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KYDC chapter 16

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“Do you really think I can’t catch you?”

I followed the squirrel out to the garden, circling halfway around the castle.

The squirrel swiftly climbed up a tree and then leapt toward a second-story window.


The squirrel landed gracefully on the window ledge, where I could see Hernan inside, quietly sipping his liquor alone.

Worried that Hernan might find it strange to see me wandering around the garden, I pressed myself against the wall.

Tap tap, the sound of the squirrel tapping on the window was followed by a creak as the window opened.

“Come on in.”


As soon as Hernan opened the window, the squirrel dashed inside, happily circling around him and rubbing against him affectionately. How absurd.

Why does it only pick fights with me?

I returned to my room, now burdened with the unwanted knowledge that Hernan was once again drinking alone.

In my haste to chase after the squirrel earlier, I had left my room door open.

Although there was nothing valuable to steal, I should have closed it for security.

As I sighed and headed to the bedroom, sure enough, I found that the squirrel had returned while I was gone and had rummaged through my belongings.

Clothes were scattered outside the open wardrobe.

You’ve already destroyed all the dried fruits, haven’t you? Swallowing the urge to voice my thoughts to the little furball, I began to tidy up the mess.

But something felt off. Something was missing.

‘No way… Am I imagining things?’

Hoping it was just a misunderstanding, I searched frantically, but unfortunately, the item I was looking for was indeed gone.

I had brought six sets as spares, so there should have been one more left.

‘Why of all things, that?’

If I could catch the squirrel, I would genuinely want to ask.

This time, what had disappeared was, unfortunately, not food, but one of my spare pieces of underwear.

After securing the wardrobe so that it wouldn’t open unless someone deliberately pulled hard, I stepped out into the hallway.

There, at the end of the corridor, the flying squirrel was standing, holding the embarrassing item tightly in its little hands and staring at me.

As cute as it looked, with its big black eyes like buttons, its round, chubby body, and tiny, delicate pink hands, it was infuriating.


But cute or not, I had to catch it this time. No, even if I couldn’t catch the squirrel, I had to get my underwear back.

I didn’t want to become some lunatic who couldn’t keep track of their own underwear and had to explain, ‘The squirrel took it.’

I sprinted towards the squirrel with all my might, but it scampered away.

“Please! Give that back!”

I ran until I was out of breath, but it was impossible for a human to catch up with a furry creature’s speed. Just when I felt like I was running in circles, the squirrel slipped into a slightly open room.

Ugh! It must have escaped to where Hernan was again.

Annoying as it was, I had no choice but to ask Hernan for help this time. I knocked on the study door with the back of my hand to announce my presence.

“Your Grace, huff, excuse me for a moment.”

When I entered the study, red-faced and out of breath, Hernan, clearly tipsy and relaxed, greeted me.

“Mister Everdeen? Are you alright?”

Do I look alright to you? I suppressed the urge to snap at him and gasped for breath.

“The, huff… The… squirrel…”

Unable to finish my sentence due to the lack of breath, I pointed at the squirrel, and Hernan burst out laughing.

“Hahaha, I apologize. This little rascal can be quite mischievous. It tends to play pranks on guests it likes.”

This prank has gone too far! Huffing and puffing, I snatched my underwear back from the squirrel, which had calmed down in Hernan’s presence.

“Well then, I’ll take my leave…”

Just as I was about to leave, relieved that I had avoided the embarrassment of leaving my underwear scattered around the castle, Hernan clinked the ice in his glass and spoke.

“Since you’re already here, would you keep me company for a drink? Ah, this is more of a beverage than alcohol; even fifteen-year-olds in Velon drink it, so it should be fine.”

Hernan wasn’t joking. He casually retrieved a drink from the cool cabinet in the study and placed it on the table.

“It’s snowberry cordial. Made from this year’s first harvest of snowberries, so you wouldn’t have had the chance to try it outside of Velon.”

Ugh. Just because I made a fool of myself on the first night, does he think I’m some kind of alcohol junkie?

“Though I made a fool of myself on the first day, I’m not that bad!”

I didn’t bother to hide my irritation, letting it show on my face. Hernan chuckled again.

“Well, then, have a seat. I won’t force you to drink.”

As I absentmindedly watched the clear, glowing drink trickle from Hernan’s hand, I found myself quietly sitting on one side of the sofa.

Seemingly satisfied that I was complying, the squirrel came over to me and perched on my lap, sniffing around curiously.

“It means it likes you. If you give it some snacks, it’ll warm up to you quickly.”

Surprisingly, the squirrel seemed to understand Hernan’s words and protested.


So, it’s got a temper too. Even though it looks all fluffy and innocent, it knows how to annoy people and even gets mad.

Watching it, I couldn’t help but laugh.

The tension in my mind eased a little.

My throat was parched from all the running, and seeing the sparkling, fizzy drink right in front of me made it hard to resist. Just a little taste.

“I’ll just have a small sip.”

The drink, more of a refreshing soda than alcohol, felt invigorating as it went down. It tasted good, too.

“It’s delicious.”

My brief, simple remark seemed to please Hernan, as a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

“Do you have a preference for desserts or sweet drinks?”

In some places, men might take offense at being asked if they like sweet things, but I’ve lived as a southern man in this world long enough that it didn’t bother me at all.

“Yes, I was born and raised in the South. Nirvan is not only famous for its hot springs but also for its master cake makers. As the top resort in Nirvan, Ever Paradise boasts top-tier food and drink.”

Like a pre-programmed response, I explained, and Hernan stifled a laugh.

“If you wish, I can have the servants bring you some sweet snacks.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean I needed snacks. Maybe another time.”

And so, I unexpectedly found myself chatting directly with the duke. We discussed business and other matters, and before I knew it, the bottle of liquor was nearly empty.

“Oh. Would it be alright if I opened another bottle?”

The duke’s face, usually pale and smooth, was now tinged with a rosy flush, suggesting he was nearing his limit.

“Aren’t you overdoing it? It seems like you had quite a bit to drink yesterday too.”

“Hmm… Were you that concerned about me?”

“No, that’s not… Ah… But it does concern me. After all, my family committed an unforgivable offense against Your Grace.”

At my rational answer, Hernan gave a bitter smile.

“That answer just gave me a reason to open another bottle.”

“Your Grace, that’s just an excuse.”

I chuckled and retorted, and Hernan smiled warmly, seemingly in a good mood.

Despite the disastrous first impression and the terrifying description I’d read about him in the original story, the atmosphere was rather pleasant.

Well… He might have been a possessive maniac in the original, but he hasn’t lost his mind yet, so he doesn’t seem too bad.

As a business partner, he might not be a bad choice. If this grand but not-so-grand story was to end on a warm note, it should have ended right here. Yes, it should have.

But as night deepened and dawn quietly broke, I realized.

Ah, I’m really screwed.

“Mr. Everdeen took my virginity yesterday. So, it is only natural that Mr. Everdeen becomes my official witness in the name of the Lord and His Majesty the Emperor.”

I was left speechless, as if I had been struck on the head.

What… what exactly did I do yesterday?

Despite feeling unusually refreshed, my waist and hips ached.

I began to slowly recall what happened after I entered the Duke’s study to catch a squirrel.

So… after the Duke had nearly finished a newly opened bottle and I drank the strawberry cordial as if it were a beverage, here is how the conversation went…

‘Are you that afraid of me?’

As Hernan’s face turned red and I, feeling slightly drowsy from a pleasant mood, was about to doze off, Hernan suddenly made an unexpected remark.

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28 days ago

Oh wow,,,, so we got to the main plot.. let’s goooo

27 days ago

Normally I love animals, but the squirrel here is annoying me. Hopefully that changes and the squirrel becomes endearing.

13 days ago

O that was so sudden

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