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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 40

* * *

The host spoke hurriedly.

“That’s right. Ms. Ma Soo-jung, your son gave you flowers. How do you feel?”

Oh dear.

‘You were doing so well, but now it seems a bit awkward.’

But I understand, as you need to stick to the script. Mom took a deep breath, holding me.

“I’m happy.”

The artificial flowers sticking out of the white backpack swayed.

“I’m so happy that no matter how hard it gets, just thinking about this moment will always make me happy.”

Wow, there were just a few flowers attached, and that’s all it took!

‘How could you remember and cherish this forever!’

“I see! That was Ms. Ma Soo-jung’s cute son’s flower presentation. Now, let’s move on to the next segment.”

Mom adjusted her hold on me, making eye contact. I smiled broadly, finding my reflection in her eyes.

‘That’s strange.’

Is it because Mom said she was happy?

‘I feel pretty good too.’

In fact, I was the one who felt happy.

Just then, someone called Mom’s name.

I looked up and saw Director Heo Bong-pal.

“Soo-jung, are you okay? You cried a lot, didn’t you?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Director. I cried too much, didn’t I? It’s such a good day.”

The director shook his head right away.

“No, it’s actually good if it becomes a hot topic, as the movie’s name will come up too. But still…”

The noise from the premiere mixed in. The host was interviewing another actor.

“As expected of Ms. Soo-jung’s son, he’s really different.”

Oh dear.

‘You do have a good eye for people.’

Mom adjusted her hold on me and asked.

“Our little Kongja is an angel, after all.”

“He’s certainly as cute as an angel. But Ms. Soo-jung, I’ve never seen a child who doesn’t cry in such a crowded, chaotic place under the spotlight.”

Mom nodded.

“Our little Kongja is very brave.”

“No, it’s more than that. This child doesn’t seem to be afraid of the spotlight. It sounds funny, but he seems naturally suited for the stage. It’s amazing every time I see him.”

You got it right. That’s exactly it.

I grinned at the director.

‘How about it? Are you interested in using me, Director?’

You’ll be making many great films in the future.

Please cast me often.

Mom laughed and answered.

“Oh my, maybe our little Kongja takes after me. Do you like the stage, little Kongja?”

I kicked my legs energetically.



Mom looked at Director Heo Bong-pal and asked.

“Doesn’t it seem like he’s saying yes?”

“It does. Little guy, do you really like the stage?”



The director smiled.

“Wow, we might see each other again if things go well?”


‘You’re saying the words I most wanted to hear.’

That would be great for me.

‘I’ll be making hit films one after another from now on.’

Director Heo Bong-pal lightly tapped my cheek and then looked ahead again.

I swung my legs while being held by Mom.

‘Everything went according to plan today.’

I heard the cheers of the people. Listening to the host’s progress, I blinked.

‘Oh, I’m sleepy.’

I rubbed my cheek against Mom’s embrace. She smiled and said.

“Little Kongja, if you’re sleepy, you can sleep.”

My eyes closed automatically.

‘Babies do sleep a lot.’

That was my last thought.

* * *

Aunt Auntie An looked at me and smiled. I waved my hand to show I was okay and got up from the carpet.

‘Let’s walk.’

Even though I have to fall every ten steps for the next year due to my body, I still needed to exercise.

‘Is it because I’m a baby? It’s not easy to control my body.’

I lifted my butt and got up, and Aunt Auntie An clapped her hands.

“Our little Kongja, you’re good at getting up! Oh, miss should see this too!”

You saw it at the premiere. Well, do you want to see it again?

‘Oh, by the way, the premiere…’

I sighed automatically.

‘Is it because of my body? I really slept well.’

When I opened my eyes, I was already at home.

‘It’s a pity. It’s been a long time since I was on stage.’

I wanted to enjoy it a bit more.

Aunt Auntie An said.

“Auntie will be gone for a moment! Stay put!”


Aunt Auntie An disappeared.

‘Well, it’s safe.’

The only thing on the carpet was a sofa with rounded corners. And everywhere I could go was fenced off.

‘Now, since Aunt Auntie An isn’t here…’

I grinned. I walked over to the sofa and pressed the remote control on it.

‘How long has it been since I watched TV!’

I heard the laughter of the guests.

‘Variety show? Oh, it’s an entertainment information program.’

I’d rather watch a drama than this.

Just as I was about to change the channel, I heard the MC’s voice.

“This segment is ‘Juri Goes’.”

“Ms. Juri, I heard you went to a movie premiere this time?”

“Yes. I, Juri, went to the premiere of the first half of the year’s hot topic, ‘City of the Dead’!”

‘Oh, I have to watch this.’

I leaned back on the sofa.

‘This is the perfect posture for watching TV.’

The TV screen, which I hadn’t seen in a while, was dazzling enough to make my eyes spin. No wonder people try to limit their children’s TV time.

‘Wow, this is fun, even though it’s nothing special. Plus, it’s a premiere!’

If I’m lucky, there might even be a scene with me in it.

‘The premiere is a success.’

I quietly checked the number of coins.

‘Total coins!’

Soon, the subtitles rolled across the screen.

[ Total coins: 4,722 ]

Since the premiere of ‘City of the Dead’, the coins had been steadily increasing.

‘Well, it’s a bit less than I expected, though.’

I glanced at the subtitles.

[ A movie lover who watched your fidgeting finds it adorable and clenches their fists. ]

[ Love and Peace Coin increases by 1. ]

I smirked.

‘Well, I was just a side character. I wasn’t the main focus.’

I was just helping with my mom’s storyline.

Honestly, my scenes weren’t even necessary for the story.

‘What a pity. But there will be more opportunities.’

At least it was meaningful that I put out the urgent fire of “mom’s health.”

The TV screen changed.

When the premiere venue I saw before appeared, I wiggled my fingers.

“The premiere of ‘City of the Dead.’ It started off spectacularly, probably due to the rave reviews even before its release.

Look, there’s the main actor, Kim Sang-hyun.”

Protagonist Kim Sang-hyun spoke.

“‘City of the Dead’ is a story about ordinary people trying not to lose their humanity even in a zombified society.”

Soon, the subtitles appeared.

-Do you have any unforgettable episodes from the shoot?

“Ah, Ms. Ma Soo-jung was filming a wire action scene and almost got hurt.”

The screen immediately showed my mom’s face. Mom, who looked great in a pantsuit, smiled and said,

“First of all, I’d like to say that I’m okay. I would have been fine if I had done a breakfall, but I was holding the baby at the time.”

The screen showed the moment mom was filming.

“I guess I instinctively protected the child. It hurt at first, but I’m okay now. The hospital said I’m fine.”

Mom lightly scratched her cheek on screen.

“The baby cried a lot because I got hurt. I felt really sorry. After all, I’m the baby’s only mom.”

All the surrounding cast members nodded. Soon, the screen changed and the narration came on.

-So, there was a surprise guest who came to congratulate them at this premiere.


‘Is this where I appear?’

The entertainment news program certainly met my expectations. The screen showed me toddling around.

‘Wow, they filmed it cleanly.’

Or rather, were they filming this?

I didn’t know.

A baby dressed in a white polar bear costume walked cautiously.

I nodded slightly.

‘I have to admit, I’m insanely cute.’

This face was truly the best.

* * *

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