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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 36

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Ma Soo-jung, holding a metal bat, opened the front door and entered.

A servant she had never seen before was startled to see her.


“Where is she?”

“Madam? In the second-floor.”

“No, not madam. My sister-in-law.”

“She’s on the third-floor veranda.”

Ma Soo-jung answered with an actress’s smile.

“Thank you.”

Actress Ma ran like a deer.

Her movements were so elegant that the metal bat seemed like a luxury handbag.

Maybe that’s why.

The servant barely regained his senses after watching her back.

“Oh, contact! Contact!”

He hurriedly came to his senses, but the miss had already left.

Ma Soo-jung ran like a flash of lightning.

When she reached the third-floor veranda, she looked around for her target.

Fortunately, the target was close.

She lightly swung the bat.

The bat, meeting its owner after a long time, cried out in joy.



Ma Soo-jung elegantly stepped onto the veranda.

Of course, she didn’t forget to rest the bat on her shoulder right away.


Lee Yoo-gyeong, who was about to drink coffee elegantly, slipped her hand.

“Ah, Soo-jung!?”

Ma Soo-jung didn’t answer. At times like this, actions spoke louder than words.


The luxurious tea table shook violently. Lee Yoo-gyeong stared at the dented table from one swing of the bat.

“W-what are you doing!”

“What am I doing.”


She struck the table edge, sending it flying.

Lee Yoo-gyeong hurriedly tried to get up, but Ma Soo-jung’s knee pinned her down first.

“A-ah, miss!”

“My Kongja got hate comments, and it turned out you were behind it?”


“I got a call yesterday and brought my leather gloves after a long time. Hey! What did I tell you? Didn’t I say I wouldn’t let it slide?”

Ma Soo-jung grabbed Lee Yoo-gyeong’s chin and pulled it.

“This, this is gangster behavior!”

“The gangsters are your family. Isn’t your family successful loan sharks turned baccarat kings?”

Lee Yoo-gyeong bit her lip.

“I think my family is at the bottom, but living here, I realized there’s even lower underground. I felt that after seeing you.”

Ma Soo-jung smiled elegantly despite her sharp words.

Lee Yoo-gyeong trembled.

“For your family, this kind of threat is nothing, right? Why are you trembling?”

“I-I have never experienced something like this!”

Lee Yoo-gyeong was already crying.

Ma Soo-jung tilted her head.

“Really? So what? If you haven’t experienced it until now, does that mean you shouldn’t in the future either?”

Lee Yoo-gyeong trembled in fear.

“If you mess with our young master again, I won’t let it slide.”


“Got it? Nod if you understand.”

Lee Yoo-gyeong remained silent.

But when Ma Soo-jung moved her hand toward her face, she flinched and spoke quickly.

“I-I got it! I won’t do it again!”

“Won’t do it again? Are you talking informally to me? Show some respect for your elders.”

“I-I won’t do it again, miss.”

“Good. Smart girl.”

Ma Soo-jung stood up lightly. Then she kicked the fallen table once more and turned around.

“I’m a mad dog who always follows through.”

Actress Ma elegantly turned around and said.

“Think carefully about what that means.”

For a moment, Lee Yoo-gyeong shivered.

Ma Soo-jung slung the bat back over her shoulder and stepped out onto the veranda.

A Maid ran over in a hurry, but what happened was already over.

“Cha! Long time no see.”


“Don’t shout. Over there, everything is fine.”

“And you, miss?”

Ma Soo-jung blinked.


“Are you alright, too?”

Actress Ma covered her mouth and laughed.

Perhaps because she was a beloved actress, even her employees liked her.

“Of course.”

“Very well. I’ll head back to the veranda then.”

As he was about to turn back, a formidable opponent blocked his way.

Ma Soo-jung greeted brightly.

“Oh, hello madam.”

Noh Hwa-jin frowned at her daughter.

“What is this look?”

Ma Soo-jung smiled at the bat.

“If I’m going into battle, I need a weapon.”

“You, surely not…”

“It’s for intimidation, not violence. You know I don’t hit people anymore.”

Though she still hits tires a bit.

“Ever since Kongja came to me, I’ve been living righteously.”

Noh Hwa-jin shook her head at Ma Soo-jung’s appearance.

“You’re short-sighted. Still can’t see the forest for the trees.”

“I was looking at the forest, that’s why I didn’t hit anyone.”

“If you act like this, do you think the second one will stay still? You have to consider he might do worse. Tsk.”


Ma Soo-jung turned slightly.

“I guess I need to go back.”

“For what?”

“To make it clear. If I break something definitively, they won’t mess with our Kongja.”

“No need.”

Noh Hwa-jin sighed.

“I’ll make sure he can’t.”

“Oh my! Why? You hate bothersome things.”

“We’re still entangled with the second one.”

Ma Soo-jung smirked.

True. When her second brother got married, he mixed something eagerly with the affiliate or the subsidiary.

“So if we weren’t entangled, it wouldn’t matter.”

“We’re still very entangled. It takes time.”

Ma Soo-jung smirked.

“This damn house is always like this.”

It felt nauseating. Ma Soo-jung shook her head.

“It’s surprising that someone who rarely steps up is acting like this. Do you perhaps like our Kongja?”

Noh Hwa-jin’s face instantly frowned.

“How could that be? The smell of a half-breed is suffocating.”

Ma Soo-jung almost said something but shut her mouth.

She knew from a young age that no matter what she said, it wouldn’t get through.

Bitterness rose.

“My angel, who would be loved wherever he goes, hears this here.”

She sighed, tossing her hair back.

“This damned house.”

Ma Soo-jung tucked the bat under her arm and glared at Noh Hwa-jin.

The mistress of the Sungjin group acted as if she hadn’t heard a thing, leaned on her cane, and gracefully walked past.

Ma Soo-jung almost cursed at her back but thought of her cute baby angel.

‘I need to make our Kongja happy…’

When she first brought him, she was confident, but the situation kept getting more unsettling.

‘Am I not fit to raise an angel?’

Bitterness lingered at the corner of her mouth. Ma Soo-jung sighed deeply. She felt an intense urge to use her bat again after a long time.

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