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WMPW chapter 29

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“Whiskey, this is whiskey, right?”

“Yes, it is.”

What lay between them was whiskey, not wine or champagne.

To Etienne, whiskey seemed like a true adult drink, and the naive young omega inspected the bottle with curious eyes.

“Isn’t this really strong? Won’t I have a hangover tomorrow?”

“I brought out a good one, so don’t worry. As long as you don’t overdrink, you’ll be fine.”

“Really? Is it very expensive?”

Etienne asked with wide eyes at Lucian’s mention of “good stuff.”

He wondered if it was some rare whiskey made from grains fed on morning dew in a famous region and aged for 150 years in ancient oak barrels—a precious drink too valuable for an amateur like him to consume.

“If it’s that rare, you should save it. It seems a bit wasteful to drink it with me.”

“Not at all.”

But Lucian frowned slightly, displeased by Etienne’s casual remark.

He took the bottle from Etienne’s hands and then lightly touched his soft cheeks, saying,

“You’re the one who’s precious.”

“Huh? I’m precious?”

Confused, Etienne tilted his head, and Lucian responded as if explaining an obvious fact.

“Yes. Don’t worry about a mere bottle of whiskey, Etienne. I’m not so petty as to be stingy with something like that.”

To him, there was nothing more precious than Etienne in this mansion or the entire world.

If this beautiful omega, with his bright eyes filled with even more radiant ideals, wanted to take everything from him, he would gladly give it. In fact, he hoped Etienne would.

Of course, Etienne had no inkling of Lucian’s feelings and was just slightly moved by the generosity of his great benefactor.

“Well, thank you!”

That’s why he nodded with a bright and innocent smile, as if he knew nothing at all.

Etienne, who had been blessed with a sharp mind by God but not with keen intuition, thought, “The Duke must really enjoy working with me,” and brushed it off without much thought.

While the two were engaged in a heartfelt conversation, albeit with vastly different emotions, Ferden appeared with a tray holding snacks and glasses of liquor.

“Leave it here and go, Ferden.”

“Yes, Master. I hope you have an enjoyable time.”

On the table were two whiskey glasses, a plate elegantly arranged with fruit, chocolates, and various cheeses.

The glass in front of Etienne had a large ice cube, while the one in front of Lucian did not. Noticing the difference, Etienne asked,

“Why does my glass have ice?”

“It would be too strong to drink it straight. If it’s too bitter, you can add some lemon or lime.”

“I’m not that weak…”

“If you try to act tough, you’ll regret it.”

Etienne pouted but couldn’t argue. Lucian’s warning was quite reasonable.

Lucian smiled faintly and picked up the whiskey bottle. His movements, as he gently poured the liquor over the round ice in Etienne’s glass, were elegant and full of grace.

Just as he was about to pour whiskey into his own glass, Etienne reached out to stop him.

“Uh, let me pour for you, Duke.”

No one knew why, but it was a deeply ingrained Korean instinct that pouring for oneself was impolite.

When Etienne took the bottle from him, Lucian chuckled and said,

“Do you even know how to pour?”

“Isn’t it just pouring?”

“Fine, I’ll do it myself. Give it here.”

“Oh, come on, Duke! They say if you pour your own drink, you won’t have a lover for three years!”

Lucian’s smile faltered slightly at Etienne’s words.

Not having a lover for three years. Just a few months ago, he would have laughed it off as a ridiculous superstition, but in this moment, it sounded like a frightening threat.

Especially because it was Etienne who said it.

Completely unaware, Etienne kept smiling brightly. Lucian stared silently at the omega in front of him for a moment before finally extending his glass.

“…That’s a bit scary.”


With a bright face, Etienne poured the whiskey. As he thought to himself, “Even someone like the Duke fears being single for three years,” he wondered.

‘Well, someone like the Duke could find a lover anytime he wanted…’

But who would take someone like the Duke, who seemed like a ghost haunting the laboratory? Maybe if the Duke got married, he’d see my face more than his wife’s.

Had Lucian been able to read Etienne’s thoughts, he might have downed the entire bottle of whiskey. Fortunately or unfortunately, Lucian didn’t have that ability, so he just watched as Etienne filled the glass.

As the whiskey filled more than half the glass, Lucian’s eyebrows began to twitch, but he didn’t stop Etienne.

The result was a glass more than 80% filled with whiskey.

Etienne, not knowing whiskey was to be poured in small amounts, had filled it as if he were pouring beer.

After a moment of silence, Lucian chuckled and spoke.

“Do you have a grudge against me, Etienne?”

“Huh? Why?”

“It looks like you’re telling me to drink and die.”

Etienne tilted his head in confusion, not understanding.

He thought he had done a good job pouring. What was wrong? It seemed nicely filled. His puzzled look said as much.

“Usually, you only pour this much whiskey, Etienne.”

Lucian tapped the glass, indicating a level much lower than what Etienne had poured.

Realizing his mistake, Etienne rolled his eyes, looking for an excuse.

“As much as I love you!”


“You’re supposed to pour as much as you love, didn’t you know?”

Unaware of how his words might be taken or their significance, Etienne spoke innocently.


Lucian let out a complex sigh at the bold excuse.

Maybe he was doing this on purpose, knowing full well. Lucian almost hoped that was the case.

“Thank you for loving me this much.”

“Haha… Right?”

“So I should repay you.”

Lucian reached for Etienne’s glass. As a strange glint appeared in Lucian’s eyes, Etienne instinctively felt a chill run down his spine.

“I feel like I poured too little for you.”

“Uh, no, that’s not it!”

Scared, Etienne quickly snatched his glass back. Of course, Lucian pursued it more persistently.

“Why? Didn’t you say you pour as much as you love?”

“Then, Duke, you only love me this much!”

Etienne clung to his glass desperately, not realizing that his outburst made Lucian freeze momentarily.

“So, Duke, you only love me this much. Got it?”

What might be a trivial joke to one person could be serious to another.

“…I suppose.”

Lucian’s eyes, filled with unreadable emotions, looked at Etienne.

His unspoken words and feelings swirled within them, but unfortunately, Etienne didn’t notice.

Lucian finally spoke in a strangely subdued voice.

“It’s not something I can control.”

“Oh, come on. There’s nothing you can’t do with willpower.”


“So, put down the bottle first, Duke.”

Etienne continued to make oblivious remarks, unaware of the turmoil within Lucian.

Lucian stared at Etienne for a long time before giving up the conversation and slumping back into his chair.

Somehow, his mouth already tasted bitter. Even though he hadn’t had a sip of the whiskey yet.

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22 days ago

Muy buena

10 days ago

Haha poor duke 😅

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