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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 23

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The next person to enter was Edwin. As planned by William, who had deliberately admitted both Henry and Edwin, Edwin came in with his usual expressionless face.

He had no interest in the Crown Prince’s curiosity. He was merely following the prince’s orders.

Like Henry, Edwin noticed the old woman sitting inside and simply looked down at her. He neither spoke to her nor took a seat.

Distrusting her in a different way from Henry, Edwin turned his back.

“Someone is firmly holding onto your spirit.”

Even after hearing the old woman’s words, Edwin didn’t slow his pace. He had no interest in learning about his own fate just because someone could see others’ destinies.

Ever since he had manifested as a half-baked Alpha, unable to sense another’s pheromones, Edwin had let go of all lingering attachments.

“I’ll give you the key that will relieve your frustration.”

“No need.”

“Even if that key happens to be related to the child you’re concerned about?”

The old woman chuckled, confident that Edwin wouldn’t just leave after hearing this.

Only then did Edwin stop and turn back toward the old woman, crossing his arms.

“You’re so persistent, spreading your pheromones everywhere without anyone noticing. How tiresome.”

As if sensing Edwin’s pheromones, the old woman held her nose.

“No wonder there’s a vibration coming from that child’s whole body; you really should be more moderate.”

“What are you sensing?”

“Just because you feel something that others don’t doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. They simply don’t know.”

The old woman prodded the pheromones swirling around Edwin with her staff, as if peering into them.

“Even if you exude such a strong aura, it won’t do any good for that child. From now on, you’ll need to practice controlling it.”

“He doesn’t even sense it.”

“Didn’t you hear what I said? It’s not whether the child feels it that matters, but that it’s completely enveloping his body.”

The old woman clicked her tongue. She had heard that something had happened to the child, and it turned out that this was the cause.

“Anything else you want to say?”

“Do as your heart desires. In doing so, the answer will become clear.”

Hearing the old woman’s final advice, Edwin left without hesitation.

The last person to enter was Crown Prince William. Seeing that Henry and Edwin, who had gone in before, came out quite agitated, William was filled with anticipation while waiting.

People say that you can deduce a lot from a person’s face—could he, by looking at himself, recognize someone who would lead the empire in the future?

If he could, there might even be a special reward.

So William, having finished contemplating what reward to give, reached the old woman. Despite his completely wrinkled face, Crown Prince William’s smile today seemed particularly radiant.

The old woman, who had been gazing up at William, suddenly snorted and said:

“Such a nasty temperament.”

How unpleasant.

Henry and Edwin, waiting for Crown Prince William, exchanged not a single word. They were both too busy sorting out the complexities in their minds, as if they were looking in different directions.

‘This isn’t just a level of skill.’

Henry, realizing that he had been thoroughly deceived by the old woman, clicked his tongue. He felt completely exposed in front of someone who had seen through him entirely.

Although it was startling, it did help somewhat in alleviating his frustration.

No one knew that he had entered a novel. Naturally, deciding what to do next was entirely up to him, but the conversation with the fortune-teller had provided significant help.

‘But what exactly happened?’

Henry reviewed everything that had changed since he started his journey, checking one by one. However, nothing seemed particularly out of place. Eventually, Henry turned to Sir Teher.

“Sir Teher, was there anything unusual in my behavior recently?”

At Henry’s vague question, Sir Teher cast a heavy gaze. He pondered what the meaning of the inquiry might be, but he had nothing to answer.

“I’m sorry.”

As Sir Teher shook his head in response, Henry fell back into thought. He wondered if perhaps he shouldn’t completely trust the fortune-teller’s words.

At that moment, someone challenged Henry’s question.

“If it’s about that, I think I can answer.”

Both Henry and Sir Teher turned their heads towards the unexpectedly interjecting voice.

“What happened to me? No, more importantly, how do you know?”

Henry, who would have dismissed anything Edwin said before, now reacted. If, as the old woman had said, things had already happened, someone—especially Edwin—might have noticed.

“I’d like to hear more about it…”

Henry not only stopped right in front of Edwin but also started walking towards him. His determination to get an answer from Edwin was clear.

However, as Henry actively approached Edwin, he suddenly came to a halt. Someone behind Edwin caught Henry’s eye.

It was a man with striking platinum blonde hair and skin as white as snow. Though Henry had never seen this face before, it was one he couldn’t look away from.

The face was adorned with a fresh smile and sparkling golden eyes, reminiscent of stars.

The novel described him as having a soft demeanor that broke down barriers, with his gentle gestures melting away the sternness that had been like an impregnable wall.

It said he was like the sun, capable of thawing Edwin’s frozen heart.

Reading it in text hadn’t quite convinced Henry. While the gentle appearance made some sense, it seemed implausible that even a protagonist could effortlessly dissolve Edwin’s wariness.

Yet seeing the man in person made Henry believe that such people, who could melt others’ hearts, might truly exist.

He hadn’t expected to see him here… He had considered the chance of a random encounter, but he didn’t think it would happen so soon.


He was the other male lead in the novel.


Henry found himself instinctively retreating from Edwin. If he hadn’t recognized Kayla, he might have approached Edwin.

But seeing him now made it impossible for Henry to stay close to Edwin. He felt like an intruder in their interaction, and being near Edwin in any capacity made him uneasy.

As Henry hesitated, Kayla, having noticed them, approached. Whether he had lost his way or had another reason, it seemed he intended to ask for help.

Kayla had already made eye contact with Henry a few times, and his gaze towards Edwin was also evident.

Fearing that the three of them might end up together, Henry resolved to withdraw. He had already decided that if Kayla showed up, he would connect Edwin with him.

He was surprised by how early this had happened but reassured himself that there was nothing to be flustered about.

“I suddenly remembered something… I’ll ask you later.”

Henry made an excuse and turned his back on Edwin. He intended to sever his connection with Edwin and adjust his position to move on…


Before he could take a few steps forward, a large hand grabbed his arm. Henry looked at the hand encircling his arm and then lifted his gaze.

“Where are you going?”


Henry’s vague response didn’t provide a clear answer to Edwin’s question. Just then, Kayla’s soft voice came through.

“Excuse me, could you help me?”

As Kayla approached, Henry and Edwin’s eyes were drawn to him. Kayla flashed a dazzlingly pretty smile, though one eyebrow was lowered, signaling his current predicament.

“I’m new to this town and lost my way. Could you tell me where the clock tower is?”

Kayla spoke to Henry and naturally made eye contact with Edwin while making his request. It seemed like anyone would be unable to refuse such a request.

Even though Henry knew who Kayla was, he was slightly swayed by his voice. This wasn’t about being romantically attracted but rather a genuine desire to help due to his appearance and voice.

Henry bit his lip and widened his eyes, recognizing Kayla’s unique charm that made it easy for anyone to open up to him.

‘Get a grip.’

Since Edwin would likely fulfill Kayla’s request, Henry just needed to stay put and then return to the inn.

However, Henry glanced at his arm, which was beginning to ache. How long would Edwin hold on?

When Henry looked at Edwin to indicate he wanted to be let go, Edwin was focused on Kayla. Kayla was also locked in eye contact with Edwin.

Henry felt awkwardly caught in the middle, like an obstruction.

As Henry tried to pull away, Edwin’s grip didn’t budge. Instead, Edwin seemed to tighten his hold and addressed Kayla, whom he had just been looking at.

“Why should I?”

It was a question tinged with annoyance, essentially a refusal. The pheromones of irritation he exuded indicated that he had no intention of fulfilling Kayla’s request.

‘What a rude guy.’

Even if Edwin didn’t know who Kayla was, treating someone who’s simply asking for directions like that was unacceptable.

“Uh… Sorry.”

Kayla, flustered and waving her hands in a flurry, first offered an apology.

Henry, who had been watching her white fingers, scowled disapprovingly at Edwin, who still hadn’t released his arm. Henry then forcefully shook off Edwin’s hand.

As Edwin’s hand reached out again toward Henry’s arm, it stopped midway, as Henry had moved his arm behind his back to prevent him from grabbing it again.

Henry, having already rejected Edwin, made a point to direct his chin towards Kayla, who was still present, as if to indicate that she should speak.

Although Edwin did not turn to look, he understood that it was Kayla’s turn to speak.

“I was going to ask someone else, but whenever I approached, they kept avoiding me, so I had no choice. I thought you wouldn’t avoid me when our eyes met earlier.”


Kayla’s direct question about not making eye contact left Henry nodding in surprise. Initially, it was just a coincidental glance, but once he recognized her as Kayla, he couldn’t take his eyes off him.

‘So, Kayla came because of me. I thought it was because of Edwin.’

Henry shook his head, realizing he almost misunderstood Kayla, and politely declined her request.

“We’re also new here, so we don’t know where the clock tower is. Sorry, but you’ll have to ask someone else.”

After politely declining the request, Henry’s desire to leave grew stronger.

He turned on his heels, moving away from Kayla and Edwin, and as he did, his eyes met those of Sir Teher, who was standing behind him.

“Since we don’t know when we’ll leave, it’s fine if you want to go ahead.”

“Really? Then let’s go.”

The Crown Prince William seemed to be taking quite a while, indicating that there was a lot of conversation happening.

As soon as Henry was able to leave, he hastened his steps without looking back. There was no need to bid farewell to Kayla, and even less so to Edwin.

Perhaps they would converse after I leave.

But just a few steps later, hearing the heavy footsteps following him, Henry glanced to the side. Since Sir Teher was walking beside him, it was clear that the person trailing behind was Edwin.

“Why are you following me?”

Henry muttered in annoyance. With the Crown Prince William absent, there was no need for Edwin to accompany him.

“If His Highness is not with us, there’s no need to stay together. So go your way. You go where you want, and I’ll go where I want.”

Edwin’s gaze darkened at Henry’s harsh dismissal.

“I merely move where my heart leads.”

It just happened to be in the same direction as Henry’s.

Meanwhile, Kayla, left alone by Edwin’s departure without a single glance back, blinked in surprise. Although he had approached under the pretense of asking for directions, he had been confident that if he looked back at her, he would not ignore him.

Having never been used to rejection or being overlooked, Kayla chuckled at the realization that he had not received any attention.

“No matter what, this is too much. Even if it’s been a long time, can’t they recognize me?”

As Kayla spoke to himself, a shadow rose from the empty ground.

“Did you find what you were looking for?”

“So it really was here, just as I heard. That expression hasn’t changed either.”

Kayla recalled the two men who had just been there. It seemed that only Kayla remembered the connection from when he had come to the empire as a child.

“Let’s go.”

“Are you not going to look for them again?”

“If it’s meant to be, we’ll meet again. Finding out they were here was just a coincidence. It’s not like there’s no way to meet them at all.”

Since the clock tower had been an excuse from the start, Kayla, who was about to walk in the opposite direction, suddenly spoke up with a thought.

“By the way, who is inside there?”

Kayla’s expression as he pointed to the shabby tent was refreshingly clear.

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30 days ago

what is this, is the hidden plot.

26 days ago

Ohh, what will happen now

26 days ago


19 days ago

The novel is wonderful

7 days ago

So, did they meet each other when they were younger?? Perhaps, like childhood friends?? But, oh well if I were Sir Teher I will always being popcorn with me🍿

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