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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 17

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With a thud, the documents landed on the desk.

Do Hajun slightly turned his head to identify the person causing the commotion, then turned back around.

Ignoring her completely, Ahn Eunseon gritted her teeth and spoke.

“Team Leader! How could you do that?!”

When Lee Cheongmyeong looked up from drawing, Ahn Eunseon flinched and took a step back.

“Cheongmyeong, could you get me some water?”

At Do Hajun’s words, Lee Cheongmyeong jumped up and dashed to the break room.

Do Hajun, although he chose it because of Cheongmyeong’s situation, was only satisfied with the part of the shoot where they met the child expert, Oh Yeongeun.

After the conversation with Lee Cheongmyeong, Oh Yeongeun assured that separation anxiety was a natural issue as children grew, and nothing serious, which relieved Do Hajun.

However, she suggested that since Cheongmyeong lacked confidence and a sense of accomplishment, frequently giving him errands and praising him would reduce his dependence on Do Hajun.

Since that day, Do Hajun had been giving Cheongmyeong errands from time to time.

Initially fearing separation, Cheongmyeong learned that Do Hajun would be there when he returned and that many praises awaited him after completing errands.

The more errands he ran, albeit slowly, his independence was steadily improving and now exceeded 30 points.

“Now tell me. What’s going on?”

As soon as Cheongmyeong disappeared, Do Hajun leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms, and spoke.

“How could you go to the amusement park on the day I was dispatched?! And you even filmed a Program segment there.”

Anyone would think Ahn Eunseon was being ostracized.

“The child was restless. Should I have waited until your dispatch was over to go?”

“Still, you didn’t tell me about the program segment!”

“I didn’t tell the other team members either.”

“Am I the same as the other team members?!”

‘What’s the difference? You’re a team member too.’

Do Hajun, with an uninterested face, raised his head and looked at the documents.

“Stop with the nonsense and go. I’m busy.”

“Team Leader! Let’s go to the amusement park together!”

“Me?! With you?!”

Ahn Eunseon frowned at Do Hajun’s disgusted expression.

“What are you thinking?! I mean with Cheongmyeong and me!”

“What’s the difference whether it’s two or three?”

“It’s different if Cheongmyeong is there or not. If it weren’t for his separation anxiety, I would have gone with him alone!”

Shaking his head, Do Hajun returned his attention to the documents.

‘I don’t know if I’m a hunter or an office worker. Why does a hunter handle paperwork all the time without going to dungeons? At this rate, I’ll forget how to fight.’

‘Oh. Come to think of it, I haven’t exercised much lately.’

Since bringing in Cheongmyeong, he hadn’t been to the gym or even done light jogging.

Touching his biceps and thighs, Do Hajun muttered.

“Have I lost some muscle?”

Although not bulky, his lean muscles were well-formed, suitable for a hunter, but they seemed to have slightly diminished from the lack of exercise.

“You haven’t lost any muscle at all. Stop changing the subject. I want to go to the amusement park with Cheongmyeong too!”

“Jun! Water!”

Lee Cheongmyeong carefully handed over a plastic cup, making sure not to spill a drop.


Accepting the water, Do Hajun kissed Cheongmyeong’s fair forehead and drank the water in one go.

“Water tastes better when Cheongmyeong brings it.”


Blushing from the compliment, Cheongmyeong extended his arms.

A kiss on the forehead and praise. The next step is…

Do Hajun lifted Cheongmyeong and tossed him into the air before catching him.


“What are you doing, Team Leader?!”

Unlike the accustomed team members, Ahn Eunseon, seeing it for the first time, was startled and shouted.

“It’s called sightseeing in Seoul.”

“Whee, fun! Do it again! Again!”

Do Hajun complied with Cheongmyeong’s request and did it five more times before setting him down.

“That’s enough. Go back drawing now, Cheongmyeong.”


Cheongmyeong, with hands folded over his belly, bowed and thanked him before scurrying back to his drawing.

Though he had only thrown the small child five times, he was strangely out of breath.

‘Tsk. My body is a mess.’

Checking his body with a dissatisfied expression, Do Hajun booked a PT (private training) session on his phone.

If things continued as they were, he might end up becoming a kindergarten teacher as rumored on the internet, rather than a hunter.

One of the team members, who had been handing documents to Do Hajun, spoke up.

“Are you going to receive PT? Should I do it for you?”

“No, thanks. But…”

Do Hajun pointed at the pile of documents.

“Get these processed and reported by today.”

Returning the favor with hostility, Do Hajun grabbed Lee Cheongmyeong, who was rolling around on the rug, and tucked him under his arm.


“Let’s go exercise.”


Without answering, Do Hajun started walking briskly, and Ahn Eunseon followed behind him.

“Team leader!”

“If you’re going to babble nonsense, go help with the documents.”

“Ugh, come on!”

Ignoring Ahn Eunseon completely, Do Hajun boarded the elevator and headed to the underground training room. Since the dungeon raid was tomorrow, he had to loosen up his body today.

“It’s been a while, team leader.”

One of the members of the Mu Team, who he encountered daily, approached.


After a brief, indifferent greeting, Do Hajun put down Lee Cheongmyeong.

“What should Cheongmyeong do?”

Looking around the gym for something a child could use, he found a piece of equipment suitable for kids, though he wasn’t sure why it was there.

“There’s a trampoline.”


In the corner of the gym, there was a trampoline big enough for Lee Cheongmyeong to play on, with a net fence around it.

“Play here for a bit, Cheongmyeong.”

Entering the trampoline, Lee Cheongmyeong tilted his head, feeling the strange sensation under his feet.

“Try jumping.”

As soon as Lee Cheongmyeong jumped, his body bounced up due to the trampoline’s elasticity.


Before he could understand what was happening, the soft trampoline made him roll back onto the floor.


Sitting up, Lee Cheongmyeong tilted his head again.

“Are you okay, Cheongmyeong?”

Seeing Do Hajun’s concerned expression, Lee Cheongmyeong stood up again but stumbled due to the trampoline and sat down. Then, like a weeble wobble, he got up and started bouncing around.

“Is it fun?”

In response to Do Hajun’s question, Lee Cheongmyeong nodded.

“Then play here.”


With Lee Cheongmyeong happily bouncing, Do Hajun started his workout in earnest. After running for 30 minutes as part of his routine, he glanced over at Lee Cheongmyeong.

[Balance perception increases due to the trampoline.]

[Balance (Increased Ranged Attack) C rank – 58.1%]

Do Hajun made a confused expression.

Really, the trampoline increased balance perception?

Memories of trying all sorts of things to improve his skills flashed through his mind. He had tried balancing on one leg on a beam and standing on a ball.

But just bouncing on a trampoline increased balance…


Raising a kid is really hard. It’s tiring. But then, what about strength and wisdom, and impact power?

Even though balance and skills were the immediate priorities, it was best to improve everything if possible.

If balance came from the trampoline, maybe strength came from shot put or bowling?

Grabbing a long elastic band, Do Hajun stretched it while keeping an eye on Lee Cheongmyeong, who was jumping as high as he could, as if using all his energy. Lee Cheongmyeong’s rank was steadily rising.

[★Balance rank increased to B rank.★]

Due to the physical activity, balance reached B rank faster than skills.


Upon reaching B rank, Lee Cheongmyeong’s attack power increased.

[Attack power: 770 ▲10]

Do Hajun felt a surge of pride. Although not his biological child, he felt like he was witnessing his own child’s growth.

The growth of a child he raised.

It was both touching and satisfying.

Sweating heavily after completing his PT with the fitness trainer, Do Hajun approached Lee Cheongmyeong.


[Status: Tired / Dirty / Hot]

Although he had let him play since his rank was rising, Lee Cheongmyeong was now lying exhausted on the trampoline.

As Do Hajun picked him up, Lee Cheongmyeong crawled over to him, covered in sweat.

“Do you have any spare clothes?”

Even though he was three years old, he was potty-trained, so Do Hajun didn’t carry spare clothes.

Even if he showered him, the sweaty clothes made it pointless. He couldn’t take him home drenched in sweat or naked.

“Uhuuhu. Do you need some children’s clothes?”

A creepy laugh came from behind, making Do Hajun turn around abruptly.

“Are you crazy?”

“Oh dear. Cheongmyeong’s clothes are soaked. If you go out like this, he might catch a cold. Uhuuhu.”

Seeing Lee Cheongmyeong wasn’t crying anymore when he got close, Ahn Eunseon grinned widely.

“Humans can’t regulate their body temperature well and they have no fur.”

“What are you talking about?”

Ignoring Do Hajun, Ahn Eunseon continued.

“So, what do they need? Right! Clothes!”


Seeing the clothes Ahn Eunseon held, Lee Cheongmyeong shouted in delight.

It was a yellow duck-shaped onesie, complete with a cute duck bill on the hood.

“Duckie! Duckie!”

“This outfit, which Cheongmyeong loves, not only looks like a duck but also provides enough warmth and a soft texture, so he can fall asleep right after playing or bathing and be put straight to bed! It’s perfect pajamas!”

Ahn Eunseon , who spoke without taking a breath like a peddler selling goods, smiled slyly.

“Someone must really need this.”

“What do you want?”

“An amusement park trip.”

“Are you crazy?”

When Do Hajun growled, Ahn Eunseon pointed to Lee Cheongmyeong.

“Duckie! Duckie!”

“Are you planning to disappoint this child?”

“Forget it. I’ll just buy it for him-”

“If he cools down like this, he’ll catch a cold. Kids have weaker immune systems than adults.”

Do Hajun glanced at Lee Cheongmyeong.

Despite his rosy cheeks from playing, he looked feverish.

“At this rate, Lee Cheongmyeong will catch a cold.”

Do Hajun flinched at Ahn Eunseon ‘s words, who then let out a soft chuckle.

Thinking it was worth a try, she brought duck pajamas to the gym.

As expected, Lee Cheongmyeong was drenched in sweat.

All that remained were Do Hajun’s thoughts about Lee Cheongmyeong.

If Do Hajun believed Lee Cheongmyeong was an SS-rank hunter, he would dismiss it as nonsense. But if he thought of him as a child, he would take the bait.

“We can’t go to the amusement park. There are too many people.”

“Negotiations have broken do—”

“Let’s settle on the park the evening after tomorrow. I can’t concede more than that.”

“A park? Do you visit parks, Team Leader?”

“Yeah. Now, hand it over before the sweat dries.”

Do Hajun going to a park? The homebody Do Hajun going to a park?! A paark?!

Unless it was for work, exercise, or home, he never moved.

The deputy team leader often joked that Do Hajun’s life goal was to die lying down at home, that’s how much he loved being home. And now he’s going to a park?!

Taking the clothes from Ahn Eunseon ‘s stunned hands, Do Hajun went to the shower room.

Since his sweat had cooled, he poured warm water over Lee Cheongmyeong’s body and bathed him thoroughly.

[Lee Cheongmyeong’s body is now clean.]

[Cleanliness at MAX level greatly reduces the chance of illness.]

[Cleanliness: 100]

Satisfied with the message, Do Hajun wrapped Lee Cheongmyeong in a large towel, seated him outside, and finished his shower.

He dried his hair with a hairdryer, dressed him in the favorite duck pajamas, and began getting ready to leave.

Since he loved exercising, his locker was filled with spare clothes.

He put on the softest t-shirt and pants and turned to see Lee Cheongmyeong, hood of the duck pajamas over his head, dozing off in a chair.

No wonder his rank skyrocketed; he had played intensely.

Clicking his tongue softly, Do Hajun picked up the sleeping Lee Cheongmyeong.

Ahn Eunseon , who had been waiting outside the shower, followed them.

“Is Cheongmyeong asleep?”


Gently pressing the spot under sleeping Lee Cheongmyeong’s eyes, Ahn Eunseon chuckled.

“He’ll probably be calmer tomorrow.”


“Why do you think? No matter how much of a kid they are, if they play this intensely, they get tired the next day.”


“Yeah. My nephew calms down for three days after playing like this.”

Since he’s an SS-rank, he might be calm for at least a day. Ahn Eunseon added with a smile.


Do Hajun laughed softly. If Lee Cheongmyeong indeed calmed down, he thought he’d make him jump on a trampoline before every dungeon trip.


“Lee Cheongmyeong, come here!!!”

Lee Cheongmyeong was still an SS-rank hunter after all.

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7 days ago

Los niños y su energía infinita

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