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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 16

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Though calling himself ‘Jun’ felt a bit embarrassing, Do Hajun endured it and spoke, causing Cheongmyeong to tilt his head in confusion.


“Yes, you can go to the supermarket alone, right?”


Whether he understood or was just answering, Cheongmyeong responded energetically.

Do Hajun patted Cheongmyeong’s head and went to the living room.

He dressed him in the yellow clothes and hat that Shin Misook had sent for the broadcast appearance, completing the look of a kindergartener running an errand with the addition of a duck-shaped bag.

“You know where the supermarket is, right?”


“Remember to greet people politely. What are you supposed to buy?”

Raising both hands, Cheongmyeong shouted.

“Bread! Cheese!”

“Yes, and you can buy something you like too, okay?”


“I’ll put the money in here.”

Do Hajun took out money from his wallet and put it in Cheongmyeong’s duck bag.

“Huh? Don’t ducks swim in water?”

“Today, they want to stay with you, Cheongmyeong.”

Cheongmyeong beamed and hugged the duck bag.

Leading Cheongmyeong to the door, Do Hajun helped him put on his shoes and spoke.

“What do you do if a stranger talks to you?”

“I don’t like it. I don’t know you. Go away.”

“Should you use your skills, yes or no?”


Watching Cheongmyeong answer clearly, Do Hajun asked again.

“When crossing the street, wait for the light to change, raise your hand, greet people properly, go straight to the supermarket without looking around, and don’t pick up anything off the ground.”


The PD and the writer, who were watching the scene, were astounded.

Anyone would think Lee Cheongmyeong was going on a solo trip for three days and two nights. Why is there so much fuss?

The nagging that seemed like it would last until sunset finally stopped, and Do Hajun patted Lee Cheongmyeong on the back and said,

“Alright, off you go.”

Lee Cheongmyeong, who had been on the verge of leaving at any moment, stared at Do Hajun.



“Are you sure I have to go alone?”

Now that it was hitting him that he was really going alone, Lee Cheongmyeong hesitated.

[Lee Cheongmyeong is feeling a bit anxious.]

[Separation anxiety level 1 has been triggered.]

[Status has changed.]

[Status: Separation anxiety / Nervous]

Seeing the status window, Do Hajun sighed. He had suspected this might happen.


Tears quickly welled up in Lee Cheongmyeong’s eyes as he clung to Do Hajun’s neck and started crying.

“Why are you crying?”

“Jun, come with me. Come with me.”

“Jun can’t go because my leg is hurt.”


Hearing that he couldn’t come, Lee Cheongmyeong buried his head in Hajun’s shoulder and sobbed.

“Do you not want to go alone?”


Hugging the now wailing Lee Cheongmyeong, Do Hajun patted his back. He could use the ‘Stop Crying’ skill to calm him down, but he didn’t want to right now.

While studying separation anxiety, he had read that if a child’s emotions are not properly expressed, it could cause problems later on.

He knew that Lee Cheongmyeong was originally an adult and had just turned into a child due to a skill.

However, to Do Hajun, Lee Cheongmyeong felt more like a child than an adult.


When the crying had subsided a bit, Do Hajun called Lee Cheongmyeong’s name.

Not wanting to respond, Lee Cheongmyeong shook his head, still buried in Hajun’s shoulder. Stroking his head, Hajun said,

“Jun isn’t going anywhere. I’ll be right here.”


“When you bring back the bread and cheese, let’s make toast and then go play in the park.”

“The park?”

Lee Cheongmyeong looked up.

“Yes, the park. We were supposed to see go and play with Sand, remember?”

Since realizing that children need time to play, Hajun had been going to the park every day after work.

At first, Lee Cheongmyeong ran around like his goal was to just run, but as time passed, he began to notice the surroundings, and then he became interested in people and animals.

‘Sand’ was the name of a Golden Retriever they met there.

Sand played well with Lee Cheongmyeong, to the point that the nickname ‘angel dog’ was fitting, and Lee Cheongmyeong liked Sand.

However, Sand’s owner was a busy office worker. They could only walk in the park on specific days, and today happened to be one of those days.

“I want to see Sand.”

Hajun gently set Lee Cheongmyeong down and wiped away his tears with the back of his hand.

Then he cleaned his dirty face with a handkerchief and blew his nose.

“Aww. Sand will tease you for not washing your face.”

[Lee Cheongmyeong is feeling a bit more stable.]

[The devoted care of the guardian has given courage.]

[Self-reliance ▲1]

[Self-reliance: 6]

A total self-reliance score of 6. There’s still a long way to go.

Swallowing a sigh inwardly, Do Hajun stroked Lee Cheongmyeong’s head.

“Are you okay now?”


“If you get scared, you can come back. Then we’ll go together.”

The broadcasters might faint, but who cares? The viewers might actually prefer seeing him fail once rather than always succeeding.

They might even like it better if he lost the money and cried… bought random snacks, played with a bird on the street.

People seemed to love these kinds of innocent mistakes kids made.


With a look of determination, Lee Cheongmyeong said.

“I’ll go and come back.”

“Alright, go ahead.”

It’s just a five-minute walk to the store, no need to be so determined…

With clenched fists, Lee Cheongmyeong stepped out energetically.

At this moment, he was like a hero setting out to save the world.

* * *

“Kyah, Cheongmyeong, hi!”


Contrary to their worries, Lee Cheongmyeong was energetic. He didn’t cry or show any fear.

He walked confidently, as if he had memorized the way to the store, even greeting people who acknowledged him along the way.

“Where are you going, Cheongmyeong?”

“To the store. I’m buying bread and cheese.”

“Aww, so cute. Want a candy?”

“No, thank you.”

Lee Cheongmyeong firmly declined the offer from a neighbor and continued walking energetically.

Watching from a distance, Ha Yundal asked Do Hajun,

“Does Lee Cheongmyeong really have separation anxiety?”

“Yes, he does.”

In Hajun’s view, Lee Cheongmyeong’s status window still showed separation anxiety level 1.

‘Is level 1 not a big deal?’

Just as he was feeling embarrassed for making a fuss, Lee Cheongmyeong suddenly stopped walking.

He looked down, as if he had discovered something.


He heard Lee Cheongmyeong’s teary voice through his earpiece.

His small clenched fists trembled as if enduring something.

‘Was I wrong?’

Do Hajun was about to get up but was stopped by Ha Yundal.

“Team Leader, you can’t go out.”

“What is it?”

“You can’t go out now.”

“Cancel the broadcast!”

“Oh? Lee Cheongmyeong is moving again.”

Turning his head at the staff member’s words, he saw Lee Cheongmyeong wiping his eyes with his small fists and starting to walk again.

His steps quickened.

Being an SS-rank, he ran so fast that the staff started to scramble.

Do Hajun also began to run with Lee Cheongmyeong. After a while, Lee Cheongmyeong arrived at the store that had been arranged for the errand.

Without even panting, Lee Cheongmyeong greeted the waiting store owner.

“Hello! Do you have bread and cheese?”

“Bread? Which one?”

The store owner, who had received the script in advance, asked Lee Cheongmyeong.

The camera zoomed in on Lee Cheongmyeong.

There was a look of embarrassment in his eyes, red and puffy from rough rubbing.

He had thought that if he told the store owner, he would get it right away.

“Dang it.”

As soon as he spoke, he burst into tears.

“What? Why are you crying, Cheongmyeong?”

The flustered owner tried to console Lee Cheongmyeong, but Cheongmyeong dodged his hand and ran to the bread section.

“Sob… Sob…”

Crying and with tears streaming down his face, Lee Cheongmyeong grabbed a small loaf of bread, and then picked up some cheese.


Even as he handed the bread and cheese to the owner, the tears didn’t stop.

“Are you going to buy this? Do you need anything else?”

The owner, unable to disregard the script, asked with pity. Lee Cheongmyeong, tears still falling, diligently picked out his favorite snacks.

“Sniff… Sniff… Money.”

Lee Cheongmyeong firmly pulled money from his bag and held it out.

“Oh, okay. I’ll ring it up for you.”

The owner placed the change in the bag with the bread, cheese, and snacks, and Lee Cheongmyeong bowed his head, his lips quivering.

“Please open this.”

Still sobbing, Lee Cheongmyeong handed his favorite choco mushroom snacks to the owner.

The store owner, finding his behavior cute, struggled to suppress a smile, which was caught on camera.

“If this goes well, the ratings will be through the roof.”

Ha Yundal whispered to Do Hajun.

“Do people like seeing kids cry?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just cute and adorable. I bet there’s at least one picture of you throwing a tantrum when you were a kid, Hunter.”

“I didn’t throw tantrums.”


“Waaah… sniff.”

Lee Cheongmyeong, still sobbing heavily, hugged the snack bag the store owner had opened for him.


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