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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 42

* * *

I swung my arms with a tearful face.

‘My body won’t listen to me.’

My hips swayed too. Trying to change the channel, my arms barely moved because I was dancing.

‘I’m going crazy.’

Being a baby made it harder to balance. My muscles wouldn’t cooperate.

‘I’m going crazy.’

Another self kept moving my body.

‘Why is the music so long?’

– Tonight, just the two of us……

And why are the lyrics like that!

‘Isn’t this inappropriate for a baby?’

Thankfully, a savior arrived while I kept wiggling my hips.

“Oh my, Kongja! Why are you dancing!”


“Because I increased my stamina, I’m dancing!”

Auntie An came into the playpen and picked me up. Even then, my legs kept shaking.

“What kind of show is this!”

She turned off the TV. Finally, I stopped and panted heavily.

“How did the TV turn on? And look at this sweat!”

She wiped my sweat with her hand. I kept gasping for air.

‘If this continues, I might die.’

The price was harsh. She sighed and comforted me.

“We need to change your clothes. Or maybe a bath would be better.”

I shook my head.

‘I’m thirsty.’

I held my neck and said.

“Water, please!”


I was surprised at my own words.

“Oh my?”

She blinked.

I spoke again.


Honestly, it was still more like babbling.

I looked at her with a desperate face.

“Hey Kongja, are you, are you really speaking right now?”


‘Even I’m surprised.’

Wow, suddenly speaking in full sentences.

I touched my throat.

‘Did my vocal cords suddenly develop?’

Why did this happen out of nowhere? Without any warning!

Auntie An looked at me with sparkling eyes.

“Kongja, say something. Oh my goodness! You’re still a baby, but you’re speaking so well already!”

Auntie An was so excited that she picked me up and spun around.

“Is Kongja a genius? How can you do this at such a young age?”

Hmm, I don’t know much about babies, but Auntie An.

‘Aren’t there quite a few babies who talk early?’

It’d be a big deal if she thought I was a genius for nothing.

‘I’m not dumb, but I’m not a genius either.’

I just look like a genius.

‘Should I tone this down a bit so she’s not disappointed later?’

But contrary to my hopes, Auntie An immediately pulled out her phone.

“I have to tell the lady. Kongja! Look here!”

Ah, there’s no helping it.

If it’s for mom, then.

I blinked while looking at the lens.

“Now, Kongja, tell your mom to come quickly!”

Hmm, Auntie An. You’re expecting a lot from a baby who just started speaking in sentences.

‘But I should do something similar for you.’

Because, for mom’s happiness.

‘It’s really not a big deal, but she’ll be happy.’

Ah, is she going to cry again?

“Kongja, say something! Look here!”

I said what I wanted to say the most.


I said clearly with a big smile.

“Joah!” (meaning “like” in a cute way)

I got chills while saying it.

‘Wow, it feels like something inside me is breaking.’

Do I have to live like this?

‘But if it makes mom happy, then it’s okay.’

That’s enough. That’s enough. Don’t think too deeply.

“Oh! So cute!”

Auntie An laughed while fiddling with her phone.

‘Excuse me. Auntie An. Everything’s good, but…’

“Give me water!”

“Oh, okay. Kongja, let’s go drink some barley tea.”

Auntie An walked excitedly.

As I moved towards the kitchen, I looked up at the ceiling.

‘Well, I guess it’s all good.’

Probably. Although I feel like hiding desperately, that must be right.

I let out a deep sigh.
* * *

“Thank you.”

Ma Soo-jung squinted her eyes and crossed her legs the other way.

“What is it, what are you thankful for?”

President Seo grinned and bowed his head slightly again.

“Really, thank you.”

Ma Soo-jung let out a deep sigh. It was so long that her hair moved.

“Ah, you’re doing great these days. Really great. Our Actress Ma is in her prime.”

That’s true.

Ma Soo-jung rotated her shoulders and said.

“I know, I’m doing well.”

What on earth has happened?

Ma Soo-jung thought she had a rough idea of what was going on and chuckled.

“A lot of people are looking for me, right?”

“They’re looking for you like crazy. Chungmuro, entertainment shows, everyone wants our Actress Ma?”

“Director. You know this is all because of Kongja, right?”

President Seo nodded vigorously.

“I know. That pretty baby really seems like an angel.”

“Of course. But how should I put it…”

Ma Soo-jung took a long breath.

“I like being busy. Why?”

“Being busy is good. Except that I can’t see Kongja. Do you know I missed Kongja’s first steps? And also…”

Ma Soo-jung took out her phone and showed the Cocoa Talk screen.

President Seo leaned in to look.

On the screen, a cute baby was laughing gleefully.

For a moment, something in the director’s chest melted.

He didn’t know what it was, but it did.

-Mama! Joah!

‘Wow, this is no joke.’

A sigh of admiration came out.

“How can a child be so adorable just by looking?”


“A child who looks pretty and does cute things too.”

“I told you, it’s an angel. If even you feel that way, imagine how I, the mother, feel? Ah, Kongja speaks so well, but I can’t even hear it in person…”

Ma Soo-jung looked up at the ceiling.

“I’m confident I can be a good mom, but these days I’m wavering.”

“Hey. Kongja will understand.”

“Kongja might understand, but I can’t understand myself. I could just cut back on work, but I don’t. I mean, me.”

“How can you cut back? All the roles are great.”

Ma Soo-jung nodded slightly.

“That’s right. There are many roles I wouldn’t get twice in my acting career.”

“If you hesitate here, Actress Ma, you’ll regret it?”

Ma Soo-jung sighed.

“I know. That’s why I can’t waste even a bit of time.”

President Seo rested his chin on his hand and asked.

“So? What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to have Kongja’s first birthday party. Even if it’s small, at home.”

President Seo blinked and said.

“Small? Why small?”


“Do it grandly. I’ll prepare it.”

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