singing than kids who’ve trained for years.”

“That’s right. I saw it during the monthly evaluation.”

“The president approved him. He was so excited, saying he finally found the talent he’d been looking for.”

Director Joo knew that too. She had been there.

Now, there was nothing more to discuss. Director Joo stood up.

“About Cha Dowon. He seems to get along well with you.”

“Because Dowon is a bit of Crazy?”

“You’re boring.”

“Oh, thanks.”

But it was true.

“If he debuts and goes on variety shows, the response will be immediate. While you’ll be criticized for being too dull.”

“I’m not a variety show member, am I?”

“Can you choose your work like that? Use whatever you can to get. I’m leaving.”

“Yes, Director.”

She left the way she came. Kang Minjae put on his headset but then took it off again.

He leaned his chin on his hand and muttered.

“I never thought I’d debut with him…”

He had been running at a frightening speed, and now they were together.

“Our Dowon is scary.”

Kang Minjae shook his head and stood up. Thinking of Cha Dowon, he remembered.

‘Was it Saturday afternoon?’

It was the day Cha Dowon cooked. His skills were good enough that everyone in the debut team looked forward to it.

“Maybe I’ll try it today too.”

Though he wasn’t much interested in food, strangely, he liked what Cha Dowon made. Kang Minjae smiled and walked out slowly.

In many ways, he was a truly anticipated kid.


“Learning and practicing brings joy,” or so the saying goes.

“Damn it.”

I muttered as I lay on the practice room floor.

Learning and practicing, it’s a great idea.

‘If only there were no side effects!’

I shuddered and crawled to the corner of the practice room. My lower body had no strength. Honestly, my upper body wasn’t in much better shape.


The big Seungjoon asked, and I waved my hand as if I was fine.

“Just taking a break.”

“You never take breaks.”

“I need one now.”

Because my lower body couldn’t move at all.

I gripped my smartphone, trembling. I couldn’t let my guard down with this thing.

The reason was simple.

– What’s lacking in my dance?

– Flexibility, of course.

I had a bad habit of immediately correcting my shortcomings. So I quickly typed a cheat code on my smartphone.

[cheat mode 1/3]

[Cha Dowon Flexibility]

[It’s C. Would you like to change it?]

[Change to B]

[Changed. Side effects: Lower body paralysis for one hour, severe upper body muscle pain for a full day.]

[cheat mode 2/3]

The price for improving flexibility was harsh. I could only groan in my aching body.

‘I need to practice…’

The pain was so intense that my head felt dizzy.

The debut team members passing by asked.

“Why is Cha Dowon lying down?”

“Is he sick?”

“Ah, he’s just exhausted.”

“Oh, I thought he had great stamina, but even he get exhausted.”

Please let it go at that, debut team seniors.

“Dowon, thanks for the food.”

“I enjoyed it yesterday.”

“No problem. Glad you liked it.”

I had brought food from the CF shoot. Honestly, I thought they wouldn’t eat them due to weight concerns, but most devoured them with crazed eyes.

‘At this age, they could chew on iron.’

It’s an age where everything tastes good.

I groaned and turned my body over. My joints were heating up, making my head spin.

“Don’t you need to go to the hospital?”

“I think I’ll be able to move after resting for an hour.”

Once my legs worked again, I’d practice.

‘Cheat code, you think I’ll be defeated by side effects?’

I needed to raise my grades as much as possible before debut.

I tapped my smartphone and whispered.

‘Know this? My eyes are flipped.’

A person who’s lost it sees nothing.

“Dowon, when’s your CF coming out?”

“I don’t know.”

A guy smelling of sweat took my smartphone.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“Check the video site.”

It couldn’t be out already. But as soon as he launched the app, searched, and showed me the screen. It was already there.

‘They must have been in a hurry.’

When it played, everyone in the practice room gathered around.

“Aren’t you all supposed to be practicing?”


“I should check if the youngest did a good job.”

Various emotions were mixed in the eyes looking down at me. I sighed softly and turned the phone I was handed to fullscreen, placing it on my chest.

‘I can watch it later.’

The gazes surrounding me were intense.

‘This won’t be fun if I get caught.’

Soon, the sound of the video playing filled the room. During the short 30 seconds, people’s expressions changed rapidly. Most of them desperately hid their jealousy.

‘Well, that went well.’

Bringing the bread was a good move. It seemed like it would have been a disaster if I hadn’t brought it.

‘Not that individual feelings matter…’

If any of them are going to be in the group, I need to get along with them. A group can’t succeed alone.

At that moment, Yoo Hajin, who had been craning his neck the most, spoke.

“You did well.”

“Thank you?”

“How are you so good at acting? Isn’t this your first time?”

“The editing was good. I was lucky.”

Yoo Hajin nodded once and disappeared to practice. Thirty seconds was definitely short. The debut trainees all disappeared from above me.

Then it happened.


Someone slammed the door shut, drawing attention.


What was his name again?

‘Was it Ki Jaeyun?’

I remembered him. Come to think of it, he was one of the members of ‘Zenis.’

‘Isn’t he the one that left the company?’

I groaned from muscle pain as I grabbed my smartphone.

‘This is strange.’

The members of Zenis were all in the debut group. But something felt off.

‘The best one here is Kang Minjae.’

And the de facto leader was Yoo Hajin, who had spoken to me on the first day.

‘Honestly, he has a good personality.’

At a glance, his skills were decent too. Although I wasn’t sure about the planning, his image wasn’t a mismatch. But why didn’t Yoo Hajin become part of ‘Zenis’?

‘Isn’t it time to gather members?’

I wasn’t sure if the boy group ‘Vita’ from Friends Entertainment caused any issues before my return, but it felt busy.

‘If I hadn’t made it to the debut group last month, it would’ve been a disaster.’

The sound of the debut trainees stamping their feet was heard. I tried to move my legs, but they didn’t budge.

Seungjoon who was still looking down at me asked.

“Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”

“I’m fine. Really.”

Lee Seungjoon nodded knowingly. Come to think of it, he had decent skills too.

‘Why did Zenis only pick members like this?’

For a group, longevity is the best. Even if they split for individual activities later, it’s better for the group to remain together.

‘I hope they choose properly.’

Who is picking the members?

‘The CEO, Director Joo, and…’

Thinking of him made me sick. I let out a heavy sigh.

‘Kang Minjae.’

If I can sweet-talk him properly, can I get some decent members chosen?

‘Damn it. Do I really have to do this?’

Just being in the same group as that damn guy is stressful. Ah, I want to curse.

‘Think of it as an investment for the future.’

Since my aunt lost the election, I need to earn a lot of money to get a building.

‘This is sad.’

I let out a heavy sigh. Lost in thought, an hour had passed, and my legs moved.

As I bent my legs, I was surprised.

‘What’s this?’

Despite the severe joint pain, my body was incredibly flexible. It was as if it was lubricated.

‘Is this even possible?’

I tried some practice moves. The reflection in the mirror was completely different.


Was my flexibility always this great?

‘Should I try another cheat?’

I quickly grabbed my smartphone.

[cheat mode 2/3]

[Cha Dowon’s dance skills]

[Current: B. Would you like to change?]

[Change to A]

[Changed successfully.]

[As a side effect, you will experience mouth foaming for 15 minutes in 5 minutes.]

[cheat mode 3/3]

Damn it.

I hurried out of the practice room.


“I need to use the bathroom!”

From inside the room, I heard someone asking, “Is it diarrhea?”

I quickly ran to the bathroom. I sat down safely and waited for the side effect to kick in.

‘Damn, but I’m excited.’

How much will I change?

After foaming at the mouth for 15 minutes, my dancing should be different. I smiled and closed my eyes.

It was annoyingly troublesome, but I didn’t feel bad.


“Hey, let’s have a dance battle.”

After eating a fancy meal, a dance battle?

I squinted and looked him up and down.

“What’s your name?”

“Ki Jaeyun! Debut trainee! 19 years old!”

Ah, the guy who was making a fuss earlier.

I thought some unknown guy had suddenly appeared, but he was a member of ‘Zenis.’

“Hmm, what’s a dance battle?”

When I asked slightly, he answered urgently.

“It’s a battle! We decide by voting! If you win, you get 10,000 won!”

The scale was modest.

“I’m not doing it.”

“Why not! Do it!”

“It’s annoying. I have a lot to practice.”

What battle in leisure time.

“Do it! Do it! Do it with me!”

I tried hard to hide my face, which was starting to contort in annoyance.

What’s he talking about?

Does he think insisting will get him what he wants?

‘I want to smack him.’

Should I treat this guy with respect as a senior too?

At that moment, Yoo Hajin came between me and Ki Jaeyun.

“Don’t bother the youngest, Ki Jaeyun.”

“I just want to have a battle.”

“If it’s a dance battle, it only favors you. You’re the best dancer among us.”


‘I didn’t know that.’

Was he the best?

“He joined as a dance prodigy and has been a trainee for 8 years.”

“I see.”

“He must’ve gotten angry seeing your CF. It’s just his stubbornness, you don’t have to do it.”

I smiled brightly.

“No, I’d like to try.”

Only favoring himself, huh? This guy, really.

“Oh? You’ll do it?”

“Really? We’re doing it tomorrow! The song is ‘Proud Me’!”

Without looking back, he ran off. Yoo Hajin shook his head as if he couldn’t stop him.

‘He even chose the song he’s best at.’

As expected.

“Why are you accepting that from someone just because they’re jealous?”

“To learn a thing or two from them.”

I understood why Jaehyun became part of Zenis.

‘Ah, he was the main dancer.’

“For a ten thousand won bill, you could get 400 grams of beef. Try digging the ground and see if you can find that much money.”

* * *

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