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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 13

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Handing over his card to the startled ticket booth attendant, who recognized Lee Cheongmyeong, Do Hajun slightly frowned.

‘I mean, it’s not like the kid has a contagious disease, so why is she so shocked?’

“One adult and one child, please.”

“What kind of tickets would you like?”

Not understanding the question in the context, Do Hajun looked puzzled. A woman who had been watching Lee Cheongmyeong pointed upwards.

“Look up there! The prices vary for different tickets!”

Following her gesture, he looked up to see the list of ticket types and prices.

What are Big 3 and Big 5?

Even though the details were written below, the loud chatter around made it hard to concentrate.

“Thank you. We’ll take two all-access passes.”

The trembling attendant handed over the long tickets, and Do Hajun strode towards the entrance.

Like mice following the Pied Piper, the disguised team members kept a certain distance while following Do Hajun around the park.

“Welcome! This is Ette World, the land of fantasy and joy.”

A staff member in a pink outfit with bunny ears gestured grandly with both hands.

Lee Cheongmyeong, who had been peeking around from Do Hajun’s arms, lifted his head at the sight of the staff.

“Two all-access passes, I see.”

Skillfully taking the tickets from Do Hajun’s hand, the staff member smiled brightly.

“Please show me your wrist.”

“Cheongmyeong, give her your hand.”

Hesitantly, Lee Cheongmyeong extended his hand, and the staff wrapped the ticket around his wrist.


“Here’s your all-access pass. Guardian, may I see your wrist too?”

Holding Lee Cheongmyeong securely, Do Hajun unbuttoned one sleeve and offered his wrist.

“Wow, your hand is huge.”

Do Hajun’s hand was larger than average for a man.

‘Is having large hands a problem at an amusement park?’

“Is there a problem?”

“Ah, no, it’s nothing.”

Do Hajun, wearing an all-access pass, gave a slight nod and entered. As he stepped into the amusement park, he put on his earphones with practiced ease.


– 5 o’clock direction.

– 2 o’clock direction.

– 7 o’clock direction.

– 12 o’clock direction.

The locations of all the undercover team members were identified. Do Hajun checked his teammates, who blended in seamlessly, and looked around.

He thought the outside of the amusement park was well-decorated, but the inside was even more dazzling.

All the children holding their parents’ hands had balloons and inexplicable animal ear headbands on their heads.

The disguised team members were no different.

‘Why on earth…’

Frowning slightly, Do Hajun noticed Lee Cheongmyeong couldn’t take his eyes off the headbands.

‘Does he want one?’

“Cheongmyeong, do you want one too?”

Thinking he might want one but couldn’t say so, Do Hajun pointed to the headbands. Lee Cheongmyeong nodded vigorously.

Do Hajun headed to a shop selling the headbands.

“Pick one.”

As Lee Cheongmyeong deliberated in front of various animal ears, more people started to follow Do Hajun.

“Wow, it’s really cute. It’s so small!”

“It looks like Kakao Friends Apeach!”

“Look at it wiggling with that headband!”

The sound of camera shutters and occasional screams made it hard to tell if this was an amusement park or the concert hall Ahn Eunseon mentioned.

“Hey, honestly, Do Hajun looks pretty good too.”

“You didn’t know? Do Hajun’s had fans for a while.”

“He’s tall…”

He felt like he heard his name amidst the commotion.

– Captain, I recommend the rabbit ears for Lee Cheongmyeong. It matches his fair skin perfectly!

– No, it’s got to be lion ears! He looks just like a young lion!

– How about squirrel ears? Wouldn’t that be nice? No! Everything suits him!


Do Hajun softly scolded his team members and turned to Lee Cheongmyeong.

“Have you chosen?”

In a hurry to leave, he urged Lee Cheongmyeong, who then held out two headbands.

One had leopard ears, the other had round squirrel ears.

“Are you going to wear both?”

“No. This one is for Jun.”

“I can’t wear that.”

Do Hajun refused flatly. Lee Cheongmyeong’s eyes began to tremble.

[Lee Cheongmyeong feels disappointed.]

[Lee Cheongmyeong’s mood is slightly down.]

“No, no. I’ll wear it! Give it to me.”

Do Hajun took the headband from Lee Cheongmyeong’s hand and put it on.

– Pfft. Team Leader, the squirrel…

– Hahaha

– Hahaha. Team Leader with animal ears.

Ignoring the laughter and gasps from his team, Do Hajun placed the leopard ear headband on Lee Cheongmyeong.

“Does it hurt?”

Worried it might be too tight, he asked, and Lee Cheongmyeong shook his head with a big smile.

“No! Jun looks pretty!”

“Yeah… You look pretty too.”



Do Hajun, who had just finished his calculations with a soulless answer, was trying to walk through the crowd like the miracle of Moses parting the sea, when Lee Cheongmyeong started to struggle.


“I want down!”

Do Hajun set Lee Cheongmyeong down, who was insisting on walking by himself, even though once he got carried, he wouldn’t come down until it was time to go home.

“Wow, he’s so tiny.”

“I want to smash Earth to pieces! He’s so cute, I’m going to go crazy!”

“Lee Cheongmyeong! Look over here!!!”

“Lee Cheongmyeong!!”

As soon as Lee Cheongmyeong’s feet touched the ground, cheers erupted from all around.

After the press conference, public opinion about Lee Cheongmyeong had become positive, and reports came in about some fans and fan clubs forming.

However, Do Hajun didn’t expect people to gather as if they were seeing a celebrity.

Still, he wasn’t too worried.

Even if Lee Cheongmyeong caused trouble, he and his team could handle it as long as Lee Cheongmyeong stayed by his side.

But then, Lee Cheongmyeong, whom he had just set on the ground, started to run.

“Oh?! Lee Cheongmyeong, where are you going?!”

“Lee Cheongmyeong! Jun is right here!”

“Lee Cheongmyeong!”

Despite the calls from the people, Do Hajun quickly caught up with Lee Cheongmyeong, who was running with his short legs, and lifted him up by the waist with one hand.

He had underestimated him.

Do Hajun wasn’t the only hunter.

Lee Cheongmyeong was a hunter too.

Though his legs were still short and he couldn’t run far, he could have easily escaped if he wasn’t careful.

“Where are you going?”

“I want to ride that! That one!”

Lee Cheongmyeong pointed to the sparkling carousel.

Thinking it was something he could ride, Do Hajun started walking while holding him, but Lee Cheongmyeong struggled again.

“Let me down!”

“You’ll walk there?”


“Don’t run.”


Seeing Lee Cheongmyeong nodding vigorously with shining eyes, Do Hajun set him down again.

However, as soon as Lee Cheongmyeong darted off again, Do Hajun quickly grabbed his hand.

“Lee Cheongmyeong. Didn’t you say you wouldn’t run?”

“Quick! Quick!”

It’s not like the carousel was going anywhere, so why the hurry?

As Lee Cheongmyeong stomped his feet impatiently, screams erupted from the surroundings, but Do Hajun let out a big sigh.

He had a strange feeling that the future was going to be tiring.


“Haha. Serves you right.”

Hearing Kim Hana’s laughter, Do Hajun leaned back on the bench.

“Did you really think a three-year-old would always be calm?”

No, he didn’t expect that, but this was a bit extreme.

A curious three-year-old with SS-rank stamina was overwhelming.

His feet never stopped running, and he caused trouble wherever he went.

The first carousel ride,

“You have to sit still.”


Lee Cheongmyeong answered obediently but as soon as one round was over, he stood on the horse and jumped towards Do Hajun.

The second ride, the kiddie Viking,

“Yay, this is fun!”

He jumped off.

Deciding that it wasn’t safe to let him ride alone, Do Hajun took the fluttering Lee Cheongmyeong on the bumper cars.

Since he was driving, it should have been okay.


But before the bumper cars collided, a curtain of water appeared, making the other cars bounce away.

“Cancel it! Lee Cheongmyeong! Cancel the skill! Aaagh! Smack!”

Since bumper cars ran on electricity, he shouted to cancel the skill to prevent a major accident.

All of this happened in less than two hours.

“So, what are you doing now?”

“Eating churros.”

In an effort to keep him from running around, Do Hajun kept Lee Cheongmyeong’s mouth busy.

“Feeding him will just give him more energy to run around.”


Kim Hana burst out laughing again at his groaning.

Why did he think it was a good idea to bring a kid to an amusement park?

When does this kid ever get tired? Is SS-rank stamina infinite?

“I’ve never seen you so exhausted, team leader.”

“…So even you have your limits.”

“Should we tell the team members who didn’t come today?”

Ignoring the team members’ voices coming through the call, Do Hajun didn’t even have the energy to respond.

Even the people watching them from a distance didn’t bother him anymore.

As he stared blankly at the setting sun, he felt a tap on his arm.



“Sticky hand.”

Lee Cheongmyeong held out his hand, covered in sugar.


If they were in the office, it would be one thing, but here…

“Use this!”

A woman who had been watching from a reasonable distance threw a wet wipe.

Catching the wet wipe aimed at his face, Do Hajun bowed his thanks and wiped Lee Cheongmyeong’s hand.

“Jun good.”

Laughing at his now clean hand, Lee Cheongmyeong hugged Do Hajun’s neck.

“Having fun?”


Well, as long as one of them was having fun.

Do Hajun nodded and hugged Lee Cheongmyeong.

“Shall we go watch the parade?”


Hearing the announcement for the parade, Do Hajun stood up.

“Parade, parade.”

Lee Cheongmyeong’s song about the parade, combined with the sighs from the crowd, made people around them laugh.

Smiling, Do Hajun headed to a good spot to watch the parade.

Colorful confetti, exciting music, and the enthusiastic dances of the parade performers unfolded.

Lee Cheongmyeong squealed with delight as bubbles floated down over his head.


“Yes, bubbles.”

It was a beautiful show signaling the end of the parade.

Looking away from the bright-eyed Lee Cheongmyeong, Do Hajun glanced behind him.

The people who had been following them since they arrived had gathered.

They didn’t come too close but had offered help when needed.

As the parade ended, Do Hajun set Lee Cheongmyeong down and said,

“Let’s thank the people behind us.”

“Thank you!”

With a deep bow, Lee Cheongmyeong expressed his thanks, causing screams and laughter to erupt from all around.

“Lee Cheongmyeong, look! A rainbow!”


When asked to demonstrate a skill he often used in the bathroom, Lee Cheongmyeong raised both hands towards the sky.

Tiny water particles formed in the air. These met with the sunlight that created the sunset, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

Though it required very fine control, thanks to his frequent practice with bubble play and drawing, Lee Cheongmyeong could easily accomplish it.


“It’s really pretty.”

As people’s gazes turned to the rainbow, Lee Cheongmyeong grabbed Do Hajun’s face.


When Do Hajun nodded to Lee Cheongmyeong, who was whispering in his ear, a fountain appeared in the air.

The water from the airborne fountain clashed and shattered into sparkling droplets, disappearing before they reached the people.

[Lee Cheongmyeong’s affinity has increased by 5.]

[Lee Cheongmyeong’s affinity has increased by 5.]

[Lee Cheongmyeong’s affinity has increased by 5.]

[Affinity is rapidly increasing.]

[Current affinity: 85]

At the same time, messages indicating that Lee Cheongmyeong’s affinity had greatly increased appeared.

“Juni! I love it so much!”

As Lee Cheongmyeong hugged Do Hajun tightly, the sound of cameras and exclamations erupted from all around.

Already noisy, it became even more chaotic, causing Do Hajun to miss the next message that appeared.

[Affinity has surpassed 80, reaching a deep trust stage.]

[A new attribute, Self-reliance, has been unlocked.]

[Self-reliance: 5]

[Self-reliance is low compared to the high affinity level.]

[Low self-reliance can lead to separation anxiety.]

[Due to low self-reliance, trust dependency will develop.]

[Status: Separation Anxiety]

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1 month ago


1 month ago

Oh no separation anxiety😭 It would be difficult for you for a while Junnie💓 Our Baby is so cute.

30 days ago


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