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KYDC chapter 8

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Fortunately, it seemed the servant hadn’t heard anything, but I couldn’t help but clench my fists out of nervousness.

β€œLet’s go.”

As I gave a slight nod, the servant, understanding my signal, knocked on the drawing room door.

β€œThe Young Lord of Everdeen has arrived.”

Right, that was my family name. Whether my father died or passed on the title, I had a duty to remain sharp as the heir to Nirvan, the South’s most prestigious resort city.

β€œLet him in.”

With Hernan’s calm voice, the servant forcefully pushed the door open.

Had night fallen already?

A gentle light emanated from the candles and lamps that illuminated the room.

Velon shouldn’t be a poor region, unable to install chandeliers or electric lights.

Seeing them live like this, it must be either romantic or miserly.

But watching Hernan, shining in the darkness, he seemed to lean entirely toward the former.

β€œHe really is frighteningly beautiful.”

Hernan, bathed in the soft light of the lamps, looked so mysterious that he seemed almost inhuman.

Could I even dare to speak to him?

His beauty was so otherworldly that I wondered if he was more like a frost god wandering through the snowy fields than a person.

β€œI apologize for my earlier rudeness.”

As I cautiously began, Hernan placed the quill he was holding into its holder and looked at me with a curious, unreadable expression.

β€œNo need. The cold of the North must be unfamiliar to you. It seems we didn’t consider that enough.”

There’s no need to apologize. It was my fault for barging in and collapsing.

Feeling much better now, I shook my head quickly.

β€œIt was largely my fault for not properly preparing the carriage. But I’m naturally quite sturdy, and thanks to your gracious hospitality, I’m fully recovered, so please don’t worry about it.”

β€œIt’s we who are sorry to hear you say that.”

Why is he apologizing when I’m the one who was wrong?

As I sweated nervously, I quickly placed the gift I had brought onto the table.

β€œNo, it’s nothing. I’ve prepared a small token of apology for my sudden visit. I hope it pleases you.”

Let’s change the subject.

I quickly scanned the various items on Hernan’s desk and was relieved to find that what I had brought wouldn’t be useless.

β€œDoes he drink alone quite often?”

On one corner of the drawing room table was a crystal glass, elaborately carved and out of place in this solemn castle.

The strong liquor drunk in the North is usually distilled from potatoes or corn, but someone who enjoys drinking wouldn’t dislike wine.

I swiftly presented the wine, which was wrapped in a lavish package.

β€œThis wine comes from a vineyard that our family sponsors every year. It’s 30 years old, so the flavor should be excellent.”

There was no need to explain the bath saltsβ€”just by looking at the label, they’d know it was from Ever Paradise.

Smiling brightly, I skipped that explanation.

β€œHmm… Considering the effort you’ve put into preparing this, I suppose I cannot refuse.”

Still difficult to read, Hernan’s expression softened slightly as he continued.

β€œSince you’ve gone to the trouble of bringing it, why don’t we try it now? It’s only proper to enjoy such a fine gift together.”




I had been racking my brain, trying to figure out the right moment to reveal that Berta had run away, and now this?

Or perhaps it would be better to get him pleasantly drunk and seize the moment when his judgment is a little impaired.

No matter how grand a Duke he may be, once the alcohol takes effect and he’s in a good mood, he won’t be able to go back on anything he’s agreed to.

If this were modern society, any agreements made while inebriated would be considered invalid, but this is a K-fantasy world.

There were no such detailed modern legal provisions here.

β€œThen I’ll gratefully accept a glass.”

When it came to alcohol, I was confident in my tolerance.

Let’s drink until we’re thoroughly intoxicated!

I boldly accepted Hernan’s proposal.

Not knowing what would happen an hour later.

There were so many things in this world that I couldn’t anticipate.

β€œYou seeβ€”, the Duke and, our Berta, they should have been smitten with each other the moment they met!”

I was so drunk that I couldn’t even judge what I was saying.

I had always been quite confident in my drinking capacity.

However, I had overlooked one fact.

The alcohol consumed in the North starts at 40%, while the wine usually drunk in the South has an alcohol content below 20%.

Occasionally, rum might be mixed in desserts or drinks, but that’s just an accompaniment.

Since becoming Jurgen, I hadn’t had any alcohol over 30%, so the idea of out-drinking a Northerner was absurd from the start.

And there was another obvious truth I had forgotten.

A person who drinks alcohol they’re not accustomed to will get drunk more quickly.

But shouldn’t that apply to Hernan too?

Hernan, who had effortlessly downed every glass I naturally poured, didn’t even have a hint of a flush.

β€œHmm… Interesting. Do you know anything more?”

With a perfectly composed face, Hernan casually responded, pouring even more of the 40% liquor into my glass and smiling.

For the first time in ages, no, for the first time since becoming Jurgen, I was completely drunk out of my mind, spouting nonsense that would make ordinary people in this world think I was insane.

β€œI don’t know-. I got the Free reading and didn’t even bother to click again, so how would I know?”

Ugh, I felt nauseous rising from within me, so I leaned back on the sofa, closed my eyes, and barely managed to open them again.

Hernan, with a cryptic expression that left me wondering what he was thinking, handed me a glass of warm water.

β€œIf you’re feeling uncomfortable, should we move somewhere else? Or would you like me to escort you to your room?”

Without a word, I snatched the glass from Hernan’s hand and downed it in one go.

The lukewarm water that went down into my churning stomach seemed to make things worse.

β€œNo, no, no! If I’ve drawn my sword, I should at least cut something. So, it’s not like I opposed the two of them getting married and caused all this!”

I had repeated the same thing at least five times, so Hernan nonchalantly finished the sentence for me.

β€œYou’re saying she run away on her own? I understand that you’re not a co-conspirator, Mister Everdeen. Please, don’t worry too much and just….”

As Hernan tried to soothe me with a gentle laugh and was about to leave, I became anxious.

I couldn’t just let this go.

Something had to be resolved immediately! Even in my drunken state, where I couldn’t think straight, the intense sense of duty remained in my mind.

β€˜I should have left some other things as well.’

With my rationality long gone, and only impatience and responsibility left, I felt a surge of urgency that I had to get a clear answer from Hernan now, given his inexplicably gentle and merciful demeanor.

β€œNo way! Where are you trying to send me off to my room? I can’t go to the room without a clear promise that you’ll handle the dowry issue smoothly.”

Then, I did something I’d never done even when I was Seongheon or a little childβ€”I laid down on the soft carpeted floor.

β€œI’m not going! Go ahead, step over me if you can!”

When I blocked the exit and lay down, Hernan seemed genuinely surprised. His eyes widened momentarily before he spoke.

β€œI understand the dowry issue is weighing heavily on you. But if I’m to escort you to your room, I’ll need to call a servant.”

Though he didn’t finish his sentence, the implication was obvious.

He was telling me to get up unless I wanted to make a fool of myself in front of the servants.

If I were in my right mind, I would have awkwardly gotten up right away.

No, I wouldn’t have laid down in the first place…. But now, I was thoroughly intoxicated.

If this were modern Korea, I would have already been dragged off to the police station for causing a scene.

β€œI’m not going! You need to provide proof right now.”

I was nothing short of a shameless, conscienceless intruder.

In my defense, after I had downed about three glasses, my cheeks were flushed, not just because of the cold, and Hernan, who should have stopped me, encouraged me to drink more.

You kept telling me to drink.

You’re the superior, and I’m the subordinate, so how could I refuse the drinks you offered?

Feeling audacious with this logic, I shamelessly lifted my head higher and lay back down on the carpet.

Hernan sighed briefly and then seemed to ponder for a moment before going to the desk, taking something out of the document holder, and bringing it to the table.

β€œPlease sit up first. If you really don’t trust me, I’ll even write you a pledge.”

I perked up at the mention of a pledge and quickly sat up.

A pledge was one of the few genuinely fantasy-like settings in this world, a magical contract that compelled the signatories to fulfill the terms through magical power.

As I sniffled and fumbled to sit across the table, Hernan, his head bowed, shoulders trembling slightly, gracefully picked up the quill for the pledge.

β€œI’ll write down what I say from now on, so you can check with your eyes and ears.”

I nodded and watched Hernan’s hand holding the quill with hawk-like vigilance.

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1 month ago

Oh No πŸ™„. Seems like Duke is planning to trap Everdeen. Drunk Everdeen is hilarious πŸ˜‚

25 days ago

Lying on the floor like a child having tantrumπŸ˜‚

4 days ago

Why do our MC’s love to get drunk, despite better judgment? Le’ sigh.

Last edited 4 days ago by Jjjj777
21 hours ago

NOOO the secondhand embarrassment omg

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