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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? chapter 15: Don’t Hit Me After Hitting Him (1)

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‘One day, I will die because of my stubbornness.

Lin Lin was fully aware of herself.

‘I was wrong, I won’t do this next time.’

Crossing over to another world not only allowed Lin Lin to communicate calmly with various creatures with horns and scales, but also brought about a sudden and inexplicable sense of rebellion.

Even after crossing over, why does everything have to be so difficult?

Lin Lin herself was not a person with a fighting spirit, and when she was in human society, she was completely confined within the framework.

A diligent and obedient student, a hardworking and repressed working period.

Lin Lin walked on the most conservative path, occasionally stopping to gaze at those particularly flamboyant souls.

Then, unfortunately, she came to this world and saw too many flamboyant souls, and her blood pressure soared along with them.

What’s even worse is that the creatures in front of her actually made Lin Lin feel a bit familiar.

Of course, it wasn’t a pleasant memory, but rather a memory of being robbed by worthless ruffians during her student days, memories that couldn’t be mentioned in polite company.

School should have been a quiet and orderly place, but Lin Lin was once cornered and asked how much money she had in her pockets.

She had wanted to resist, but the figure of a tall man projected by the sun fell on her, completely overshadowing her.

Lin Lin backed down and obediently took out the money.

The current situation seemed to be a replica of those years, or even worse, because the one in front of her was a truly terrifying monster.

But this time, she didn’t back down.

After speaking provocatively, Lin Lin looked cautiously at the young man in front of her.

Although the elder brother among the brothers was mute, Lin Lin couldn’t help but focus her attention on him.

The elder brother was the leader of the two, which Lin Lin quickly realized.

Lin Lin watched him warily.

The young man had single eyelids, thin eyelids, and narrow eyes, giving him a naturally fierce look when he looked at people. But at the moment, he appeared calm.

It was precisely because of this calm that could be shattered at any moment that made people more nervous.

It was like a wild animal, not hungry, silently and effortlessly sizing up its prey. But you never knew when it would suddenly bare its fangs.

The young man was much taller than Lin Lin, so he looked down at her. Like his younger brother, a hint of deep blue could be seen in his dark eyes.

Lin Lin didn’t want to lose her momentum, so she stared back without blinking.

Then, the silent young man looked at his brother, and the two exchanged glances, completing their communication, even without using the sign language Lin Lin was familiar with.

The young man behind took a step closer, and Lin Lin moved closer to her brother in front, more cautious than ever.

The younger brother chuckled, a completely villainous expression on his face.

He ignored Lin Lin’s movement away from him and forcibly rubbed the top of her head like he was petting a stray cat.

The soft, dry hair strands passed through the fingertips of the tiger whale monster. He spoke, “My name is Alan, and this is my brother, Arthur.”

’I don’t want to introduce myself! I don’t want to introduce myself in this situation!’

Lin Lin reluctantly spoke, “My name is Lin Lin, and I am the one who made a contract with the Demon King.”

Using the Demon King as a shield, Lin Lin didn’t expect Alan to nod loosely and say, “I saw that, I’m not blind.”

Lin Lin began to doubt the Demon King’s position in the antagonist camp. Why didn’t anyone seem afraid of the Demon King?

What’s the point of showing off a mark, just let your hair down.

Lin Lin was a bit impatient and wanted to leave. “Then I’ll go first, I’m resting today.”

Alan eagerly agreed, “Okay.”

But neither of the two brothers made way.

Seeing Lin Lin’s puzzled expression, Alan forcibly ruffled Lin Lin’s hair, messing up the Demon King’s carefully arranged hairstyle.

Alan: “Hiss hiss hiss.”

Lin Lin: …Is this guy crazy?

As if not noticing Lin Lin’s clenched fist, Alan still smilingly reached out to Lin Lin, with a completely annoying expression like a person at a crossroads teasing a cat and dog, “Wow, angry, angry. Humans are angry!”

Lin Lin was furious.

Although she knew this was a low-level provocation, she had to admit that it was very effective.

Lin Lin fiercely punched Alan’s chin.

Alan didn’t dodge this blow, or rather, he eagerly met it with his face, so when Lin Lin hit his face, she felt disgusted, as if her hands were dirty.

Lin Lin’s fist left a red mark on Alan’s fair skin.

Alan: “Oh, I’ve been hit.”

Lin Lin became even angrier, wanting to continue hitting him, but afraid that he would enjoy being hit.

The busy dark elf from the other end of the corridor came over, clearly witnessing what Lin Lin had done.

Felix looked at Lin Lin in surprise, “Lin?”

Help is here! Lin Lin looked at Felix with great expectation.

Felix pointed to the fist mark on Alan’s face, “What did he do?”

Lin Lin: “…Just some small things.”

Lin Lin didn’t want to make the situation more chaotic, she just wanted to leave quickly, and the appearance of the reliable dark elf gave her hope.

Felix: “What did he do? Why are you rewarding him?”

Lin Lin: …

Her irritable temper flared up again.

Lin Lin punched her fists on Felix’s face twice.

The world finally quieted down.

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