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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 76

* * *

“A celebrity, huh?”

Ma Soo-jung chuckled. “Our Kongja becoming one of those?”

She shook her head.

“Why not? Being a celebrity is great. Do you know what happened to the clothes Kongja wore?”

Ma Soo-jung blinked as President Seo showed her his smartphone screen.

“It’s already made the news.”

– Ma Kongja’s clothes sold out!

– Even with high demand, already out of stock!

– How to buy Ma Kongja’s clothes?

– Stores facing a sellout rush

– Spokesperson: ‘Production line at full capacity’

“Unique commercial by designer Jang Lily’s children’s brand ‘Nini’ sold out”

“He’s being praised for choosing the right model,” President Seo added.

Ma Soo-jung tilted her head in confusion.

“Quite the buzz for just one sold-out item.”

“Soo-jung, I’m telling you, this kid might become a top star.”

Top star? Ma Soo-jung laughed.

People were going overboard with their praise just because of one sold-out outfit.

“Isn’t ‘top star’ a bit too much?”

“He already has a fan base. Kongja is a gem. Just looking at him is amazing. You know my standards are high, right?”

Ma Soo-jung blinked again.

A fan base?

That must be a joke, but it was true that President Seo had high standards.

“Hmm, really? But, boss,” she smiled, “Do you think our Kongja will stop there?”


Ma Soo-jung brushed her hair back.

Although no one would know it, she was actually Kongja’s biggest supporter and admirer.

“Our Kongja is going to be a legend!”

President Seo’s jaw dropped at her sudden proclamation.

“Of course, with such charm, it’s only natural. Ah, I used to be the only one who saw this side of Kongja, but now I have to share it with the public.”

She winked at President Seo playfully.

“That’s a bit disappointing.”

“Hey, Soo-jung!”

“That’s how I see it. Ah, but that’s that, and reality is reality.”

Ma Soo-jung rested her chin on her hand.

“Our Kongja can’t walk around freely anymore, can he?”

“Of course not!”

“It’s probably better to delay sending him to kindergarten, right?”

President Seo nodded vigorously.

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best.”

“Well, it can’t be helped. Boss, go ahead with the interview.”

“Ah! Good decision. I contacted them already! They liked the idea.”

“What kind of person are they?”

President Seo sighed briefly.

“You’ll see. I guarantee their character. They’re diligent and reliable. A true gem once you get to know them.”

“Sounds like you know them well.”

Caught. President Seo hung his head low.

“They’re practically a monk. No smoking, no drinking.”

“Not even drinking? That’s impressive.”

“They even clean when they have free time. Always helping people in need.”

That seemed sufficient.


“You’ll see. But, no matter how great they are, if you don’t like them, that’s that.”

Ma Soo-jung nodded.

“Why can’t you just say for sure? Seems suspicious.”

“J-just give it a chance.”

President Seo pleaded earnestly. Ma Soo-jung thought for a moment and then laughed.


“You’ll meet them?”

“Yes. If you’re recommending them this much, I should at least meet them.”


President Seo shouted in gratitude.

“You trust me!”

“Of course.”

Ma Soo-jung smiled brightly.

“If there’s one thing you’re good at, it’s judging people.”

“Just that?”


“What about my character and other qualities?”


Ma Soo-jung stood up.

“Just average? I’ll go to the shoot now. I’ll let Mi-jin handle the interview, and we’ll set a date by text. I’m rarely home.”

“Oh, okay.”

President Seo sat down on the sofa with a disappointed look.

As Ma Soo-jung left, her assistant, who had been watching, whispered.

“He looks deflated.”


“Actually, it’s the opposite, right?”

Ma Soo-jung winked at her assistant with a cheerful smile.

“It’s a secret.”

“You really enjoy teasing the boss.”

“I made him the boss to have some fun.”

The secretary nodded. Ma Soo-jung smiled brightly, perhaps because people were praising her child.

‘Although I know public attention is fleeting…’

She still didn’t feel bad.

* * *
When I woke up in the morning, Mom was at home. I looked at her with anxious eyes.

‘Did she turn down a movie role because of me?’

As I watched her suspiciously, she beamed at me.

“Did my Kongja wake up?”


“You could’ve woken Mom up. You always wait until I wake up.”

No, Mom.

‘How could I disturb someone as busy as you when you finally get some rest?’

Even if it’s just a few minutes. Anyone who’s been overworked knows the value of those few minutes.

Mom hugged me tightly.

“Who taught you to be so considerate?”

What kind of question is that?


At my response, she spun around on the bed with me in her arms.

“You’re just too adorable.”

I guess I am a bit cute. Mom kissed my forehead and got out of bed.

“I’d love to play with you, but I have to go out this afternoon.”

I see.

‘Thank goodness.’

I was worried she might take a break because of me.

Mother, please don’t feel bad.

“Sorry, Kongja.”


Please don’t apologize. Go to work.

Even if you have to go abroad for months, it’s okay!

“My angel.”

Mom lifted me up.

A housekeeper arrived.

“You’re up, miss?”

“Yeah. You know, the nanny applicant is coming for an interview today.”

“Yes. I’ve prepared everything. Hold the baby, and get ready.”


I was handed over to the housekeeper.

‘I’m not that little anymore.’

I thought I was too old to be carried around.

I told the housekeeper,

“I can walk!”

“Oh, you want to try?”

She set me down, and I grabbed her hand to walk.

But after just ten steps, my legs gave out.

‘Guess it hasn’t passed yet.’

This is frustratingly slow progress.

Clinging to her hand, I tried walking again.

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