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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? Chapter 11: The Parasites of These Companies (1)

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“Even Gods can enter dreams.”

After the Demon King finished speaking, he only received a flat response from Lin Lin: “Oh.”

The woman’s attitude was overly calm, as if the idea of “meeting a God” itself was not attractive.

“Don’t you think it’s lucky?” The Demon King was somewhat surprised, pausing his work. “Like seeing a God, or becoming one of the blessed humans?”

“Oh, sorry,” Lin Lin’s speed in finding her book didn’t slow down at all. “I’m an atheist, I believe in materialism.”

Demon King: ?

Flipping through page after page of food introductions, Lin Lin noticed that the Demon King’s gaze was still on her.

She had to look up and meet his eyes. “Honestly, I can’t imagine a world where there really are Gods.”

‘Even though I’m in a world where there really are Gods.’

The Demon King raised an eyebrow. “Most intelligent beings in this world have beliefs, although hardly any can catch a glimpse of the true God.”

Lin Lin had read about these things in books.

In order to increase her understanding of this world, Lin Lin had read many books that recorded its history.

The most numerous Gods worshipped in this world are the God of Light and the God of Darkness. Simply put, the good-aligned believe in the God of Light, while the evil-aligned believe in the God of Darkness.

Two hundred years ago, after a fierce battle between the two camps, the God of Darkness fell and disappeared, and the territory of the followers of the God of Light expanded further.

The evil-aligned were heavily damaged, and the good-aligned experienced a period of considerable prosperity, with a focus on economy and technology.

However, as life stabilized, the followers of the God of Light began to dwindle, and intelligent beings began to believe more in Gods that could directly bring benefits such as money, art, and power.

After all, whether you are a follower of the God of Light or not, the sun will still rise tomorrow.

In short, although there are still many followers of the God of Light in various places, that faith is very weak, more like a perfunctory attitude of “Oh, actually I believe more in strength, but I’ll also believe a little in the God of Light.”

After reading this history, Lin Lin had written a neutral annotation: [Just from the perspective of the loss of followers, the God of Light made a wrong decision.]

The stronger the presence of the God of Darkness, the more sincere the faith of the followers of the God of Light, a psychological state that all beings cannot escape from.

Moreover, just from the records in the books, it seems that this war was started by the God of Light.

‘How should I put it, clearly depicted as a God of kindness and gentleness without desires, but in actual actions, he is a troublemaker.’

Hasn’t anyone noticed this in so many years?

Lin Lin began to wonder what kind of lenses the people of this world were wearing when they looked at the Gods.

But of course, she didn’t want to challenge the authority of the Gods.

The Demon King, who had all his attention on Lin Lin, suddenly became excited. “That book in your hand!”

Lin Lin, holding the recipe book, looked at him, startled. “What’s wrong?”

“Honey-fried Dark Valley Cod, I can make it!”

Why do you always make honey-related things? Eat less sweet food!

And can we have some normal meat at the Demon King’s castle? Why does everything sound like it’s toxic!

No matter what you start talking about, the topic will always return to food.

Startled by him, Lin Lin remembered a coincidence: “I remember you’re two hundred years old, right?”

The Demon King nodded.

The God of Darkness disappeared after the battle two hundred years ago.

Lin Lin: “Have you seen the God of Darkness? Even though you were just a child at that time?”

Lin Lin asked this question, but she was prepared not to get an answer. After all, this should be a sensitive topic for the villain camp.

The God of Darkness was supposed to protect the existence of the Demon King’s castle but ultimately failed.

Unexpectedly, the Demon King’s answer was very straightforward: “I have seen the God of Darkness.”

Oh, no wonder, you seem like the kind of person who would reveal all your evil plans in front of the hero and die from talking too much as the villain.

“Oh?” Lin Lin suddenly became interested. “What does it look like?”

The Demon King wrinkled his brow, trying hard to find the right words: “Like a jellyfish floating in the deep sea? Or like cold marinated jellyfish heads?”

What the hell is that! Eat less jellyfish heads!


Carrying a huge notebook, Lin Lin walked ahead, followed by a cloaked dark elf.

Lin Lin thought that having the experience of adventuring together in human villages would have eased their relationship, but to her surprise, when she saw Felix again today, he seemed to have become a bit colder and returned to how he was when they first met.

Even though they hadn’t seen each other for two days, she thought he would be more enthusiastic.

A man’s heart is like the depths of the ocean; Lin Lin shrugged and didn’t think much of it.

‘Cruel and cunning human!’ Thought Felix.

Although humans are classified as creatures of the light, many of them have gained the favor of the God of Darkness by virtue of their dark hearts.

It should have been expected that the woman chosen by the Demon King would be quite cruel and ruthless.

Noticing Lin Lin’s cold gaze shift away from him, Felix hid his face under his hood into the shadows again.

Even though she had arranged to meet the next day, this human female went straight to the Demon King’s study and stayed there all day.

Laughter filled the study, while the elves swept outside.

She was more terrifying than a devil because even devils know to abide by surface agreements.

Following behind Lin Lin, Felix stared gloomily at her straightforward figure. The children of the human village were right; she was a witch who was adept at playing with hearts.

Completely unaware that she was defined as a witch, Lin Lin frowned and stared at the list of items in her notebook.

The real important matter now was taking inventory of fixed assets.

In short, to see how many items in the Demon King’s castle had a usage period of more than one year and to estimate their value, was an indispensable part of financial work.

But on careful thought, in this castle full of antiques, how could there be anything less than a year old.

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27 days ago


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not work with dark mode