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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 11

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“Ah! No! Stop!”

Do Hajun quickly shouted.


[Lee Cheongmyeong cancels the skill.]

[Lee Cheongmyeong’s skill control is incomplete, activating weakly.]

[Lee Cheongmyeong is slightly sad.]


A jet of water, barely the force of a water gun, hit the face of the journalist at the front.

The press conference room fell silent instantly.

Though it wasn’t a powerful strike, the drenched journalist seemed to think otherwise.

“Did you all see that? That little kid used a Hunter skill! Mr. Do Hajun! Is it true that Hunter Lee Cheongmyeong’s skill control is lacking?”

“Please explain what just happened.”

“Is it out of control?!”

“Does this mean the government’s claim that it’s not a threat is a lie?”



Do Hajun’s fist slammed down on the table.

Holding the trembling Lee Cheongmyeong tightly, Do Hajun picked up the microphone and looked at the now-silent journalists.

“The child before you is not Hunter Lee Cheongmyeong but simply a scared child. Can’t you see he’s frightened?”

His words, spoken through gritted teeth, echoed through the room.

The deadly glare in his eyes was an added bonus.

“Please, don’t see this child as a Hunter, but as a three-year-old child. Let me introduce him. The child in my arms is named Lee Cheongmyeong. He’s an ordinary three-year-old child.”

At that moment, Lee Cheongmyeong, nestled in Do Hajun’s arms, looked at the journalists and bowed his tiny head, mimicking Do Hajun’s words.


The press conference room fell silent once more. They had focused solely on Hunter Lee Cheongmyeong, neglecting the state of the child.

And Lee Cheongmyeong’s harmless introduction struck their hearts.

“Did you… hear that?”

“Cheongmyeong… sniff. That Lee Cheongmyeong introduced himself as Cheongmyeong… sob.”

“But he really is so small and young.”

The atmosphere among the journalists began to shift.

“I’ll answer all your questions, so please ask them in a low voice so as not to startle the child.”

“Then we’ll organize the order.”

While Yoo Mia organized the questions, Do Hajun whispered in Lee Cheongmyeong’s ear.

“Are you okay?”


“Can you sit up straight?”

“Sit straight?”

Carefully, Do Hajun adjusted Lee Cheongmyeong’s posture so he could see the journalists, while maintaining a supportive arm around his waist.

As he removed the hat, Lee Cheongmyeong’s sweaty forehead was revealed.

“You were hot.”

Though he knew it was sweat from nervousness, he spoke casually to avoid making Lee Cheongmyeong more anxious.


“I see. Should I wipe your sweat?”


When Do Hajun reached behind him, a white cotton handkerchief was placed in his hand.

It was Lee Cheongmyeong’s hadkerchief that he had give to Jeon Haneul before entering.

Wiping Lee Cheongmyeong’s forehead with the soft handkerchief, his tense expression eased.

[Lee Cheongmyeong’s fear subsides slightly.]

[Independence increases by 1.]

[Attachment to guardian increases by 1.]

Do Hajun took a lollipop from his pocket, unwrapped it, and gave it to Lee Cheongmyeong.

All Lee Cheongmyeong had to do was show his face; Do Hajun would handle all the questions.


“Keep eating.”

Seeing Lee Cheongmyeong completely calm, Do Hajun turned back to the journalists.

“We’ll start the questions now.”

Whether the journalists were being cautious or had a change of heart, the press conference proceeded smoothly.

“This is reporter Kim Taepung from Cheonghyeon Daily. Has there been any change in his abilities since turning into a child?”

“No. His abilities remain the same.”

“Has he been examined?”

Instead of answering, Do Hajun gestured, and the lights dimmed as the large TV next to him powered on.

It displayed briefing materials prepared by the Blue House about Do Hajun and Lee Cheongmyeong. While some national secrets were excluded, it contained enough information to reassure the public.

“As the Blue House announced, I am a Caregiving Hunter and can verify the information of Hunters, especially those under 10. The data on the screen is based on Lee Cheongmyeong’s Hunter abilities, showing no difference from his original abilities.”

Using the remote, Do Hajun displayed Lee Cheongmyeong’s recent examination report.

“The recent examination results were identical, so there’s no need to doubt my Caregiving Hunter skill.”

Journalists quickly raised their hands. Jeon Haneul, standing nearby, pointed to a distant journalist.

“This is reporter Kim Ho from Kaka Daily. Can you explain exactly what your Careging skill is?”

“My skill activates for Hunters under 10 years old and is primarily related to childcare. However, unlike typical Hunter assessments, I can see detailed information and improve lacking areas’ ranks, as shown in the data.”

The journalists started murmuring. Hunters typically retained their initial awakening rank, unable to change it.

But now, Do Hajun was challenging that unchangeable rule.

Seeing the rapidly rising hands, Do Hajun spoke into the microphone.

“That’s correct. As the rank increases, the grade changes.”

The sound of furious typing filled the room.

For a moment, the journalists only typed, without asking further questions.


Having finished the lollipop, Lee Cheongmyeong handed the stick to Do Hajun.

‘Oh boy, he really enjoyed that candy.’

Lee Cheongmyeong’s face was covered in sticky sugar, as were his hands.

If left like this, both Lee Cheongmyeong’s clothes and his own would be covered in candy. Do Hajun accepted the stick, handed it aside, and wiped the sticky face and hands with a wet tissue from the table.

Meanwhile, a journalist’s voice was heard again, seemingly having organized the questions.

“Hello, this is Reporter Lee from Top Daily. You mentioned there would be a change in rank. Is Hunter Lee Cheongmyeong currently undergoing a rank change?”

“Yes, that’s correct. While I can’t provide specific details due to national security, the rank is indeed changing.”

The sound of typing quickened again. If Lee Cheongmyeong’s rank were to change and rise, he could potentially become the first SSS-rank hunter to grow.

“This is Reporter Choi from Korea Daily. Isn’t it difficult to make an accurate assessment of Hunter Lee Cheongmyeong given that he’s a child? With the recent Seoul Center incident and the attack on a reporter just now, isn’t there a risk that raising his rank could cause problems?”

Some reporters nodded in agreement at this sharp question.

“The Seoul Center incident and the recent attack were both caused by the child feeling threatened. Other than that, I control Hunter Lee Cheongmyeong’s skills. I was the one who canceled his skill during the Seoul Center incident.”

“Are you saying that the caregiver hunter has a skill to cancel the child’s skills?”

“No, it’s a skill that helps the child make judgments. The child makes the decisions independently.”

A murmur spread among the reporters. Some grumbled, questioning how a child could make independent judgments.

Do Hajun took out a yellow rubber duck from his pocket. This idea came to him when Shin Misook asked him to show how he controlled the skill.

Holding the rubber duck, Do Hajun looked down at Lee Cheongmyeong. The child’s eyes sparkled as soon as he saw the rubber duck.



“Ducks live in the water, right?”

Do Hajun’s gentle voice echoed through the press conference room.

“Yeah! Ducks live in water!”

“Yes. But the duck wants to swim, and it’s sad because there’s no water.”

At the voice filled with feigned disappointment, Lee Cheongmyeong raised his hand.

“I’ll make it!”

“Will you?”


A long waterway appeared in the air, visible to Lee Cheongmyeong. The reporters gasped, and flashes went off all around.

“Here, here!”

“Should I float it here?”

“Yes, yes!”

When the rubber duck was floated in the spot Lee Cheongmyeong indicated, ripples spread through the previously calm water.

“The duck is swimming!”

Lee Cheongmyeong clapped his small hands.

Watching the rubber duck slowly move along the waterway, Do Hajun leaned towards Jeon Haneul.

“Bring the prepared item.”

At Do Hajun’s words, Jeon Haneul, who had briefly disappeared, returned with a flower pot blooming with pink flowers.

“Cheongmyeong, shall we water the flowers too?”


“Yes. The flowers are thirsty.”

“Okay! I’ll do it!”

A large water droplet formed above the flower.

“Drink a lot.”

“Cheongmyeong, if you give water like this, the flower will get hurt.”

“Will it get hurt?”

“Yes. Flowers are very delicate and need just a tiny bit of water.”

Lee Cheongmyeong tilted his head, thinking for a moment, then looked at the large water droplet.

“Like this?”

Do Hajun shook his head at the halved droplet.

“No, no. Just as big as your pinky nail.”


Lee Cheongmyeong carefully examined his pinky nail and then looked up again. The droplet shrank until it was barely visible.

“Well done. Shall we make many droplets of that size?”

As soon as Do Hajun finished speaking, numerous droplets formed around the flower pot.

“Let’s water it.”

The droplets fell like rain on the flower pot. The water droplets formed and disappeared on the flowers repeatedly before stopping.

“Good job.”


[Lee Cheongmyeong’s mood has improved.]

[Fatigue has increased. +30]

[Sleepiness has begun.]

[Status has changed.]

[Status: Tired / Drowsy / Sleepy]

Caregiving hunters typically experienced significant mental fatigue when using their skills, especially with detailed control like this. It was a challenging task for an adult, even more so for a young child.

Lee Cheongmyeong, who had created water droplets requiring more delicate control than the waterway, showed signs of rapid fatigue.

“Cheongmyeong, let’s let the duck rest. Give the duck to Jun.”


The waterway that had kept the duck afloat shrank and moved towards Do Hajun’s hand as if it had a will of its own.

“Thank you.”


“Shall we get rid of the water and take a nap?”

It was nap time, after all.

Without his usual nap, Lee Cheongmyeong would become cranky, so it was necessary to put him to sleep for the press conference to proceed smoothly.

Do Hajun turned Lee Cheongmyeong to face him.

“Please wait a moment. It’s Hunter Lee Cheongmyeong’s nap time.”

Some reporters with children chuckled at Do Hajun’s words.

Despite showing an incredible skill right in front of them, the mention of a nap made Lee Cheongmyeong seem like an ordinary child.

With his head resting on Do Hajun’s forehead, Lee Cheongmyeong quickly fell asleep.

The press conference resumed, now quieter than before.

Translator’s notes:

This is like a reply to the review on NovelUpdates because there is no reply function there.

The author based off the children mostly on reality shows like the Return of Superman.

Apparently the author wants to write childcare novel related because how famous these kind of variety shows are back then. However, the author doesn’t know many children so the reference are mostly from shows.

On those shows, children speak quite fluently in korean despite being 3-4 years old. Like the Song triplets. (Which I personally think Cheongmyeong is based off, but it could be another kid from there)
There was even a child that spoke fluently in various language (Which I personally think the next child that Hajun will take care of in the future is based on.)

So don’t expect the children here be based off on normal children. They are mostly based on unordinary/genius children in reality. Well, it makes kind of sense because they are SS rank. Like that’s what makes them special.

As for the meat… It is mostly to prevent choking.
Do Hajun didn’t give meat suitable for children to Cheongmyeong so the collegue was concerned about Cheongmyeong choking that’s why she suggested buying children food rather than having Hajun prepare food for Cheongmyeong. Being colleague with him for years, she kind of knows how Hajun does.

As for how Hajun handles Cheongmyeong… Everyone handles the children differently. There is no need to follow a textbook. Some parents may not use lotion on children because they feel like there is no need for it, while some does. Hajun isn’t even a parent or someone who likes to be around children. And because of his personality, he doesn’t know many things. What common sense is for others it may be different for him.

Well, because this is fiction-fantasy it isn’t really based on reality.

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