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RHFTY chapter 20

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This was Chaeyi’s way of trying to cheer up Leonard.

To anyone who knew what Leonard was upset about, the situation would seem absurd.

But, whether by luck or something else, Leonard, who had a tendency to see even the smallest gestures as charming due to his infatuation, was gradually calming down.

“Were you out buying this?”

“Huh? Yeah.”

Chaeyi, knowing that saying “I just picked it up while I was out” would probably make Leonard sulk again, sprinkled in a little white lie.

And Leonard, once again falling for it, felt a complex mix of emotions, as if he had plummeted to the ground only to be lifted back up into the sky.

He found it impossible to resist Chaeyi.

Leonard, with his long eyelashes lowered, carefully accepted the brooch.

He stared at it for a moment, resting on his palm, then let out a deep sigh before collapsing into Chaeyi’s arms, hugging him tightly.

‘Wow. He must be really touched. I made the right choice.’

In reality, Leonard’s action was closer to resignation, but Chaeyi, misinterpreting it as admiration, felt proud of his excellent taste and patted Leonard’s back with satisfaction.

“Don’t disappear without a word again…”

“Alright, alright.”

“I was really worried.”

“Oh, were you? I’m sorry.”

While Chaeyi continued to hold Leonard, listening to his complaints, Leonard, who had his chin resting on Chaeyi’s shoulder, squirmed a little before turning his head toward Chaeyi’s neck.

His warm breath grazed Chaeyi’s skin.

Feeling a bit ticklish, Chaeyi was about to pull Leonard away, but before he could, something soft touched the side of his neck.

Soft… something soft?


Chaeyi’s mind raced, trying to figure out which part of the face would feel soft like that.

There is a soft, thin part between a person’s nose and chin by definition, but that can’t be it, right?

Why would it be? What the…

While Chaeyi’s mind spiraled into confusion, Leonard pulled back first. His eyes, now gazing down at Chaeyi, were deeply shadowed.

“Let’s go inside now.”

Below those dark eyes, Leonard’s plump, well-shaped lips moved slightly.

Realizing that the voice had come from there, and that he had been staring at that spot without realizing it, Chaeyi’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Oh! Uh, yeah.”

However, Leonard, who had already turned away, seemed completely normal, as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly, everything felt confusing, leaving Chaeyi bewildered.

‘What was that… Was I just imagining things?’

Yeah. It must have been a misunderstanding.

That was the conclusion Chaeyi reached when he lay down to sleep after a pleasant dinner with Leonard.

It’s no secret that he had completely forgotten about it until just now, after returning to the mansion.

‘Yeah, there’s no way Leo would give me a kiss like that on the neck. That’s way too suggestive.’

It must have been an accidental touch or just his imagination.

Feeling more at ease, Chaeyi drifted off to sleep, spreading out on the large bed alone.

For once, Leonard didn’t insist on sleeping together and had gone back to his room quietly.

The next morning, as the sun rose…

Chaeyi, feeling refreshed, washed up and changed into comfortable clothes before stepping out into the hallway.

As expected, Lawrence was right beside him, not wanting to miss a thing.

However, today he looked unusually tired, with dark circles under his eyes and a weary expression.

Chaeyi couldn’t figure out why.

“Good morning, Lawrence.”

“Good morning… I’m so relieved you returned. Really, it’s a relief… Thanks to you, many lives were saved… Thank you. But where are you off to today?”

Chaeyi stared blankly at Lawrence, who was rambling like someone whose spirit had left them.

He had only gone out for a walk, yet here Lawrence was, talking about saving lives or something. His fussiness was as strong as ever today.

“I’m going for a morning jog. I didn’t know this, but apparently, there’s a small forest trail on the estate grounds that’s perfect for a walk.”

This was something Leonard had told him the previous evening. And since the trail was hardly used and practically abandoned, Chaeyi had been given permission to use it freely.

That meant he didn’t have to go outside the mansion grounds unless necessary.

Plus, enjoying the fresh air of the forest during a walk sounded much better.

“Oh, I see.”

Lawrence’s tense expression instantly softened.

He began nodding vigorously, as if in strong agreement with Chaeyi’s decision, relieved.

He started listing the benefits of staying on the estate instead of going outside every morning, mentioning things Chaeyi wasn’t particularly interested in.

Even though it was annoying, Lawrence stubbornly escorted him to the entrance of the trail, making sure he didn’t wander off the path.

How could someone worry so much…?

While he appreciated the concern, Chaeyi couldn’t help but think that Lawrence led a very exhausting life.

After finishing his two-hour walk and jog, Chaeyi returned to Onyx.

As he was walking down the corridor, he bumped into Lawrence again, just as he had two hours earlier….

‘Who’s that?’

In front of Lawrence stood a young man Chaeyi had never seen before. He had distinctive green hair and purple eyes and was slightly shorter than Chaeyi.

Curious, Chaeyi stared at the boy, who wasn’t a complete stranger, as he quickly noticed Chaeyi and bowed deeply.

“Hello, Mister Chaeyi. My name is Enoch Oliven, and I’ve been assigned to serve you from today.”

Huh? It seemed he wasn’t just someone irrelevant, but rather someone Chaeyi would be seeing every day from now on.

“I’m a dominant Omega and the second son of Count Ophilid of the Lancaster’s vassal, the Oliven family.”

“I see.”

“Yes! Oh, and please, feel free to speak casually with me.”

The young man seemed quite bright and friendly, and fundamentally kind-hearted.

But an Omega who’s the son of a count must be of high status, so could a Beta commoner like Chaeyi really speak casually with him?

Since the situation was sudden, Chaeyi glanced at Lawrence, who offered an explanation.

“Lord Leonard made special arrangements… From today, Sir Oliven will be your personal attendant. If you need anything or if there’s something bothering you, just let Sir Oliven know, and he’ll take care of it.”

It seemed Leonard had assigned him an attendant to ensure he wouldn’t face any inconveniences in his daily life.

Hmm… It seemed like a bit too much care. He didn’t feel comfortable ordering around someone so young….

Should he send him back?

Chaeyi was thinking that when Enoch, with a shy smile, quickly interrupted his thoughts.

“I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you, Mister Chaeyi… I think I’m really lucky!”

“Excuse me? You were looking forward to meeting me?”

“Yes. I was so curious about the person Lord Leonard keeps so hidden and cherished! I came with high expectations.”

Given that, sending him away would have been an awkward situation.

If he did, it might only end up disappointing this young man.

Unable to resist those sparkling eyes, Chaeyi let out a soft chuckle.

“Please take care of me, Enoch.”

“I look forward to serving you as well! And Mister Chaeyi, please treat me comfortably. It would really put me at ease.”

“Alright then… I will.”

“Thank you, Mister Chaeyi.”

Enoch smiled brightly, as if he had accomplished his mission.

For a moment, Chaeyi wondered if he was getting swept up by this young man.

But… it was probably just his imagination.

Chaeyi didn’t think too much of it and moved on.

He didn’t notice Enoch and Lawrence exchanging a subtle glance behind his back.

“Oh, and Mister Chaeyi, this is something Lord Leonard asked me to deliver to you.”

Enoch pulled out a rectangular wooden box from his coat and handed it to Chaeyi.

When he opened it, inside was his newly issued identification badge.

‘Wow… that was fast.’

They said they’d issue a new one, so he thought it might take about a week, but it was already done. Chaeyi inspected the badge closely.

The fake identity badge hadn’t changed much.

It was probably because it was based on the information used for the counterfeit badge.

It was actually better this way.

There were worries about bank issues, but with this, it seemed like it could be used without the cumbersome procedures.

As Chaeyi was contentedly inspecting the official identity badge with the name ‘Chaeyi ’ engraved on it, he suddenly heard footsteps behind his.

Turning around, he saw Leonard coming down the hallway, apparently on his way back from finishing his work.

“Chaeyi .”

He cast a disinterested glance at Lawrence and Enoch before shifting his gaze back to Chaeyi .

As Chaeyi turned to greet Leonard, a shadow suddenly fell over his face.

Before he could even fully grasp the situation, Leonard leaned in and pressed his lips to Chaeyi ’s cheek.

With a soft smooch, Chaeyi ’s thought process momentarily halted. he quickly recovered from his surprise and began to regain his composure faster than before.

‘What? Leonard being affectionate?’

He had never been this way, not even once when they were younger… It was quite sudden.

But upon reflection, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant.

“What’s going on? Acting all affectionate when you never did that when we were kids. Did you want something from me?”

But Leonard gave no response. His face, now fallen with a hint of a wry smile, looked as if he was bewildered.

“…Now even showing competitive spirit…”


Leonard muttered something incomprehensible before meeting Chaeyi ’s gaze again.

“Just. I want to be more affectionate now.”

His lips curled into a mischievous, slightly crooked line.

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1 month ago

Thanks for translation

1 month ago

What if Leonard smelt something from chaeyi’s neck? 🤔

22 days ago

At the beginning, I thought Leo licked Chaeyi’s neck for a moment and was getting confused. Lol

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