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The Aftermath of Divorcing the Wealthy Man chapter 24

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After several days of continuous busyness, the filming of the movie “Overnight Riches” officially began.

On the day Su Lingwei started shooting, she went to the set to take a look. Everyone on the set was very energetic.

Although there were no big-name actors to boost the scene, Xu Dingjun’s acting skills were outstanding, which led to everyone shooting better and better.

Director Han Zhiguo was also very motivated and shot several scenes in a row, all with very good results.

“Shoot well, I think it’s very good. As long as you shoot the movie the way you want it, it’s a victory.” Su Lingwei stayed on set for more than an hour.

Before leaving, she encouraged Han Zhiguo again, believing in his ability.

Han Zhiguo knew that it wasn’t easy for Su Lingwei to manage Jiahe Entertainment. He received great support from Su Lingwei and wanted to repay her by shooting the film well.

“President Su, rest assured, I will definitely shoot well.” Han Zhiguo assured Su Lingwei and secretly made a decision to shoot a good film, not to disappoint Su Lingwei’s support for him.

After Su Lingwei explained a few more words to him, she left the set. There were still things waiting for her to deal with in the company.

While driving on the road, with still half the journey to the company, Su Lingwei suddenly received a call from Zhang Mingen.

“President Su, it’s not good. Someone has leaked the news of our company’s financial difficulties. The marketing accounts are widely reposting it, and it has already reached the top ten hot searches.”

Zhang Mingen’s speech was fast, indicating how anxious he was at the moment.

“President Su, what should we do now?”

Zhang Mingen’s anxious voice came through the phone, but Su Lingwei was not as anxious as him. On the contrary, she was very calm, thinking that what had to come finally came.

“Assistant Zhang, you first find out where the news was leaked from.”

A few days ago, when Su Lingwei had that dream, she had a premonition that someone might make a big deal out of it.

She had left a thought at that time, speculating who in Jiahe Entertainment could know about the company’s cash flow shortage, whether there was a mole, and whether there were people with ulterior motives like Director Sun?

At present, Jiahe Entertainment is not a united front internally, especially with some old guys not very supportive of Su Lingwei.

So after Su Lingwei reached a cooperation agreement with Gu Feiyang, she did not publicize it within the company. So far, the only person in the company who knows that she has attracted a large investment is Zhang Mingen.

As expected, just as the movie “Overnight Riches” started filming, the other party couldn’t wait to jump out and wanted to discredit Jiahe Entertainment.

Su Lingwei simply used her plan to let Zhang Mingen first find out who leaked the internal information of the company.

Zhang Mingen hesitated for a moment and said, “I think we should clarify the rumor that the company’s finances are fine first, and we can slowly investigate the mole.”

There is no problem handling the matter like this, but Su Lingwei has her own ideas. She said, “Let’s delay the clarification for a while. Let the other party be happy first. Let the rumor spread for a while longer. Only then can the reversal be more painful. And more importantly, when they think they are about to win, they will be more careless, revealing more of their true colors. Then we can thoroughly expose all those scumbags in the company who are disloyal, and clean them up all at once.”

Upon hearing Su Lingwei’s words, Zhang Mingen felt that she was right.

Moreover, Su Lingwei’s style of doing things was very different from that of Old Su, so he should adjust his working methods as soon as possible.

“I’ll take care of it right away,” Zhang Mingen said, hanging up the phone and quickly investigating the mole.


The first to spread the news of Jiahe Entertainment’s financial shortage online was a gossip marketing account called Wakaka.

This account usually liked to post gossip from the entertainment industry and had over two million followers.

The information they posted was sometimes true and sometimes false, but there were always many people who didn’t know the truth and believed it.

Wakaka Entertainment Circle: Ahhhh, big news, big news! A while back, a well-established entertainment company announced with great fanfare that they were going to vigorously cultivate new actors and directors, claiming to be the benefactor of the entertainment industry, giving newcomers an opportunity. In fact, there is another secret inside. I just learned from an insider that this company is currently in very bad shape financially, and it may go bankrupt tomorrow. They’re deceiving everyone by saying they want to cultivate new talent, but it’s just to save face. The real reason is to save costs, make a quick, cheap movie, and make some fast money. With their dishonest attitude, I bet this movie of theirs will be mediocre at best, definitely a flop. I won’t bother watching it.

After Wakaka Entertainment Circle released this news, fans and netizens started speculating about which company it was.

[Although the blogger censored the company’s name, it’s basically clear that it’s Jiahe Entertainment without a doubt. Only they fit the description of an old entertainment company, loudly promoting the cultivation of new talent, and starting a new movie.]

[From the blogger’s tone, it seems that Jiahe Entertainment doesn’t have money to invest in making movies anymore. The movie “Overnight Riches” they hyped up must also be a flop.]

[I always thought this company was strange. It used to be silent, but why has it been hot on the trending topics all the time recently? Turns out, it’s just to create buzz for themselves!]

[It seems that the previous trending topic about Jiahe Entertainment failing and investing in new talent to make a bad movie was not wrong! I blame myself for being too naive and actually believing their crap about nurturing new talent.]

[You’re not alone. I was also fooled by their propaganda. Companies like these are even more cunning in their deception.]

[Ah, such unscrupulous companies. They should either go bankrupt quickly or stop harming people.]

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