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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? Chapter 12: The Parasites of These Companies (2)

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Lin Lin had completely adapted to the various dark gothic-style dresses sent by the Demon King.

To match today’s outfit, she specially wore a pair of plain glasses, trying to make herself look more astute.

“It’s something that lasts within a year,” Felix replied to Lin Lin, pointing to the monsters frolicking on the ground and brushing past the legs of the two, “the lifespan of these slimes is less than a year.”

Goodness, stop with the hellish jokes, this is so terrifying!

Lin Lin, unfazed, traversed the stone bridge underground, bubbling with magma, followed by a group of flame slimes who couldn’t understand hellish jokes and loved to watch the excitement.

Lin Lin arrived at a new iron gate, kicked it with her foot, signaling Felix to open the door, already starting to jot down notes: “The dwarven princess painting, is this also 10 copper coins?”

Felix opened the iron gate, letting Lin Lin in.

Looking up, Felix carefully examined the painting on the wall: “This one is worth 1 copper coin, no one wants a dwarven princess painting, their beards are too thick.”

‘What a cruel thing to say! Apologize to the dwarven princess for me!’

Lin Lin silently changed the just recorded number to 1.

Lin Lin: “Are your estimates accurate? Is this the market price?”

Felix replied, “I can only guarantee this is the black market price. Of course, if you need, I can help you sell these at ten times the price using some small means.”

Lin Lin tactfully didn’t continue to ask what those small means were, and instead began to drive away the flame slimes trying to enter the room, to prevent them from accidentally burning the collection inside.

As always, the room was filled with some useless things, but most of them looked good.

Lin Lin even suspected that most of the things here were just to satisfy the demon king’s collecting psychology.

Lin Lin picked up a gemstone, its emerald color cool to the touch.

“Is this valuable?” Lin Lin asked.

She didn’t understand much about this world, but she felt a kind of righteous ignorance.

Felix reached out to her, and Lin Lin placed the green gemstone in Felix’s palm.

Somewhat surprisingly, in Felix’s pitch-black palm, the gemstone appeared more vibrant.

Lin Lin saw Felix quietly recite some words she couldn’t understand, these languages came with a beautiful tone, as if a gentle breeze swept past her ears, and then the green gemstone sprouted verdant branches in Felix’s palm like a seed.

Unlike their surface cousins, dark elves don’t feel joy from the dense foliage or vigorous vitality of plants, but humans apparently do.

Just as Felix imagined, Lin Lin showed a rather surprised expression.

Then she tentatively reached out her hand towards him, and Felix placed the green gemstone with sprouted branches into her palm.

Unlike the quietness in Felix’s hand, the verdant branches wrapped tightly around Lin Lin’s knuckles, and then naturally, vines grew several pure white jasmine flowers on her wrist.

This was a magical plant accessory. Lin Lin raised her hand and repeatedly examined it in the dim light.

No matter how many times, she would be amazed by the miracles created by magic.

“Why doesn’t it wrap around your wrist?” Lin Lin asked.

“This is a female accessory,” Felix replied, noticing the light in Lin Lin’s eyes. When they were counting coins before, Lin Lin’s eyes didn’t sparkle like this.

Obviously, compared to coins, this human female preferred beautiful magical accessories.

This preference and aesthetic are more like his surface-dwelling white-skinned compatriots. Dark elves have always attacked the appearance, aesthetics, and even leisure activities of forest elves with the most malicious attitude.

But he couldn’t treat Lin Lin like that. He would rather believe that this was just a common trait of surface dwellers, and Lin Lin’s aesthetics coincidentally overlapped with those of the forest elves.

Ha, those white-skinned elves wouldn’t show a good face to a witch.

“Isn’t it beautiful? The vibrant green?” Felix spoke up.

For dark elves, lying was as easy as drinking water, but he was better at cunning and aggressive words than using clumsy language to please a female from another race.

Vibrant green? Who knows what color represents vitality, dark elves have always sneered at vitality.

The woman beside him did not answer him immediately.

Felix’s mood was a bit bad; he felt that he might have said something foolish, drawing the other’s displeasure.

“Yes,” Lin Lin replied softly, then took off her bracelet. The magical item automatically contracted and returned to its original gem-like appearance.

Felix was pleased by her response, “You can take it if you like, the Demon King has many such things.”

Lin Lin looked up at him, now able to tell him calmly, “I won’t take it, and you must not take it either.”

Felix raised an eyebrow, his tone sincere, “Of course, I won’t take it. You imagine me as a villain.”

Lin Lin reached out expressionlessly, flicked Felix’s cloak, and a small pile of diamond-sized diamonds fell to the ground.

Felix paused for two seconds, speaking in a very puzzled tone, “It’s strange, maybe this cloak is sticky.”

No, this is called not leaving empty-handed, no wonder the Demon King is getting poorer and poorer, if I check your inventory, you’ll be a millionaire.

Lin Lin spoke, “I will tell the Demon King.”

Felix said, “I will restore them to their original positions.”

“What are you doing?” Sapphire, the young dragon, passed by the door.

The knowledgeable and talented dragon remembered that this iron door had not been opened for a long time.

Seeing Felix standing next to Lin Lin, Sapphire furrowed his brow slightly, “This is not a place where you can come and go as you please.”

Lin Lin looked expressionlessly at Sapphire holding the dazzling golden basin with piles of sapphires inside.

This golden basin was very familiar, extremely familiar, because half an hour ago, when Lin Lin inventoried the treasury, this golden basin was lying among the few remaining gold coins.

Lin Lin pointed to the handsome and serious-looking dragon, “You might as well start by telling us what you’re holding.”

Sapphire looked down at the golden basin in his hand, “Oh, the gold bowl at home broke, so I came to get a bowl.”

Put down all the gold and gems! You parasites of the company!

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