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10 rules of a Secretary chapter 29

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I cursed Cha Chiyeon a dozen times in my mind, but I did my best not to let it show on the outside.

Giving CEO Han any ammunition would only make life harder. Clutching the tablet tightly, I responded.

“If you’re going to give it, then make sure it’s wrapped in plenty of gold thread. Please include an appraisal certificate as well.”

“Should I add some diamonds too?”

“Make it 10 carats. I plan to live a hundred years with it.”

“Your dreams are small.”

Following CEO Han down the hall, I signaled with a nod to Kang Yeonkyu and Yoon Sanghye, then closed the door to the CEO’s office.

CEO Han, who was a few steps ahead of me, made a sound of interest and turned to look at me.

“A 10-carat diamond won’t buy you a house. A few billion won’t get you an apartment in Gangnam.”

His sarcastic remark, as if I didn’t know the real estate market, left me speechless.

Who said I wanted to buy an apartment in Gangnam? I planned to live in a two-story house with a yard in a place with clean air and water.

Besides, I shouldn’t even think about buying a house until I’ve paid off my debts.

What’s the point of buying a house just to mortgage it right away?

Still, I’d paid off a lot of the principal (amazingly, the interest on that principal kept accruing every month), and if I kept juggling both the secretary and modeling jobs, I’d have a decent house in about 20 years.

My life plan, meticulously detailed, was flawless.

Of course, the decent salary of a secretary helped.

Thanks to that, I had no life, but it was all worth it. Money was the perfect means to keep me breathing.

“Then I’ll gladly accept that amount for my next bonus. Since you said it’s just a few billion, I’ll be praying to see just a few billion in my bank account.”

“How about me instead?”

CEO Han spread his arms lightly and turned halfway, flashing the charming smile he often showed during photo shoots.

It was the kind of face that could make anyone’s heart skip a beat.

“I could just give you a house, pretending I can’t resist.”

The problem was, I wasn’t included in the category of “anyone.”

I sighed inwardly at his playful words. Staring at his annoyingly handsome face in silence, I finally replied.

Being a secretary meant having to respond to a boss’s nonsense—sometimes, it really felt like the ultimate extreme job.


“Yes, Secretary Seonyul.”

“Are you aware of how much gift tax that will incur? And besides, I only accept money that I earn rightfully with my own efforts.”

My calm response seemed to displease him, as his expression subtly hardened. Before I knew it, he was standing right in front of me.

The scent, reminiscent of a cool ocean breeze, tickled my nose. There was a faint trace of cigarette smoke, suggesting he had stepped outside to smoke just a moment ago.

As he lifted a hand to roughly sweep back my bangs, he muttered under his breath, almost like a sigh.

“Why does everything have to be so difficult…?”

When I looked up, I noticed his chapped lips. I quickly tucked my tablet under my arm and pulled out a lip balm from my pocket.

“May I apply this to your lips? They’re quite chapped.”

“…Go ahead.”

I warmed the lip balm with my body heat and gently dabbed it onto his lips with my ring finger, slowly gliding it over.

I could feel his shallow breaths against my fingertips.

Even missing a single day of care left a mark on his lips, and they kept drawing my attention.

As I applied the balm, I recalled the phone call I received from the chairman just before getting into the elevator.

“Oh, and the chairman has summoned you.”

“Do you have to tell me that now, of all times?”

I could feel his lips move under my touch. I forced myself to look away from his red lips and met his hazel eyes instead.

His eyebrows were deeply furrowed, as if something was greatly displeasing him.

I gently rubbed the frown lines on his forehead with my thumb.

As I did so, the tension seemed to ease, and his furrowed brows gradually relaxed.

“He asked that you come home tonight, even if it’s late.”

It wasn’t really a summon—it was more of an order.

But as a mere secretary, my options were limited.

Why else would the chairman turn his attention to me? Since CEO Han wouldn’t listen, the chairman must have figured I was the only one without the authority to refuse.

I had no intention of getting dragged into the family affairs any further.

I sincerely hoped that CEO Han would give a positive response.

I heard a brief sound, and CEO Han’s lips brushed against my fingertips before pulling away.

My fingers trembled momentarily. Before I could ask what he was doing, his voice reached my ears.

“It’s probably just about Sun again. Ignore it.”

Seeming satisfied, CEO Han took a step back from me. As the warmth of his body faded, my fingertips felt oddly empty.

“As you know, I don’t have the authority to ignore the chairman.”

“Secretary Seonyul. Who pays your salary?”

“CEO Han.”

“Then whose orders should you follow?”

Damn it. That’s not the point.

You may pay my salary, but the chairman is the one who can bring me down in an instant.

As if the awful remarks I heard at last week’s party weren’t bad enough, CEO Han’s face remained unfazed, as if wondering what the problem was.

This must be the typical expression of those at the top.

“I’m shouldering everything you’re carrying, so just ignore it.”

“While I’m touched by your words, CEO Han…”

I carefully adjusted his slightly crooked tie. It was almost instinctive.

A flaw on my boss, who must always appear perfect?


“As I mentioned, I have no justification to refuse the chairman. Please try to understand my position.”

“…Secretary Seonyul.”


“Just leave on time. You should enjoy your Friday night.”

He lightly patted my shoulder and, without waiting for my response, opened the door and practically pushed me out. Personally.

“Leave on time. Promise.”

As I stood alone in the lobby, a dry laugh escaped me. Dread settled in as I wondered what the chairman might say.

As I frowned, trying to hide my irritation, Kang Yeongyo from the front desk gave me a sympathetic look.

“At least he promised you could leave on time today.”

Was that supposed to be comforting? I gave Kang a long look, and he scratched his cheek awkwardly.

“Not for the rest of us, though.”

Seeing his half-smile, I kept my mouth shut. It wasn’t comfort he was offering; it was a desperate plea for help. I smiled faintly and made my way toward the secretarial office.

As for handing over work? That wasn’t going to happen.

Everything would come back to me anyway. My head throbbed with the weight of it all.

[Real-life Lord] – You have to come today. Answer. 15:50

[Real-life Lord] – Ignoring me? Hey!!! 16:12

[Real-life Lord] – Hey! 16:18

[Real-life Lord] – Damn it, you bastard, where are you! 16:21

[Real-life Lord] – Are you screwing with me? 16:23

[Real-life Lord] – I’ve been generous and waited an hour considering you might be busy, but hurry up and call me. 16:50

[Real-life Lord] – You crazy bastard! Are you not coming today? Are you? Answer!!! 18:15

As I finally checked my phone, a chill ran down my spine at the flood of messages. There were also a considerable number of missed calls.

Staring at the red number “20” over the phone icon, I bit my lip and quickly grabbed my suit jacket.

The fact that Cha Chiyeon had used four exclamation marks was a clear sign of just how furious he was.

“Please finish up this part for me.”

“Oooh~ Got plans for Friday night~ Going out tonight?”

Anyone with a conscience wouldn’t say something like that. Who would understand the feelings of someone who hasn’t had anything close to a date since starting this job?

I snapped back at Assistant Lee Seohwa, who had made the lighthearted joke.

“Yes. I plan to have a night so hot it’ll burn me to ashes. So please finish up, and everyone go home!”

“Are you planning to ditch us, Secretary Seonyul? Ah! Take us with you!”

“I’m in a hurry. I’ll help more later, so please just wrap things up.”

As I tried to leave quickly, Yoon Sanghye hesitantly held me back from behind. Her face was filled with worry.

“Secretary Seonyul, how… how are you feeling? I wanted to ask earlier, but you seemed so busy…”

“If you’re asking about my condition, I’m fine.”

“I heard you were sick yesterday and took the day off. We all avoided contacting you so you could rest… I was just worried because it seemed like you weren’t feeling well.”

At her words, my mind instinctively flashed back to yesterday when Han and I were poring over documents in the living room.

CEO Han had put me on sick leave but made me work without pay. Unpaid, for free, volunteer work.

The sheer unfairness of it all made my blood pressure spike, but I forced myself back to reality. This wasn’t something I could deal with now.

“I’m fine. I’ve recovered. By the way, have you seen the hangover cure on my desk? It’s a late gift, so make sure not to drink tonight. We’ll catch up more next week. Don’t think about work over the weekend. And everyone! Just wrap up your reports and go home. I’ll finish up on Monday. Got it?”

“Aaah~ But Secretary Seonyul! Take us with you~”

Ignoring the whining of a few colleagues, I left the room.

Just before opening the door, I glanced over at the unusually quiet Yoon Sanghye. Her dark expression lingered in my mind.

I hurried my steps, mentally noting the date of Yoon Sanghye’s ex-boyfriend’s wedding.

I felt bad, but my situation was more urgent right now.

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29 days ago

I wonder how much his father owes, even after eight year of working, Seonbi hasn’t been able to pay off his debt. And what did his father owe that much for

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