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Chapter 21

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—Hello, everyone. Are you enjoying your long free time?

As the selection of the eliminated contestant drew near, the production team focused on capturing the subtle relationships between the contestants. Though it was called free time, very few truly enjoyed freedom.

—As you know, today is the day we announce the first elimination from ‘RO Match Survival in Island.’

A ballot box was already set up in the front yard.

—Those who are ready, please cast your votes in the elimination ballot box by 6 PM today.

Everyone fell silent at the broadcast echoing through the house. Even though Dansol had already given his voting slip to Taeoh, he still felt nervous for some reason.

“Sol, who should I vote for?”


“I’ll vote for whoever you want. Who do you dislike the most?”

“Oh… But I don’t have a vote anymore, hyung.”

“Why? Did someone steal it? Who was it…!”

Jisoo’s eyes flashed dangerously, ready to confront anyone.

“No! Hyung… It’s not that… I gave it to someone.”

“To whom?”

The look in Jisoo’s eyes became even more intense, making Dansol feel he shouldn’t say anything.

If anyone could guess who voted for whom because of his slip, it might put Taeoh in a difficult position.

“That… I can’t tell you!”

“What? Sol, are you keeping secrets from hyung? That makes me sad.”

“I still can’t tell…”

Though Jisoo spoke playfully, he had been in a bad mood lately.

Taeoh had been getting closer to Dansol, and he’d been sneaking off somewhere every morning.

It was unlikely that a late-morning riser like Taeoh suddenly became a morning person, but Dansol kept saying he was going for morning exercise.

He talked about ‘miracle mornings’ and other nonsense, but Jisoo had secretly followed him one night and found him having a rendezvous with Minhyuk.

The sly guy had cleverly used a kitten to lure innocent Dansol. There were too many bothersome people to eliminate, and even gathering all the votes might not be enough.

‘Who should I get rid of first…’


—Voting has ended. All contestants, please come to the front yard.

At six in the evening, the announcement came.

The contestants, with solemn expressions, were neatly dressed, unlike their usual casual appearances.

It might be their last moment on the show, and no one wanted to make a shabby exit in tracksuits.

Omegas and Alphas stood on opposite sides. The tense atmosphere made Dansol froze, and Jisoo poked his cheek.

“Sol, are you nervous?”

“Yes… Honestly.”

“Why? Afraid you’ll be eliminated?”

“I don’t know…”

In fact, Dansol was closer to hoping he’d be eliminated.

The show had been a collection of bad memories for him. He had hoped to be edited out when he first came to the island.

But thinking about being eliminated made him feel sad and uncertain about the future.

“Don’t worry, if you get eliminated, hyung will take responsibility.”

“…Thank you, hyung.”

Normally, Dansol would have dismissed such words as nonsense, but today he meekly thanked Jisoo.

When Jisoo didn’t respond, Dansol grabbed his shirt and made eye contact.

“I really appreciate it. I always wanted to say that… Just in case today is the last time…”

“I heard you, so stop being cute, Dansol. It makes me want to drop everything and leave the show right now.”

Jisoo spoke his true feelings as a joke. After the formal rules explanation, PD Choi stepped forward.

“We will now open the elimination ballot box. The following names will be called to step forward.”

—Joo Dansol.

Dansol’s eyes widened at hearing his name first. The others murmured as well.

—Jung Daesoo.

—Yoo Doohyun.

—Jaegal Minhyuk.

—Ma Taeoh.

—Yoon Yeomin.

—The six of you received at least one vote each.

Han Jisoo, Lee Yiyeon, you have survived without a single vote. Congratulations.

Yiyeon and Jisoo didn’t look like survivors. Yiyeon’s eyes were on Dansol, but Dansol avoided his gaze.

Dansol thought it would be better to be eliminated than to be involved with Yiyeon again.

“Jaegal Minhyuk and Jung Daesoo?”



“Congratulations. Although you each received one vote, you remain on the island.”

Daesoo couldn’t believe his ears.

“One vote?”

“Yes, you both received one elimination vote each.”


Daesoo let out a mirthless laugh and looked at Jisoo.

Jisoo, trying to avoid his gaze, pretended to be distracted.

Jisoo had definitely agreed to vote for Jaegal Minhyuk with him.

Daesoo, who had been racking his brain trying to figure out who had dared to vote for him, now had a clear answer.

“Yoo Doohyun, Joo Dansol.”



The PD called out Doohyun and Dansol’s names simultaneously, then continued after a moment of contemplation, as if he had made a difficult decision.

Though this was likely intended to build suspense for the show, it was a cruel process for the participants.

“… Both of you have received one vote each and will stay on the island. Congratulations.”

Doohyun’s sigh of relief was audible to Dansol. Unlike him, who was a rising actor, Doohyun couldn’t understand why Dansol was so desperate to stay on the island, given that he was just a failed idol clinging to this program.

“Ma Taeoh, and Yoon Yeomin.”

Finally, it was the last round.

Ma Taeoh and Yeomin were notorious for their animosity towards each other, even coming to blows.

From Dansol’s perspective, it would be better if Yeomin was eliminated, but the outcome was unpredictable. If Ma Taeoh had used his own vote and Dansol’s vote against Yeomin, it would at least be a tie.

“The first person to be eliminated from RO Match Survival in Island is…”

At that moment, Ma Taeoh winked at the worried-looking Dansol.

“With a total of three votes, Yoon Yeomin, you are eliminated.”


Unable to hide his displeasure, Yeomin walked away while Ma Taeoh approached the remaining contestants. Instead of joining the others, Ma Taeoh suddenly embraced Dansol.

His lips brushed against Dansol’s ear.

“Thank you, Dansol.”

Ignoring the glares from the other contestants, Ma Taeoh reveled in his victory over Yeomin. One of the three votes Yeomin received was from Ma Taeoh, another from Dansol.

But who casted the third vote?



PD: Jaegal Minhyuk, who did you vote for?

Jaegal Minhyuk: I didn’t vote for anyone.

PD: Why?

Jaegal Minhyuk: As usual, I was napping on the rock at the base of the mountain, and I lost my voting slip.

PD: That doesn’t seem right. All eight votes were accounted for.

Jaegal Minhyuk: …Oh! You’re right. I guess someone found my lost slip!

PD: Why were you sleeping there?

Jaegal Minhyuk: The face is cool and the back is warm. Plus, you can hear the sound of the water.

PD: Are you planning to sleep there again?

Jaegal Minhyuk: Yes.

PD: …Alright. Ma Taeoh, do you have anything to say to Jaegal Minhyuk?

Ma Taeoh: Um… I’m sorry, but I had to survive first. I’ll repay you somehow. Love you, senior!

PD: Daesoo, you received one vote. Any idea who it might be?

Jung Daesoo: There’s only one person who isn’t afraid of getting beaten up by me.

PD: Jisoo, why did you vote for Daesoo?

Han Jisoo: Well… I didn’t think Daesoo would be so offended. It’s just a vote for the most annoying person…

PD: But Daesoo is an alpha. We thought there was something going on between you two, isn’t there?

Han Jisoo: Yeah, exactly. That’s why he’s the most annoying.

PD: Yoon Yeomin, how do you feel about being the first to be eliminated?

Yoon Yeomin: Well… I didn’t really like any of them anyway, but getting eliminated does suck. Let’s see how well they do without me. Can you tell me who voted for me? I won’t retaliate, I promise. Just initials or something… No? Fine, I’ll find out from the broadcast.

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1 month ago

Bye bye YeoMin. I regretted shipping you to TaeOh 😒

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