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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 38

* * *

Just then, the director came in.

Mom stood in front of Director Heo Bong-pal while holding me.

“Ah, our so hot celeb!”

Oh, what a killer comment.

I laughed and clapped my hands.



Director Heo Bong-pal shrugged and looked at me up and down.

Was it just my imagination?

Director Heo Bong-pal’s small eyes looked quite sharp.

“I thought so back then too, but Soo-jung’s son is really special.”

Of course.

What baby is this pretty?

Mom laughed and asked,

“What do you mean? That he’s like an angel?”

“Well, he’s cute like an angel. But that’s not all. How should I put it?”

Director Heo Bong-pal made eye contact with me.

“Soo-jung, this baby.”


“Doesn’t he seem quite bold?”

Mom blinked.

“Really? Our Kongja?”

“Soo-jung, usually babies cry when I approach.”

A staff member next to us answered.

“Oh, I think I get it.”


The staff member looked Director Heo Bong-pal up and down.

“The director is kind of scary. His face, his body, and that skeleton outfit too.”

“Yujeong, you’re too much? You killed me three times!”

“But it’s true. Admit it. It’s the plain reality. You even came dressed like that to the premiere today.”

The director lowered his head deeply.

Oh dear.

I laughed and patted the director’s head.


“Rock is alive. Metal is forever.”

The director murmured softly.

Oh my.

I kept patting the director on the back. Director Heo Bong-pal held my hand and said,

“The only one who comforts me is this baby.”

Mom laughed and said,

“Our Kongja is kind, right? He’s an angel.”

“I agree, Ms. Soo-jung. But, you know, it’s amazing how kind he is.”

Mom caressed me and asked,

“What do you mean?”

“I felt it during the shoot too, but the baby really likes the camera.”

Mom nodded.

“I think so too.”

“After the release, another director asked me how I managed to shoot it. How did the baby not cry and instead smiled so brightly?”

Hmm, I get what they mean.

‘The filming set was a bit desolate, after all.’

It was certainly not a place where a baby would normally smile.

Plus, because of the CG, the place was covered in green screens.

‘For an average baby, it would have been lucky if they didn’t cry.’

Though sometimes there are babies who do smile.


“Everyone envies me. During the congratulatory calls, the baby is mentioned at least once!”

Mom looked down at me and said,

“The scenes with our Kongja do stick in my mind.”

“Honestly, it wasn’t a particularly important scene, but the baby was so adorable that it became a very intense scene.”

“It really hit suddenly.”

The director scratched his chin and nodded.

“Right. The reality of zombies suddenly felt very real.”

“The scene with Kongja is short, but it feels unusually long.”

Director Heo Bong-pal stared at me.

I smiled brightly and reached out my hand.

“The more I see, the stranger it feels.”

The director extended his finger.

I grabbed it and shook it slightly.

“So, you’re saying our Kongja has some kind of talent, right?”

“Yes, exactly. In that scene, the baby was so innocent. If the baby naturally had that expression, I wouldn’t think much of it, but…”

Oh dear.

‘Director Heo Bong-pal is quite perceptive.’

Did I get caught a little?

“Now that I see it, that’s not it. It’s like the baby acted on purpose.”


“Hahaha! No way. Could this baby have acted an innocent scene? Hahaha!”

That’s correct.

I shook Director Heo Bong-pal’s finger.

“If that’s the case, this baby is a genius.”


‘What a great assessment.’

Please, keep going, Director.

Director Heo Bong-pal scratched his chin and said,

“Anyway, as a scene-stealer, it was perfect. Excellent.”

I grinned.

‘Hmm, it feels like my secret is out.’

Of course, I just acted according to the situation, but I forgot for a moment that I’m still way too young to be acting.

Well, as long as the result is good.


I wiggled my legs and laughed.


Director Heo Bong-pal looked at me and said,

“Did I overdo it? Ah, time’s up. Let’s go!”

“Oh, yes!”

Director Heo Bong-pal let go, and Mom hurriedly handed me to Auntie An.

“Auntie An, please take care of him.”

“Yes, Miss.”

The makeup artist quickly approached Mom.

Auntie An held me and turned to leave.

“Kongja, let’s go out.”

I smiled brightly and wiggled my legs.

‘Ah, I want to hear more compliments.’

I clenched and unclenched my fists.

The stage I had been waiting for was being prepared.

A smile spread on my face.

* * *

The movie must have ended because the surroundings were bustling.

The staff brought Auntie An and me to the nearest seat among the audience.

The staff explained to Auntie An,

“Although you’ve already seen the plan, let me explain again. When the host says they have a gift for Actress Ma Soo-jung, please hand the baby to me. Then I will take the baby to Ms. Soo-jung.”

Auntie An nodded.


I shrugged my shoulders.

A toy flower dangled from the white backpack.

‘This must be the bouquet for Mom.’

It wasn’t a bad plan.

‘But it’s not enough.’

I thought when I saw the plan.

‘It needs some surprise.’

Taking me to the stage was fine. But this plan wouldn’t draw enough attention.

‘I wondered how to make it more effective.’

So I prepared.

I muttered softly,


Coin used!

Soon, subtitles appeared.

[How would you like to use the Love and Peace Coin?]

‘Make the staff place me on the stage floor.’

[It will take 300 coins for a tired staff member to place Ma Kongja on the floor. Do you want to proceed?]

Well, it’s a reasonable price.

I smiled and said,




[Everything comes with a price]

[As a price for using the coin, you will sleep for 10 hours an hour later]

The price wasn’t too bad. A baby could sleep that long.

I flexed and straightened my legs while being held by Auntie An.

I needed to warm up in advance.

The host continued the event.

‘It’s almost time.’

Sure enough, the staff shouted,

“Give me the baby!”

“Here you go.”

At that moment, the host shouted,

“It’s a gift for Ms. Soo-jung!”

The moment I had prepared for arrived.

The staff carried me up the stairs.

It was the moment when everyone’s eyes were on me at the edge of the stage.

Suddenly, the staff twisted their body.

“A bee, a bee!”

The staff was at a loss.

‘Is this because of the coin?’

Panicking, the staff hurriedly put me down.

That’s when it happened.

Suddenly, the lights focused on me.

‘Wow, this situation is perfect.’

* * *

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