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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 16

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“Your ear is good.”

Kijoon’s words were a compliment. The unexpected praise made the members look back and forth between Kijoon and Dojae, confused.


Woochul’s mouth dropped open in disbelief.

“Hyung, did you just praise Dojae?”

“Yeah. Unlike you guys, he seems to have an ear for music.”

As Kijoon continued to acknowledge Dojae’s talent, Heungmin’s mouth also fell slightly open.

‘To receive praise about music from that perfectionist…’

It was a thought that passed through everyone’s mind.

To the members, Kijoon was a difficult hyung in many ways.

While the other members had been training for about two years, Kijoon had been a trainee for four years.

When the other members joined, Kijoon was already nearly a completed trainee.

The difference in skill wasn’t just due to the difference in training period.

From the beginning, Kijoon was a promising trainee.

He didn’t debut with Big Boys because he was so highly regarded.

The company planned to build the next team around Kijoon, who showed talent in songwriting.

Kijoon, too, wanted to pursue bigger dreams rather than becoming a typical idol, so he accepted.

With his outstanding skills and perfectionist tendencies, he was strict with both himself and the members.

‘He tends to acknowledge things like singing or dancing that aren’t his field, though…’

Heungmin thought.

Kijoon was the one who urged the members more than the trainers or company staff to listen to and study more songs.

Now, even a hint of satisfaction was on Kijoon’s face.

“That part was exactly what I was concerned about.”

“Could I get the file, please? I think I might find a way to revise it if I listen more.”


Kijoon answered more readily than ever before.

A faint hint of life flashed across his usually pale face.

Heungmin and Woochul exchanged quick glances.

Soon, Heungmin lightly patted Dojae’s shoulder.

“You’re a genius too!”

“Wow. I knew it. From the moment I saw your profile, I knew it. No ordinary person can speak so many languages…”

It was the conclusion they both came to.

Watching them, Kijoon shook his head and began assigning rooms.

First was Louis’s room.

“This is the smallest room… but it’s a single, so you can use it.”

“Wow. The oldest and youngest both get their own rooms.”

Kijoon decided this because Louis had a lot of stuff, but Woochul’s comment was also true.

The room Louis was going to use was the one Heemin had used just a week ago.

Heungmin nudged Woochul in the ribs as if to tell him not to say unnecessary things.

Regardless, Louis was thrilled to have a room to himself and started moving his belongings in.

“Dojae can be roomate with Kyuseong. You’re the same age, so it works out.”

“Yeah. Kyuseong is really quiet, but once you get to know him, he’s a good kid. Really kind.”

Heungmin said, patting Kyuseong’s back in silent encouragement, knowing Kyuseong’s introverted nature.

When Dojae made eye contact with Kyuseong, he quickly averted his gaze.

‘It will take some time, I guess.’

Dojae thought as he entered the room.

The room Kyuseong had been using alone because the last member hadn’t been found yet was medium-sized.

It had a desk, a wardrobe, and a bunk bed.

It was messy, but still in better condition than the room Woochul and Heungmin shared.

“Kyuseong uses the top bunk, so you can use the bottom. Kyuseong, did you clear a closet shelf?”

Kijoon asked, and Kyuseong nodded slightly.

The clothes piled on the bed seemed like they were half unworn and would probably be thrown out.

“Alright, let’s all unpack. We start practicing together tomorrow, so rest well today.”

As Kijoon finished and left, Woochul muttered weakly through the slightly open door.

“Welcome to hell.”

His voice was gloomy, likely because he felt their one day off was slipping away.

Heungmin clicked his tongue behind Woochul.

“Geez, why do you keep calling it hell?”

“Hyung, are you Christian or something?”


Woochul, no longer dispirited, bickered with Heungmin as they left the room.

Left alone, Kyuseong and Dojae started unpacking, barely a moment of awkward silence between them.

Dojae clumsily folded his clothes, remembering the way palace attendants used to do it.

‘Living in a group…’

Many things Dojae had never imagined before lay ahead of him.

Living with people he barely knew beyond their names, ages, and rough personalities.

For Dojae, who had never left the palace, this was a significant challenge.

‘But we share the same dream.’

That alone seemed like it would be enough to get along.

Even if it was an overly optimistic outlook.


The next morning.

As Kijoon had said, Dojae and Louis immediately joined the members’ practice.

Holding the schedule, Louis hugged Woochul, wiping away tears, saying it really did seem like hell. But to Dojae, the schedule was satisfying.

‘It’s been three years since Kang Dojae became a trainee, but not for me…’

He had consistently practiced singing and studied music while dreaming of becoming a singer in the palace.

But that alone wasn’t enough.

‘Moreover, I’m not familiar with Korean songs.’

Even though he had Kang Dojae’s memories, it would take time to make them his own.

In that sense, Dojae thought the more time he had to practice before debuting, the better.

“One, two, three!”

Clap, clap, clap.

“One, two, three!”

The dance trainer’s voice echoed through the practice room, followed by the heavy sound of footsteps.

The morning practice session was used by the dance trainer to assess Dojae and Louis’s skills.

Since the other members were already in sync, the key was how quickly Dojae and Louis could catch up.

“Four, five, six, seven! Done!”

Recalling the trainer’s demonstration, Dojae and Louis followed the members’ steps.

With his natural sense for dancing, Louis quickly mastered the basic moves. Starting from the basics wasn’t too different from their practice in New Entertainment.

“Dojae! One beat faster!”

Without time to wipe the sweat off his forehead, Dojae moved his body faster as instructed by the trainer. Initially struggling, Dojae was gradually adapting to the steps, following his muscle memory.

The dance trainer kept counting until the movements of all six reflected in the mirror were perfectly synchronized.

“That’s it!”

Finally, the trainer’s satisfied exclamation came, and everyone’s faces were drenched in sweat.

“Good job. Take a thirty-minute break, and then we’ll resume the song cover practice from last time. You’ve all practiced, right?”


“Why is there no response!”

“Yes, we have!”

While everyone sighed, Kijoon answered crisply, and the trainer left the practice room after hearing the response.

With a thud, the members either plopped down or lay flat on the floor.

“Wow. I can’t believe the morning practice is over.”

Woochul muttered in a near-dead voice.

“Still, it seemed a bit less intense since it was Dojae and Louis’s first day.”

Louis looked surprised at Heungmin’s murmuring.

Dojae was also a bit surprised. The intensity was much higher than the practice he remembered from New Entertainment.

‘This is tough.’

Wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, Dojae sat on a chair. No matter how shaky his legs were, he couldn’t bring himself to sit directly on the floor.

While Dojae reviewed the practice on the chair, the members on the floor chatted among themselves.

“Still, you both followed well. As expected, New Entertainment are different. How long have they been trainees?”

“About half a year for me? Dojae hyung trained for three years and even made it into the debut group!”

Louis boasted in response to Heungmin’s question, as if it was his own achievement.

Everyone, including Heungmin, was naturally surprised.

“What? No wonder they’re so good… Wait, he was in the debut group? Then why…?”

Though he didn’t finish his sentence, it was clear what he was hinting at.

Leaving the New Entertainment debut group to join Kingdom’s debut group was unheard of among idol trainees.

Dojae had only mentioned being a New Entertainment in his introduction, so the company didn’t know he was in the debut group. They assumed that since New Entertainment had selected their debut group, the remaining trainees were released.

Even Team Leader Jung Heeyoung felt a bit disheartened that two such talented individuals had been released from New Entertainment.

“Well… it’s a long story.”

Louis mumbled, glancing at Dojae, regretting his words.

Seeing this, Heungmin didn’t press further. He was curious but decided it could wait.

Louis soon got up and went over to Dojae.

“Hyung, are you thirsty? Want some water?”

Realizing he was indeed thirsty, Dojae nodded lightly.

Louis quickly fetched water from the hallway and handed a paper cup to Dojae.

Accustomed to being served by palace attendants, Dojae naturally accepted the cup.

Taking a sip of cold water was refreshing.

Just then, Dojae made eye contact with Kyuseong, who was sitting on the floor catching his breath.

Kyuseong’s gaze through his shaggy bangs seemed piercing.

‘What is it?’

Dojae wondered if Kyuseong wanted water too and looked down at his own cup.

‘Still, sharing my drink seems inappropriate.’

In the Korean Empire, Dojae was accustomed to not eating or drinking anything without it being tested first. The idea of sharing a drink didn’t come easily.

The contemplation was brief as Kyuseong had already looked away.

‘Maybe it was just a passing glance.’

Without overthinking, Dojae refocused on reviewing the practice.


After grueling practice, the members returned to their dorm late at night. The training intensity was tough to endure for anyone without strong stamina.

‘Fortunately, Kang Dojae’s body is robust.’

Thinking this, Dojae finished his shower. The tension from his first practice had made his muscles ache more than when he practiced alone at home.

‘It would be nice to get a massage…’

Thinking back, surviving the long hours of morning, afternoon, and evening classes had been possible thanks to the palace attendants’ care.

‘Chamberlain Kim took such good care of me.’

Now, he had to manage everything on his own. But that was fine. Even though it was equally tiring, doing what he loved all day was more satisfying.

Though he was exhausted enough to fall asleep immediately, Dojae turned on his laptop to analyze Kijoon’s song.

Noticing Kyuseong already lying on the top bunk bed, Dojae hesitated for a moment before calling him.


In truth, Dojae had barely heard more than a basic greeting from him.

Even though they were the same age, it was hard to call him comfortably by his name.

Kyuseong, covered in a blanket, didn’t respond. Dojae cleared his throat and called again.

“Kyuseong… ah?”


“Are you going to sleep now? If so, I’ll turn off the light…”

Suddenly, Kyuseong sat up, throwing off his blanket before Dojae finished speaking.

“I don’t like you.”

His voice trembled as if he had finally managed to say it.

‘It’s finally happening.’

Dojae’s handsome brows furrowed slightly.

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1 month ago

I don’t like kyuseong

15 days ago

Well that was random.

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