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Chapter 7.1- No More Foolishness (2)

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Character List

Raymond Pilius

Alex Tilinger, Baron Tilinger’s second son.

Ronald Pilius, emperor of the Pilias Empire.

Aloken Pilius, third Prince of Pilias Empire

Lisefield Dior, an Old Mage

Schedule: Every Monday 10 advance Chapters and Weekends will release 5 free Chapters

The old man must know my talent……?”

Raymond paused for a moment. The moment he said the word “talent”, he didn’t miss the sparkle within Lisefield’s eyes. He grinned and opened his mouth to continue.

“Wouldn’t you like me to be the youngest man of all time to become a Great Sage?”

It would be such a sweet suggestion. The gaze of the Mster of the Blue Tower was shaken. What if the Fifth Prince learned the ‘Secrets Techniques’?

“And I have to fulfill my two-thousand-year promise.”

At the moment, Lisefield, who highly regarded the Fifth Prince, gave a short sigh at the following words.


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On the first day, it was decided to pass only some of the ‘Secret Techniques’ of the Blue Tower, such as the technique of controlling mana.

Contrary to the rumor that the Fifth Prince was a mess, he had an excellent understanding. If he teaches him one, he will not only know the theory, but he can also apply it.

On the second day, the Fifth Prince fully understood the “Secret Technique of the Blue Tower.”

Raymond tried practicing them full-fledge, but he fell down because he released more mana than what he can handle.

He even asked Lisefield not to tell about this to the Emperor.

On the third day, the technique he tried was perfected.

It usually take more than 6 months to master the technique even if one was a genius.

Unlike the first time, Lisefield had no choice but to change his own views. The confidence shown by the Fifth Prince was not excessive. It wasn’t groundless to begin with.

Fourth Day, unbelievablebthings happened.

The Fifth Prince was about to become a Junior Wizard.

On the fifth day, he found out that Philip, an elder of the blue tower, came to know about him teaching Raymond the Secret Techniques of the tower.

Things have become more troublesome now.

* * *

Raymond hardly slept this past four days. He was so absorbed in training that he could barely eat one meal a day.

Each tower has its own secret techniques.

 A secret technique that it is passed on to a direct student of the master of the tower or one among his most recognized students.

As they passed on the secret, these things can cause great stir if it is known by others.

The Master of the blue tower didn’t teach him everything. He just taught him the secret technique of handling mana, and a few basics other techniques.


‘I think I know why you call it a secret technique.’

The secret technique of Mana was maximizing Raymond’s talent. It seems that the level of the Junior wizard was already in front of him.

He can’t share these good things with others, so he will be keeping this as a secret.

‘I should keep good things with myself alone.’

Others can curse at him for being selfish, he will do anything if he can just survive.

“Fifth Prince.” He was called out in the middle of his training.

He stopped training for a while and turned his head to the direction where he heard the call.

“Old man, what’s going on?”

He seemed to have been interrupted during his training, but it wasn’t that case.

Lisefield had been waiting for three hours before talking to Raymond, he waited until his concentration diminished and his focus started to be sluggish.

“You haven’t eaten a proper meal for days already. If you faint again, I’ll be in trouble.”

Lisefield spoke frankly. If the Fifth Prince’s health deteriorates, he would be ashamed to see the Emperor.

He was also genuinely concerned about the health of the Fifth Prince.

He slept less than 2 hours a day. And he barely managed to get by a day with a slice of bread.

All his remaining time is for training. Even Lisefield and other elders, who once lived like hell to become a sage, were shocked at the training method of the Fifth Prince.

“Is it lunch time already?”

“Yes, Your Highness the Fifth.”

“I’m gonna have to properly eat something soon today. Show me the way to the dining room.”

Today is the fifth day. 

As the level of a Junior Wizard is just around the corner, Raymond thought he could at least enjoy a proper meal.

“There’s a dining room upstairs for the tower members and the elders. I’ll take you there.”

As they went to the upper section, he could see the elders of the Blue Tower and other high-level wizards from time to time.

All of them were at least Superior to the Great Wizard level, and very few high-Level wizards were seen at the elder level.

The meal was excellent. It wasn’t as good as from the Fifth palace, but it was quite delicious.

 After enjoying a light dessert, he left the dining room and went back to the training center.

However, there was a person guarding the training center.

“Have you come, Master of the Blue Tower?”

He greeted the Master of the Blue Tower before Raymond, the Fifth Prince.

‘I don’t like this.’

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      3 years ago

      I think you may need an editor with a good understanding of English to fix the inconsistencies and the awkwardness of the translations. Still, I appreciate the effort, so thank you for the chapters.

      3 years ago

      Thanks for the chapter.

      3 years ago

      Thanks for the chapter

      3 years ago


      25 days ago

      Thank you for the chapter

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