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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 30

* * *

While Baek Gunho was contacting the management bureau, I tied up the three people.

Before long, hunters from the management bureau arrived, and the three were promptly taken away.

As I was leaving the shelter, I spotted Uncle.

I was debating whether to greet him since I was on duty, but before I could decide, he recognized me.


Uncle approached quickly and frowned when he saw how messy I looked.

“What on earth happened to you, huh?”

“Well, you see…”

I briefly explained the situation. Since I couldn’t speak frankly in front of others, I crafted a suitable story.

Uncle got angry when I mentioned that I had noticed Shin Chaeyoung escaping near the fire scene and decided to follow her.

“What made an ordinary person chase after a terrorist?”

“Sorry. I thought I could catch her.”

“Catch her? You nearly got caught yourself!”

Uncle knew well that nothing would happen to me, yet he was jumping up and down.

He knew better than anyone that I wouldn’t get hurt. It was an impressive performance.

“Anyway… you’re alive thanks to Gunho.”

“It’s a relief that Heewon is safe.”

Baek Gunho replied with a trustworthy smile that could be from a financial advertisement, and Uncle patted him on the shoulder as if he found him reliable.

“You always have a tough time looking after Heewon.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. We’re friends.”

His somewhat insincere reaction made me want to punch him in the side.

“Can I go in for now? I’d like to give Heewon a ride home.”

“Sure, you should visit the bureau later to talk. You can head in for today. Heewon, you’ve had a tough day too, so get some rest.”

“There’s no need to go with Baek Gunho…”

“Just go on in.”

Uncle said firmly. In the end, I got into the car with Baek Gunho.

Since the driver was present, we didn’t exchange many words in the car.

I pretended to fiddle with my phone casually, but I was secretly anxious.

When we arrived home, my steps were heavy as I got out of the car. I looked at Baek Gunho with a last glimmer of hope.

“You must be tired. Go inside and rest.”

Baek Gunho snorted and led the way into our house. As I hesitated inside, Baek Gunho scanned me.

“What are you doing? Go wash up first.”

Baek Gunho pushed me toward the bathroom.

After washing up, feeling a bit dazed, I came out, and Baek Gunho inspected me closely.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Baek Gunho, bustling around as usual, nodded and made me sit on the sofa.

Then he stood across from me, looking down. It seemed like he was trying to suffocate me intentionally.

“So, tell me everything.”

“About what…”

“Everything you’ve been hiding.”

“Well… I awakened, but I didn’t want to be a hunter, so I registered as an F-rank to live quietly.”

Instead of telling everything, I gave a condensed version. Baek Gunho raised an eyebrow at my response.

“Just because you didn’t want to be a hunter?”

I hesitated.

To be fully honest, I’d have to explain about my dreams and abilities, but I couldn’t do that.

Talking about my dreams was embarrassing, and discussing my abilities was uncomfortable.

But I couldn’t keep everything a secret.

“I have an ability… a attribute that gets me involved in bad incidents. So I thought it was better to live quietly.”

Though not a lie, it was a response that concealed much of the truth. Baek Gunho looked at me as if he knew I was hiding something.

“Is that all?”

“What else…”

“Like what your original rank is, what your abilities are, how you hid them, who knows about it, and why you hid it from me.”

“I’m S-rank, and I have telekinesis. Shinhae helped me. Only Uncle and Shinhae know. I didn’t tell you because… there was no reason to.”

I answered each question diligently. Baek Gunho, who had been listening quietly, frowned at the end.

“No reason to tell me?”

“Well, it’s technically illegal. I didn’t want to get you involved…”

“That’s all?”

I couldn’t say I kept it secret because of unsettling dreams. I nodded.

Baek Gunho gave me a serious look.

“Don’t keep secrets from now on. If anything happens, tell me right away.”

“Are you my guardian?”

“I’ve been acting like one.”

“I’m S-rank too, you know.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Baek Gunho swung his fist.

I blocked it with a skill just before it hit. I shivered, thinking I would have been hit if I hadn’t blocked it.

“Are you crazy!?”

“No, I just wanted to show you evidence that you’re weak for an S-rank. You blocked it, though.”

“How do you know I’m weak?”

“If you’ve never used your strength, can you properly utilize your skills?”

He had a point… I watched Baek Gunho warily.

“I thought you wouldn’t believe me, but I guess you do.”

“Believe what?”

“That I’m S-rank.”

“Why wouldn’t I believe it?”

Baek Gunho asked back calmly, as if wondering what I was talking about. I didn’t understand how he could be so composed.

“Isn’t it surprising? I’m S-rank, you know.”

No matter how suspicious he was, it would be hard to guess someone was S-rank. He listened to my explanation as if I’d just told him I had bread for breakfast.

Baek Gunho smiled at my words, a somewhat ominous smile.

“Are you disappointed that I’m not as surprised as I should be by the fact that Mr. Seo Heewon is an S-rank?”

His teasing tone made my face flush instantly.

“Who’s disappointed! Isn’t it usually a surprise!?”

There are only six other S-ranks besides me in the country. South Korea has a relatively high number of S-ranks.

Many countries worldwide have none, so my rank should be surprising.

“Got it, Mr. Seo Heewon, the remarkable S-rank.”

I used telekinesis to pick up a cushion and threw it at Baek Gunho’s head.

Without looking, Baek Gunho caught the cushion and put it back in its place.

“rank doesn’t matter. The fact that you’re keeping it a secret does. If you hadn’t confessed, I was going to get you to admit it.”

“Admit it?”

“They keep targeting you. To prepare a countermeasure, I need to understand your full capabilities.”

At his serious tone, I straightened up. As Baek Gunho said, it had become obvious that they were targeting me.

They were openly targeting me in the middle of Seoul.

“The Black Sea has someone with foresight abilities.”

Baek Gunho explained. I couldn’t help but be surprised.

“You knew?”

“You did too?”

“I overheard it earlier…”


Baek Gunho narrowed his eyes. Folding his arms, he began to interrogate me.

“I let it slide earlier, but how did you follow Shin Chaeyoung?”

“I got an item from that dungeon. A confession-inducing item.”

Baek Gunho stared at me, trying to judge if I was telling the truth.

Although it wasn’t a lie, it wasn’t the whole truth either, so I felt guilty but looked at Baek Gunho confidently.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I thought you might have a confession-inducing ability.”

“I don’t have anything like that.”

“Really? Okay.”

Baek Gunho nodded with a straightforward attitude, as if he had asked everything he needed to. Feeling uneasy, I watched him.

“Don’t you have more questions?”

“I’ve asked everything I need.”

Is that simple question everything you want to know?

His overly straightforward attitude made me uneasy. I watched Baek Gunho carefully.

“Are you angry?”

“About what?”

“That I kept it a secret…”

“No, it’s a perfectly understandable decision.”

Baek Gunho replied calmly. He wasn’t the type to lie in this kind of situation.

It’s a relief that he wasn’t angry, but was he really unaffected by it?

I’m the one who’s been deceiving him all this time. He’s not exactly known for being that forgiving…

“But if you wanted to keep living quietly, you shouldn’t have poked around unnecessarily.”

“That’s… true.”

“Stop messing around. Even though you’re S-rank, you’re still weak.”

“You want to die?”

“So what are you going to do from now on?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you going to keep poking around everywhere, or are you going to live quietly?”

“…I’ll live quietly.”

This incident is just an exception.

There was the issue with Kwon Sahyeok, and the boss got some flak…

Now that we’ve caught Shin Chaeyoung, the criticism towards the Bureau should lessen, and my reasons to be active will disappear.

“If only living quietly meant it was that simple…”

Baek Gunho muttered ominously.

Of course, I know it’s hard to live quietly because of my damn nature, but why ask if he already knows that?

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28 days ago


27 days ago

I like this novel a lot

27 days ago


18 days ago


17 days ago

thank you for the hard work ^^

3 days ago

Thank you for the chapter

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