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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? Chapter 14: Truly Beneath One Person, Above Ten Thousand (2)

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“Alright,” Lin Lin remembered the terms of the contract she signed, “I haven’t forgotten about the soul.”

How did this plot, similar to the ancient romance where the heroine works hard and pays in installments, come about?

The Demon King reached out and rubbed Lin Lin’s head, but Lin Lin promptly refused.

Contrary to Lin Lin’s imagination, there weren’t many strangers visiting the Demon King’s Castle today.

It would be more accurate to say that she hadn’t seen a single stranger.

The true full-time warrior, Felix, explained the situation to Lin Lin, “Some guys can’t leave the house during the day, some guys are on their annual leave, some guys can’t leave their territory, and some guys simply don’t obey.”

Lin Lin counted on her fingers, “With that said, there are hardly any people who can come to the meeting, right?”

Felix, who spoke without leaving any clues, shrugged without giving a clear answer.

Lin Lin clicked her tongue.

Unlike Lin Lin, who was resting on her day off today, Felix was still busy with his work and did not linger too long in the corridor.

After Felix left, Lin Lin went to the window where he had just been standing, ready to open it.

Most of the windows in the Demon King’s Castle were sealed shut.

It wasn’t until Lin Lin arrived that a few windows that could be opened were replaced, to provide protection for fragile human bodies and minds.

Standing where Felix had stayed, Lin Lin frowned slightly.

She smelled a faint scent of decaying leaves, the same smell she had smelled when she was attacked in the dark corridor before.

It wasn’t a pleasant memory. Although Lin Lin had not been directly harmed, it was still unpleasant.

Lin Lin looked up and saw the fallen angel statue standing beside her.

That day, she curled up in the arms of this fallen angel statue to avoid the attacks of dark creatures.

It was really a coincidence. Among so many demon statues, she happened to hide under the only “angel”. If she believed in Gods, she might really feel like she was a blessed one, right?

Lin Lin thought for a moment, solemnly half-gripped the hand of the fallen angel holding the scepter, and shook it, “Thank you.”

Lin Lin: I’m really polite.

It was drizzling outside, and Lin Lin pushed open the window, letting the stuffy air blow in with the rain.

Lin Lin leaned on the windowsill with both hands, getting a little mud and water on her palms, but she didn’t mind, looking out the window.

The view of the Demon Castle was wide, with distant mountains and rivers glowing red, and the demons protected by the Demon King’s Castle could be seen.

Wow, it’s truly a hellish scene.

Lin Lin recalled the lava and corrosive slime pools in the castle.

No, this is hell.

The wonder of the world is that coincidences can happen at unexpected moments to everyone.

Like the sudden misty rain in summer, like some people Felix mentioned who “cannot leave their territory”.

Unexpected guests.

The rain moistened her hair and clothes, and underwater creatures drew these rain-made threads to the ground to breathe.

Lin Lin first saw the pair of killer whale brothers from one end of the corridor to the other.

Some parts are quite humorous, as the orc’s humanoid form is so similar to real humans that Lin Lin is initially confused.

She stands a short distance away, scrutinizing the suddenly appearing figure with confusion.

She instinctively considers this place her territory, and those unfamiliar faces are the outsiders.

Before Lin Lin can get closer, a young man standing in a dim corner of the corridor suddenly breaks into a smile, revealing jagged teeth and obvious malice, although his face is not clearly visible.

Like a herbivore startled awake by the water’s edge, Lin Lin straightens her back.

Something’s wrong.

Get away quickly.

Her legs act before her brain, and Lin Lin turns and runs in the opposite direction of the corridor.

She has never exerted such effort, not even in an 800-meter run.

Her heart is tight, her muscles tense, and just a short distance away, Lin Lin pants heavily.

Like prey caught by a wild beast, hurried and cautious, Lin Lin collides with the chest of another person while fleeing in one direction.

There is a hunter standing at each end of the corridor.

Orcs hunt in groups to increase their success rate and have a strong interest in humans.

At that moment, Lin Lin did not know what animal the creature in front of her was related to.

When she collided with the person, her heartbeat quickened, but her mind calmed down.

Lin Lin remembered the demon mark on her neck and the demon king’s admonition to “be tougher.”

Although she was nervous, she still tried to push the young man standing in front of her without showing any expression.

Of course, she didn’t push him away.

In a brief stalemate, Lin Lin finally saw the young man’s face clearly.

Black hair, a lean figure, prominent cheekbones and jawline, there was a fierceness attached to his bones, as if it wanted to break free from his cold, pale skin.

Lin Lin took a step back.

“Miss,” Lin Lin heard the young man behind her speak.

She turned around, in the dim corridor, another face exactly like his, but smiling.

There was a hint of deep blue in the young man’s eyes, like the deepest part of the sea.

“We mean no harm,” the young man said.

He was still smiling, which made Lin Lin somewhat uncomfortable.

Compared to the demon king and the dragon race, even compared to the dark elves, these two guys in front of her had a frivolity too similar to humans, as if they had rolled in a puddle of mud in a greasy drain.

Lin Lin didn’t believe it at all, but she didn’t want to spoil the surface either.

She continued to walk forward, muttering “street scum” under her breath.

Lin Lin tried to bypass the young man and leave.

The young man standing in front of her suddenly lowered his head, one hand on her shoulder, and the other hand’s fingertips tapped his own ear, which was close to hers.

With his slender jaw suddenly close, Lin Lin’s body was easily controlled by him and couldn’t move.

“My brother asked what you said,” the young man behind her said, “he has bad ears, you have to speak closer.”

It seems that not only are his ears bad, but he’s also a mute, so his younger brother has to speak for him.

Lin Lin’s stubborn nature came up, she raised her chin and pressed it against the young man’s pale ear.

Human body temperature is higher than the air, especially in the mouth.

Orcs have a similar body temperature to humans, but the young man, accustomed to cold liquids, was still burned by the heat emitted by the speech of a human female.

He slightly turned his ear to avoid the heat, and the sound he heard was also loud and soft.

This time, he heard clearly.


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