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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 23

* * *

Dojae returned to the room he shared with Kyuseong and sat on the bed, revisiting the article he had read earlier.

“IV Investment decides to invest in Kingdom Entertainment, home to the popular group Big Boys.”

The article described how the company’s fortunes had turned for the better due to Big Boys’ rising popularity, securing a significant investment.

‘So this is the important meeting that Team Leader Jung Heeyoung mentioned regarding investment.’

Dojae recalled his education at the Imperial Palace.

Even those born into the imperial family who weren’t direct heirs were required to take succession classes from ages fifteen to seventeen.

This was to ensure they were prepared for any potential vacancies.

The classes primarily focused on the management of the royal household.

Since the founding of the Empire, the initial operating expenses of the imperial family had been covered by taxes from the citizens.

However, it wasn’t sustainable to rely solely on taxes, so the imperial family sought investments and grew their own businesses.

As a result, the lessons Dojae received were similar to corporate management courses, enabling him to grasp the company’s financial status through investment articles.

‘Although I don’t know all the company’s operations, I can get a general idea…’

Dojae paid close attention to the last line of the article.

“…With the successful investment, Kingdom Entertainment plans to intensify preparations for the debut of their next group in the second half of this year.”

Thus, it was clear that the company’s financial situation had improved and that they had secured funding for the next group’s debut.

Dojae saw a glimmer of hope in this.


On Monday, practice resumed. As they left the dormitory and headed to the practice room, the members were still pondering which song would be best for their title track.

As they alternated humming between two songs, Kijoon stopped them.

Kijoon, who had checked a message from Manager Kim Seokchul, spoke up, “We need to go to the small meeting room instead of the practice room.”

“The meeting room? Why?”

“I don’t know. They said morning practice is canceled and to go to the meeting room.”

“What? Canceled? Why…?”

Heungmin murmured, furrowing his brow.

If there was something important, they usually would have been notified in advance.

This sudden change was unusual.

“Exactly. It’s rare for morning practice to be entirely canceled.”

Moreover, it wasn’t their usual team leader Jung Heeyoung who called them but Manager Kim Seokchul.

If practice was canceled, it might mean they were going to get a serious talk about their dorm life or practice attitudes, though that was rare.

While Kijoon and Heungmin were worried, Louis and Woochul exchanged excited glances.

They were experiencing intense practice sessions as their debut approached, and the cancellation of morning practice was a relief, no matter the reason.

“Huh? The lights in the meeting room are off.”

Even Woochul, who had been unconcerned, tilted his head in confusion upon reaching the eighth floor where the small meeting room was located.

“What’s going on? Aren’t they here yet?”

“That’s odd. Manager Seokchul said they’d be in the meeting room.”

The members approached the meeting room, puzzled. The lights were indeed off, and it seemed empty.

“Let’s go in and wait.”

Just as Heungmin, who was at the front, opened the door and turned on the lights.



Louis, startled by Team Leader Jung Heeyoung’s cheerful voice, stepped back and screamed.


A moment later, colorful confetti burst into the air.

Contrary to their expectations, the meeting room was filled with staff from Planning Team 2, Manager Kim Seokchul, and even their morning practice trainer, Yangmal.


The banner covering the meeting room wall read.

Looking at the cake and drinks on the table and the congratulatory banner, the members were momentarily stunned.

“Were you surprised? It was worth planning the surprise party seeing your reactions.”

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung teased, making Assistant Manager Lee Jungyeon and other staff chuckle softly. Even Manager Kim Seokchul, usually stern, had a faint smile on his face.

“More than the party… Louis startled us more.”

Woochul laughed, looking at Louis, who almost stepped on his foot in surprise. Louis laughed louder, feeling embarrassed.


In the midst of the busy atmosphere, Dojae focused on the banner. Team Leader Jung Heeyoung quickly explained.

“We haven’t had a proper celebration since your debut group was confirmed. We decided to celebrate now that your group name is finalized.”

“So our group name is officially MOST?”

There had been many candidates and several meetings, but the name hadn’t been finalized until now. It seemed it was finally decided.


“Wow. That’s awesome. I like it.”

“Do you?”


Woochul’s enthusiastic response brightened the faces of Planning Team 2 staff, who had been troubled over the team name.

“Kijoon, do you like it too?”

Assistant Manager Lee Jungyeon asked Kijoon, the leader with the most critical personality.

While everyone else seemed pleased with the name MOST, it was hard to read Kijoon’s thoughts due to his usual stern demeanor.

“Yes. It’s much better than the name the president suggested last time.”

Kijoon nodded, recalling a previous candidate name suggested before Dojae and Louis joined.

“Oh, that one…”

Assistant Manager Lee Jungyeon trailed off, not wanting to mention it.

“What was it?”

Louis asked, but Kijoon, reluctant to speak, kept his mouth shut, and Heungmin shrugged and answered in his place.


“D&T? It doesn’t sound too bad… What does it mean?”

“Dragon and Tiger.”


It was hard to find words to describe such naming sense. Team Leader Jung Heeyoung shook her head, remembering the incident.

“Dragon Boys, Tiger Boys. Splitting up for debut. I was the one who stopped it.”

“You did a great job, Team Leader.”

Manager Kim Seokchul, who had been quiet until now, chimed in. Clearly, he didn’t want to manage a group called Dragons and Tigers either.

Dojae chuckled and reflected on the name MOST.

Maximum, Supreme, The Best.

A word that, when added to anything, created a superlative.

“I hope you become a group that itself is the most impressive modifier. You all are more than capable.”

At Team Leader Jung Heeyoung’s words, everyone nodded in agreement.

May MOST precede all good things in the world.

Everyone in the conference room fervently hoped for this.

“There’s still a lot to do before your debut…. So let’s give it our best from now on.”

“Yes, Team Leader.”

Kijoon responded immediately.

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung smiled as she looked after the members.

Although looking after the members was part of her job, she cared for them more than that.

As a result, the members now trusted and followed her like an older sister.

“First, let’s eat! You’ve all been working hard with practice, right?”

“These days? It’s not just these days.”

When Woochul muttered, Heungmin couldn’t resist commenting.

“Hyung, you always complain that you’re tired. If you’re not tired, don’t ask for pain relief patches. I won’t give you any.”

“You little brat.”

While those two bantered as usual, Kyuseong cut the cake.

A chocolate cake and various snacks were piled on the table.

Because of weight management, they couldn’t eat snacks at the dorm, so everyone was excited to officially indulge.

“A group name… It’s starting to feel real.”

Kyuseong, who loved sweets the most, said this as he took a big bite of the chocolate cake.

“Right? Ah… Heungmin, we need to decide on a stage name for you. The President is still considering it….”

“The President, not the Vice President?”

Heungmin, who had been stuffing his mouth with potato chips alongside Woochul, suddenly stopped.

Since Heungmin shared the same name as the world-famous Korean soccer player, Son Heungmin, he couldn’t debut with his real name.

So he had thought he’d debut with a stage name since his trainee days.

But he didn’t expect that the President, who had suggested the name “D&T,” would name him.

“Uh… Didn’t he say he wasn’t handling day-to-day tasks anymore?”

At Heungmin’s cautious question, Team Leader Jung Heeyoung responded empathetically.

“He handed over daily operations to the Vice President. But he loves naming things.”


Woochul chuckled and patted Heungmin’s back.

Heungmin glared at Woochul for no reason.

“The President will be at the meeting to decide the title track, so think it over. If you suggest the best one, the President will go with it. It’s your name, after all.”

With Team Leader Jung Heeyoung’s tip, Heungmin quickly nodded.

For the time being, Heungmin’s concern would not be choosing between “I Am Different” and “Dynamic,” but deciding on his stage name.

Dojae thought about finally meeting the President, who had stepped back from day-to-day operations, and spoke up.

“But I have something to say.”

Everyone turned to look at Dojae as he cautiously changed the subject.

“Regarding the title track. Before we make suggestions at the meeting, I’d like to get everyone’s agreement.”


Team Leader Jung Heeyoung blinked as if to ask what it was.

“The title track. Does it have to be either ‘I Am Different’ or ‘Dynamic’?”

“Huh? For now… yes? Unless there’s a better song. Do you have another song you want to suggest?”

At Team Leader Jung Heeyoung’s question, Dojae shook his head.

“No. Both are great songs. I want to do both.”

“Of course, we want to do both… Huh?”

Realizing something, Team Leader Jung Heeyoung stared at Dojae.

It wasn’t that Dojae liked both and couldn’t choose between them.

“Could it be?”

“Do you mean to debut with both songs?”

Kijoon, who quickly caught on to Dojae’s words, asked.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Kyuseong, who was munching on cake, widened his eyes.

“What do you mean, hyung? Can you have two title tracks?”

Woochul, genuinely perplexed, asked, and in truth, Dojae wanted to ask everyone that too.

Was it possible?

Usually, there was only one title track.

All efforts were poured into that one.

But Dojae was suggesting releasing and promoting two songs simultaneously.

It required double the investment and effort.

The risk of failure also doubled.

‘But if we succeed, the rewards will be twice as great.’

The idea started from questioning why they had to choose just one when both were equally excellent.

Inspired by an investment article, Dojae hoped that the small agency, Kingdom, now had the means to produce both tracks as titles.

Dojae believed it was worth a try.

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1 month ago

Ooooh the BLACKPINK method hehe

1 month ago

Reminds me of black pink

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