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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 37

* * *

“What should I dress him in?”

I lay awkwardly in the cradle as Auntie An seriously held a bee costume up to my body.

“Since he gives flowers, a bee would be good?”

Excuse me, Auntie An.

“Or would a frog be better since it’s safer?”

Oh no.

Auntie An was diligently matching clothes to my body.

I rolled half a turn while touching my feet.

A sigh came out naturally.

‘Auntie An is a good person.’

She was very good at her job. Not to mention cleaning, and most importantly, she took good care of me.

‘Even baby food tastes good.’

She was very diligent. I could see why Mom trusted her.

‘But here’s the thing.’

I found an unexpected flaw.

Auntie An muttered while looking at me.

“Maybe a mantis costume would be better?”

Oh no.

‘She has no sense of fashion.’

What are you trying to do to this perfect face?

‘Simplicity is the best!’

A mantis costume?

Why do mantis costumes even exist in the first place!

“I’m conflicted.”

Ah, it’s driving me crazy.

‘Auntie An, you might not know, but I have plans for today.’

I kicked my legs.

‘I’m planning to increase my popularity through the premiere!’

I want to become a celebrity quickly!

A mantis costume, seriously!

Auntie An muttered, deep in thought.

“Maybe a cricket would be better?”


I vigorously shook my head.

“Booya boo!”

“You like it?”

No, I don’t!

I put my hand to my forehead.

Today was the day to showcase my plans.

I couldn’t go in a cricket costume.

“Booa booa!”

Using a coin!

[How would you like to use the Love and Peace Coin?]

‘Make her put me in the polar bear costume!’

I saw it last time, it was the best.

I glanced to the side. I saw a white backpack.

‘That’s the backpack I’ll wear at the premiere.’

The company organizing the event brought it directly.

I glanced at Auntie An. She was still deciding between the cricket and mantis.

“Why does it have to be one of those?”

It would be better to match a solid color to bring out my cuteness!

Just then, the subtitles changed.

[To wear the polar bear suit, you need 500 coins. Do you want to proceed?]

Wow, that’s expensive.

“But there’s no other choice.”

I didn’t want to wear the mantis suit and end up in the newspaper.



The subtitles changed again.


[Everything comes with a price]

[In return for using coins, you will sneeze for 1 minute]

[Total coins: 28,720]

It was a very strange price to pay. But there was no time to think. I started sneezing uncontrollably.

“Achoo! Achoo!”

Auntie An looked at me with the clothes and tilted her head.

“Oh my?”


“Why is our young master suddenly sneezing? Does he have an allergy?”


I sneezed so much that tears came out.

Auntie An wiped my eyes with a towel and put away the mantis suit for now.

“Is the fabric strange? The one you wore last time was fine. Ah, here it is!”

Auntie An took out the polar bear suit from the closet.

Magically, I stopped sneezing as soon as she held it up.

“Oh, this one is fine.”

Hahaha. Is that so.

Auntie An sighed and said,

“I wanted to dress you in something pretty, but a polar bear? This is too simple.”

Simple things are usually the best, Auntie An.

“No choice then.”

Auntie An said while changing my clothes.

“Kongja, today we are going to a young lady’s movie premiere.”

I understand.

“It will be noisy because of the movie. Hmm, since it will be noisy, I should bring earplugs.”

No need for that. I don’t need such things.

‘I’m fine with it.’

Noise sounds like music to me.

It’s been a while since I’ve been to a cinema.

‘I want to see the screen.’

Before being an actor, I am a Movie Lover.

‘Well, if it’s a good work, I watch it regardless of whether it’s on TV or on the big screen.’

A masterpiece doesn’t care about the medium.

‘The important thing is the work itself. But still, it’s good.’

I probably won’t watch the movie itself.

But just going to the cinema after so long made me happy.

I flapped the furry sleeves of the polar bear suit and smiled.

‘Now, let’s get started.’

I smiled while thinking about the plan in my head.

Today is the day.

‘Final inspection, Ma Kongja.’

I quietly displayed the subtitles.


Total coins!

[Total coins: 28,722]

Even after using 500 coins earlier, I still had plenty left.

‘I’m close to 30,000 coins.’

The reason for this was simple.

‘Paparazzi and magazines did a great job.’

I slowly climbed up to this point.

‘Since the opening, it went up quite a bit.’

It must have been a hit since it was already the second premiere.

I looked at the subtitles with satisfaction.

[34 viewers of ‘City of the Dead’ are moved by your cute appearance]

[Love and Peace Coin +1]

I laughed naturally.

‘Everyone seems to be moved by my appearance.’

It felt like harvesting after sowing seeds.

‘At this rate, I’ll exceed 30,000 coins soon.’

I was excited. I clapped my feet together and flapped.

‘This is exactly what I aimed for.’

I laughed out loud.


Today, I’ll reap a great harvest.

Auntie An was packing various things into a bag and said,

“Oh my, young master. You’re laughing a lot today. You should take a nap now. Why aren’t you sleeping today?”

Because I’m excited.

Auntie An shook my hand once and went back to her work.

I clapped my legs together again.

I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep at all.

* * *

“Young lady!”

Auntie An called, and mom turned around and smiled. I reached out my hand towards mom in her pantsuit.


“Kongja! My angel!”

Mom hugged me and patted my back.

“Oh, Kongja is here?”

“Kongja, do you remember this sister?”

Of course, I don’t remember.

But fan service is important.

I made eye contact with people and smiled.


“Gasp, the young master smiled at me.”

“Wow, even after a long time, he’s still amazing.”

“How can he be this pretty? I’ve never seen a child like this.”

Mom gently stroked my cheek and said,

“Our angel is quite pretty.”

“This isn’t just pretty!”

“Cuter than the movie.”

Everyone smoothly admired my appearance.

‘Ah, this is nice.’

Please compliment me more.

Compliments about my appearance are always good to hear.

‘Always feels fresh.’

* * *

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