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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 33

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If that were the case, it wouldn’t be so bad.

He’d live like a regular beta, not unlike other men, and eventually adapt to being an omega.

He wouldn’t need to take the pheromone stone anymore; instead, the original owner, Kayla, could take it.

And if Edwin could help him manage his overflowing pheromones, there wouldn’t be any need to continue this journey.

“If it turns out that way, it’s not all bad.”

Henry began to organize his thoughts in a more positive direction.

In fact, the complicated feelings he’d had earlier were starting to ease.

Then, a knock startled Henry, and he turned to the door.

“Young Master, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here.”

Hearing Sir Teher’s report through the slightly open door, Henry quickly looked around the room and then nodded.

He closed the ring case in front of him and put it in the drawer as he prepared to meet Crown Prince William.

“Did I visit at a busy time?”

“Not at all.”

Henry stood up as Crown Prince William entered.

William glanced lightly around Henry’s room.

“The room is small. Are you okay with it?”

“It’s plenty big for me living alone.”

“I never thought I’d hear you say that, Henry.”

Henry’s comment about not caring about the room size seemed to surprise William.

Maybe it was odd to him, given Henry’s usual character.

Henry hesitated, wondering how to explain, but then decided to stay quiet.

William hadn’t come here just to inspect his room.

“What brings you here?”

“It’s nothing major. I was passing by, and something caught my attention.”

Henry wondered what could have caught William’s attention. He had been with Edwin earlier, then talked with Violet, and after that, his pheromones had started to leak out…

Henry’s eyes tensed as he looked at William, suspecting that William might have sensed his pheromones while passing by.

Even though Sir Teher was outside, William, as a dominant alpha, could have had a heightened reaction.

“What did you sense?”

“Rather than sensing something, it just raised a question.”

William’s eyes continued to scan the room, looking at the open window and the chair where someone had sat.

As William’s strange behavior continued, Henry’s tension grew.

William was searching for something—if it was Henry’s pheromones, he might be trying to find out who they belonged to.

“Why do you ask?”

Henry asked cautiously, not taking his eyes off William’s face. If William mentioned pheromones, Henry planned to deny it outright.

Even if it was revealed later that he was an omega, for now…

And if necessary, Henry could claim he had urgent business and cut the trip short. He could use the trade as an excuse…

As Henry watched William intently, he saw William’s tightly closed lips twitch slightly.

Interpreting this as a sign that William was about to speak, Henry focused all his attention on him.

When William finally spoke, Henry froze, listening carefully.

“That red-haired man—do you know where he is?”

Red-haired man…? Hook?

Realizing it wasn’t about his pheromones, Henry felt relieved.

Looking at William again, he seemed to be searching for someone’s traces, but it wasn’t due to any scent. Still, Henry decided to probe further.

“Do you think Hook was here? I’m curious about what you felt, Your Highness.”

“Nothing like that. It’s just… a hunch.”

William’s bright smile indicated he was only guessing.

“I haven’t seen Hook, and as far as I know, he’s gone.”

“Right. That’s true, but…”

William’s lukewarm response made Henry wonder if he had asked Hook to do something specific.

However, it was inappropriate to pry, so Henry changed the subject.

“Your Highness, do you smell anything unusual?”

“What do you mean?”

“The wind. Do you smell the wind?”

Henry vaguely pointed out the window, trying to steer the conversation away.

At least William hadn’t noticed his pheromones.

In the dimly lit room, a faint noise was heard. It could have been the wind or the rustling of curtains.

As the noise ceased, a pale hand appeared from behind the curtain.

The hand carefully lifted the curtain.

“Nobody’s here.”

A cheerful whisper accompanied a dark figure that quietly slipped into the room. After scanning the area, the figure removed its mask.


Letting out a sigh, Hook, with his red hair shaking, opened his eyes thinly.

He looked around the room and whistled softly.

“They gave him the best room just because the Crown Prince was staying here. How pointless.”

Hook had faithfully carried out Henry’s requests, meeting the Crown Prince as part of the process.

Although the payment from Henry Timothy was substantial, it was merely a bonus. He had been waiting for the opportunity to bridge the gap between Henry and the Crown Prince.

The process hadn’t been easy. Despite Henry Timothy’s noble birth, his requests were anything but dignified.

Most of them involved digging up dirt on Edwin Lorenz or harassing those who were interested in Edwin.

Just when Hook was contemplating whether to keep accepting such tasks, Henry’s requests abruptly stopped.

But Hook hadn’t yet taken full advantage of Henry, so he approached him again, prepared to endure any unpleasantness.

[You’ve become even more handsome. I almost didn’t recognize you.]

[You must have had a hard time, always watching your back, even when just saying hello.]

But when they met again, Henry Timothy had changed.

The once haughty and irritable man now exuded a relaxed confidence. He wasn’t displeased to see Hook, and even the nature of his requests had changed.

He bought an item for an unknown purpose.

Although curious about the sudden change, Hook didn’t care once he got the chance to meet the Crown Prince.

Hook had timed his appearance to coincide with Henry’s trip, naturally joining the journey.

Finally, Hook had the opportunity to meet the Crown Prince, as he had long desired.

“I wish he had recognized me.”

Hook had longed to meet the Crown Prince because it was the final test.

If the Crown Prince recognized him, Hook planned to tell him about his grievances.

If not, he would proceed with his original plan for revenge.

Hook wandered around the room aimlessly, but nothing caught his attention. After ensuring he left no trace, Hook suddenly opened the wardrobe.

Inside, he found the Crown Prince’s clothes, neatly placed by the servants.

“Travelers really do dress in such uncomfortable ways.”

Hook vividly remembered the attire of Crown Prince William from the start of this journey.

Unlike the others, who dressed more comfortably, William wore elaborate clothing that required much care, as if it posed no inconvenience at all.

Hook gently ran his finger along the clothes and then stopped at one.

The dark blue fabric embroidered with gold thread caught his attention.

“I’ve made my decision.”

A sly glint appeared in Hook’s eyes as he gazed at the garment.

Violette, Crown Prince William, and now Henry, who faced Sir Teher, were the last to meet.

“Can’t you smell something on me?”

Sir Teher looked at Henry for a moment and then came up with his own answer.

“Shall I prepare some perfume?”

“That would be nice. Let’s go with something stronger than before.”

Henry waved his hand dismissively as he turned away.

After confirming with Sir Teher, Henry concluded that no one could detect his pheromones.

‘So that means the imprint hasn’t broken yet.’

Henry could only assume that his pheromones had remained dormant within him because he had never tried to release them.

Regardless, now that his pheromones were detectable, he thought of the person he needed to be most cautious of.


He could ask others if they could smell it, but not Edwin. Edwin would definitely sense his pheromones.

Therefore, Henry needed to keep his distance from Edwin for the time being.

“Sir Teher.”


“From today onwards, I’m issuing a new order. Do not let Edwin come near me.”

Henry gave a clear instruction without any further explanation. There was no need to say more, as Sir Teher didn’t fully understand his situation either.

Henry planned to figure out how to suppress his pheromones while maintaining distance from Edwin.

Since pheromones wouldn’t just keep leaking out, he thought he could handle the rest with quick thinking once he learned how to control them.

However, Sir Teher’s silence was unexpected.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, nothing at all… I understand.”

Sir Teher hesitated, wondering if he should mention Edwin’s earlier request to watch over Henry for his health.

But as he debated whether this was the right moment to report it, he grew doubtful. Ultimately, he remained silent.

Henry sensed something was off with Sir Teher’s response, but he dismissed it as unimportant.

“Prepare a new perfume, as well as a book about shifters, by the time we depart tomorrow morning.”

Henry observed Sir Teher, who silently accepted the command.

“Even though I’m a beta, I need to be well-informed, so make sure it’s a proper book.”

Sir Teher had no questions about Henry’s order.

Still, Henry added, “I may not be one, but I need to know about them.”

It was just his own guilty conscience prompting him.

After Sir Teher left, Henry locked the door and lay down on the bed.

“Ah, I’m exhausted.”

It wasn’t his body that was tired; it was his mind.

Just when he thought he was getting used to things, a new challenge would arise, and once he solved it, another problem would emerge.

His life was a constant cycle of solving and moving on.

He wished things would ease up a little, but the future still seemed daunting.

“Let’s just sleep.”

Hoping to forget all the complications while sleeping.

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Maria Lulu
Maria Lulu
28 days ago


4 days ago

Poor Sir Teher.

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