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Guiding the Twins chapter 2

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Lately, the sound that woke Haegum wasn’t an alarm but the notification of an incoming message.

It could be an important message, so he couldn’t ignore it.

Seo Munhyeok
☀ヽ( ´O`)ゞGood Morning~♥


Haegum furrowed his brows deeply as he checked the message.

The bright emojis wiped away the last traces of drowsiness he had left.

Seo Munhyeok
You read it♥
My guideꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ)♥ My guideꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ)♥
Haegum-ah… are you awake…?♥
Please reply♥to♥me♥

“…At least give me time to respond,” Haegum muttered quietly as he glanced at the rapidly incoming messages.

Seo Munhyeok
ʜɪɴɢ ɢᴜʀɪ ᴘᴏɴɢ ᴘᴏɴɢ ಢ‸ಢ
Just leave a dot~♥

After reading all of Seo Munhyeok’s messages, Haegum sent back a single dot, as he wished.

Seo Munhyeok
You’re alive ( ˘ ³˘) my guide♥

Turning off his phone, Haegum stood up and murmured quietly, “Who said I’m your guide…”

As he tidied his hair, his gaze drifted to the small frame hanging beside the mirror on the wall.

In the photo, an esper and a guide stood side by side in uniform, smiling.

It was Haegum and Seo Munhyun.

Haegum peeked his head out the door and glanced down the hallway.

Confirming no one was there, he cautiously stepped out.

“Guide Yeon Haegum.”


A low, soft voice came from behind him.



Seo Munhyeok approached with long strides, now standing beside him.

“Haegum-ah, Haegum-ssi, Sweetie.”



“Don’t call me that.”

Ignoring him so far, Haegum frowned at the last term of endearment. Seo Munhyeok’s lips twisted into a smirk.

“Then respond when I call you. Hm? And reply to my texts.”

Seo Munhyeok shook his phone next to her, as Haegum remained silent.

“…Stop sending messages.”

“Why? You don’t think it’s cute? I worked hard on them.”

“It doesn’t suit you.”

Without a second thought, Haegum answered, and Seo Munhyeok chuckled.

“Sweetie, stop playing hard to get and just give in. I’m tired of keeping up this obsessive act.”

“How many times do I have to tell you? Stop saying nonsense.”

From this morning, it seemed like he was getting caught up in Seo Munhyeok’s pace.

He had a knack for getting under Haegum’s skin, even though he was usually known for his calm demeanor.

“Ouch… my heart’s hurt. I think I need some guiding to heal this.”


Haegum gave him a blank look, unimpressed by his exaggerated antics.

“You don’t believe me?”

“…Do you think I’m a child who would believe something like that?”

“Then, grown-up guide Yeon Haegum.”


“Have you ever ‘fucked’ someone?”

Seo Munhyeok abruptly asked, leaning closer.

Though Haegum didn’t want to admit it, he had a weakness for this face—though it was more for his twin brother, who looked exactly like him.

“…Is that how they teach you to greet people in the combat units? That’s not how we do it at the center.”

Haegum’s quick retort hit Seo Munhyeok, and for a moment, he looked stung.

But only for a moment.

He quickly replaced his expression with a playful grin.

“Yes, my apologies.”


“Guide Yeon Haegum, may I ask you something, with all due respect?”

“Esper Seo Munhyeok, have you lost your mind?”

Though Seo Munhyeok spoke in formal language, the content of his words was far from polite.

Haegum was too stunned for words.

“Nope, I’m perfectly sane.”

“It doesn’t seem like it.”

“Will you guide me if I’m not? I’m halfway there, honestly.”


Haegum stopped in his tracks and sighed deeply.

The sigh was so heavy it seemed like the floor might cave in.

Seo Munhyeok added, sounding genuinely concerned.

“Esper Seo Munhyeok.”


Haegum called Seo Munhyeok with all the patience he could muster.

“Esper Seo Munhyeok, you seem quite popular.”

Seo Munhyeok shrugged as if to say, “Of course.”

“You have good taste in people, I see.”

“So, how about finding another guide who wants to ‘fuck’ with you?”

Seo Munhyeok let out a low chuckle.

His eyes glinted momentarily, a coldness in them that didn’t match the playful banter from before.

“To the guide Yeon Haegum, who performed a miracle by saving my S-class esper brother, Seo Munhyun, who was dying from a lack of guiding.”


Seo Munhyeok lifted his gaze, speaking in a quiet, intimate tone as though revealing a secret.

“No other guide will do.”


“You know that better than anyone, don’t you?”

Their eyes locked, and the space between them suddenly narrowed.

Haegum was the first to break away, turning his head and leaving.

‘In the beginning, there was light.’

That was the line that stayed with Haegum after learning to read Korean again.

People have their own ‘first memories.’

At least, that’s what those Haegum asked had said.

Happy moments with family, big fights with siblings, fun times with friends, or just small, mundane memories of daily life.

No one said their first memory was ‘light’ like Haegum.

Blinding, brilliant white light—that was his first memory.

The next was a deafening noise.

Haegum closed his eyes against the earth-shaking, brutal sound of destruction.

It was only later that he learned it was the clash between monsters and espers that happened when a sinkhole formed.

The ground beneath his had caved in, and everything around was ablaze, choking his with smoke.

In that deadly scene, Haegum stood frozen.

The first person he saw in that unreal moment was…

‘Are you alright?’

The S-class esper with a compatibility rate of 99% with him.

‘My name is Seo Munhyun, an esper. I’ll ask again. Are you alright?’

He was the one who became Haegum’s entire world.



“Why are you spacing out like that?”

The soft voice from his memory blended with reality.

Haegum turned his head to see Seo Munhyun.

Ten years later, he still looked handsome and upright, with added maturity and masculinity.


Haegum smiled, his expression softening as he called out to him.

The fierce attitude he had shown Seo Munhyeok that morning was nowhere to be seen.

“You said you trained. Are you feeling alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

Seo Munhyun smiled gently at his as he nodded vigorously, trying to reassure him.

He then lifted one arm to pull him into a side hug.

As he wrapped his arm around his shoulders, Haegum’s face flushed a light pink.

“I was worried you might’ve overdone it with yesterday’s training.”

“Oh, the mock training? I’m fine.”

“That’s a relief.”

“What about you? Did you train too?”

Being so close, Haegum could catch a faint scent different from the usual light cologne he wore.

There was a subtle smell of blood and the sharp, acrid scent of gunpowder.

“No, I was dispatched for combat.”


“A monster dropped out of nowhere, even though things had been quiet for a while. What a hassle.”

His face was tired, not exaggerating the difficulty of the monster he had to deal with.

Even his usually neat clothes were slightly wrinkled.

“You’re not hurt, right?”

Haegum asked, looking at him with concern.

“More or less.”


Their eyes met, and a short silence passed.

Seo Munhyun, pressing his tongue against the inside of his cheek, seemed to gauge how bad his injuries were.

But soon, he wiped the annoyed look from his face and smiled gently.

“How’s your schedule this afternoon at 3?”

At Seo Munhyun’s question, Haegum licked his lips slightly, trying to hide his nervousness.

His mouth was dry, and his throat felt like it was burning.

“Uh, once the orientation for the newbies is over, I don’t have any other plans.”

“Then, shall we meet at the guiding room?”

“Is that okay?” Seo Munhyun added, as if respecting Haegum’s wishes, but they both knew well enough.

Yeon Haegum would never dare say “no” to Seo Munhyun.


“Call me when the orientation is over. I’ll come pick you up.”

Seo Munhyun affectionately brushed Haegum’s shoulder, but Haegum’s face showed signs of discomfort at his laid-back tone.

“You really don’t have to come pick me up.”


Seo Munhyun raised one eyebrow as he asked.

“Well, it’s just that… I need to loosen up and, uh, get ready…”

At Haegum’s response, Seo Munhyun let out a slow sigh.



“Do you want me to help?”

“No, I’ll do it myself,” Haegum quickly shook his head. he knew all too well how persistent Seo Munhyun could get once he decided to ‘help.’

“Our little one’s all grown up now.”

Seo Munhyun patted Haegum’s head before leaving with a casual “See you later.”

Haegum stood there, watching him walk away.

After the orientation, he had something he needed to do.

He had to clean his inner walls thoroughly, and use his fingers to loosen the tight hole until it became soft and fuckable.

This whole process was something he had learned from Seo Munhyun.

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