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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 35

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As Henry disembarked from the carriage, Crown Prince William, who had been gazing at the mansion, turned to him with a welcoming smile.

He had been planning to joke about what Henry had been doing inside the carriage all day.

But as William approached, he suddenly wrinkled his nose at the strong scent.

“Did you change your perfume?”

“I smelled it in the last town and liked it, so I bought it.”

William subtly furrowed his brow but tried to suppress his expression.

It wouldn’t do to grimace in front of someone who liked the scent.

“So, you like that kind of scent.”

He responded appropriately, but he didn’t compliment the scent.

He subtly distanced himself from Henry. Henry felt satisfied with the amount of perfume he had applied.

If it startled William this much, Edwin would likely react similarly.

“If Your Highness is interested, I can bring you two bottles next time.”

“No, thank you.”

William immediately declined, and Henry calmly looked ahead.

With no one else approaching him now, he decided to take in the mansion that the Crown Prince had purchased.

Seeing it for the first time, Henry was speechless. He had assumed the mansion would be modest.

“It’s a grand mansion.”

A grand mansion, despite planning to stay briefly. Moreover, it wasn’t just one building but an entire estate.

No wonder things felt odd from the moment they passed through the front gate.

The Crown Prince’s taste was beyond extravagant.

“Is this what you’d call a grand mansion?”

‘Ah, yes. Compared to the imperial palace, it’s rather humble, isn’t it?’

Henry silently answered and kept his mouth shut.

“Or is there a specific mansion you have in mind?”

“I… I’m happy to follow Your Highness’s choice.”

In truth, Henry preferred something bigger and more luxurious.

As he thought about how quickly he would adapt and how nice it would be to sleep on a soft bed again, a small smile crept onto his face.

Noticing Henry’s inner thoughts, Crown Prince William chuckled in disbelief.

“I’m planning to go right away, Henry. Will you come along?”

“I’ll stay here.”

“Didn’t you come because you were interested?”

“I did, but right now, all I want is to soak in hot water. There’s nothing I desire more.”

Besides, it wasn’t as if they would find the treasure immediately upon venturing out today.

Understanding the situation, Crown Prince William nodded.

“Then I’ll be on my way.”

“Don’t overdo it. It’s still dawn, so the enemy’s location might not be apparent.”

“Thanks for the advice.”

Henry bid him farewell in his own way.

After relaxing his tired body in hot water, he thought he might be in the mood to greet the Crown Prince upon his return.

William smiled at Henry and turned to leave, followed by his knights.

Watching them go, Henry suddenly felt a gaze on him and turned his head.

“Aren’t you going?”

It was Edwin. Henry tried to appear as nonchalant as possible, relying on the scent he had applied earlier.

“I can’t figure out what you’re thinking.”

“Say it clearly. If you just put it like that, it makes me feel like I have to tell you everything I’m thinking.”

“Didn’t you come because you were interested?”

At Edwin’s question, Henry looked at the departing Crown Prince William.

He had indeed followed because of his interest in the treasure.

But now that he wasn’t going along, it was understandable that Edwin would be puzzled.

“That’s something I can think about once I’ve regained my energy. Besides, even if I don’t find that treasure, it’s not like I’ll struggle to live.”

In truth, he desperately wanted that treasure, but Henry shrugged it off lightly.

“Why have you distanced yourself from me?”

Edwin pressed on, questioning Henry’s changed behavior.

“If I stay too close, His Highness the Crown Prince might continue to misunderstand. If you also don’t want to be associated with me, you should keep your distance during this opportunity.”

“If that’s all it is, it seems a bit late.”

Edwin acted as if Henry was doing something unnecessary.

Moreover, as Edwin’s pheromones wafted into the air, Henry, who was about to retort, suddenly froze.

He had been trying his best to control his own pheromones, still inexperienced at it.

But as soon as he caught a whiff of Edwin’s scent, his own pheromones began to stir wildly, as if they wanted to blend with Edwin’s.

This unexpected reaction left Henry flustered.

In the past, Edwin’s pheromones had only been overwhelming, but now they were accompanied by a different feeling.

Strangely, Henry found himself wanting to smell more of them.

Unconsciously, his gaze drifted to the area near Edwin’s neck where his pheromone glands were located.


“Oh… anyway, I’m not going. So, go on ahead.”

Henry took a step back from Edwin.

Feeling less overwhelmed by the pheromones than before, his mind started to clear slightly.

But at the same time, a wave of self-reproach was beginning to rise within him.

Edwin looked at Henry for a moment before urging his horse forward to follow Crown Prince William.

Henry muttered to himself as he watched Edwin’s retreating figure.

“Am I enchanted by Edwin right now?”

By his pheromones?

Henry bit his lip hard.

He couldn’t guarantee that something like this wouldn’t happen again unless he severed the imprint quickly.

Despite the heat radiating from his swollen lips, Henry couldn’t take his eyes off Edwin.

Was it just his imagination, or could he still feel Edwin’s pheromones lingering around him?

After soaking in hot water, Henry collapsed onto his bed.

He was so exhausted, and he marveled at how Crown Prince William and Edwin still had the energy to roam outside.

But that was just a thought—Henry didn’t even have the strength to clap his hands, so he merely wiggled his fingers.

Turning his head slightly, he gazed at the rising sun through the half-drawn curtains. They had arrived at the mansion during the time when night transitions into dawn.

Quite some time had passed while Henry indulged in his bath until he was fully satisfied.

As he tried to fall asleep in the morning, he found it strange, yet his body was slowly sinking into the bed.

As his eyelids drooped, Henry murmured weakly to himself.

“If I sleep now, I won’t be able to sleep properly at night…”

Could he wake up after a short nap?

The place rumored to hold the treasure was located in a mountainous area known for its high and rugged terrain.

The mountain range spanned across two territories, with a cave supposedly situated at its center.

It was widely believed that the only way to access it was through an entrance at the base of the range.

As soon as Crown Prince William arrived at the territory, he immediately headed for the mountains without rest.

Since he was coming from the mansion, it had taken some time, and the bluish light of dawn had begun to push away the darkness of night.

“What do you think that treasure is?” Crown Prince William asked Edwin, having sent the knights ahead.

“I’m not interested.”

“Who said you were supposed to take it? I’m asking you what you think it is, since you didn’t follow along just for nothing.”

“I think it’s a relic whose value has been inflated by imagination.”


Crown Prince William chuckled, pleased with Edwin’s response.

“But who was the first to spread this rumor? Why did they let it get this far?”

This was not the playful Crown Prince William from before. There were times when he revealed his true thoughts.

Although Henry’s assumption that William was following the lead out of a sense of fun wasn’t entirely wrong, the Crown Prince wasn’t taking the situation lightly at all.

“But if that relic actually exists, and if it’s not just trash, what would happen then?”

“Does Your Highness desire the relic?”

“To be honest, it would be best if it ended up in my hands.”

Crown Prince William didn’t deny it. But there was no trace of greed for the treasure or relic in his expression.

He merely thought it would be best for him to take it, to quell the chaos and deal with any subsequent issues.

“Even if it ends up in your hands, I wouldn’t mind. So if you feel inclined, go ahead and take it. Who knows? Maybe Henry would like it.”

Even in this situation, Edwin remained silent, not pleased that Henry was being dragged into the conversation again.

Luckily, they were nearing the base of the mountains, so there was no need for further discussion.

At that moment, Edwin suddenly changed the subject and blocked Crown Prince William’s path.

“It’s dangerous.”

Just as William stopped in surprise, a knight came galloping towards them.

It was the knight the Crown Prince had sent ahead. He dismounted and shook his head as soon as he stopped.

“It’s impossible to proceed further under the current circumstances.”

Crown Prince William looked around at their surroundings.

“Then let’s change direction and head to a higher vantage point.”

If it was impossible to enter, at least they could get a distant view of the entrance.

The knight led the way, with Edwin following, and Crown Prince William moved along with his guards.

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Maria Lulu
Maria Lulu
27 days ago


5 days ago


4 days ago

I’m quite excited for this hide-and-seek to be over, honestly.

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