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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 21

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At that moment, I tensed up. I glared at her, ready to kill. Many had targeted my uncle before, and some had hurt him. Naturally, I was sensitive.

The Doctorā€™s eyes twinkled with amusement. She reached out and grabbed my cheeks, slowly pressing her nails into my skin.

ā€œI have a grudge against Seo Hoonā€¦ I wonder how heā€™d react if I sent him a piece of his adopted son.ā€

ā€œCowards like you always talk big behind his back.ā€

ā€œYou insolentā€¦ā€

ā€œSorry, but Iā€™m not scared of threats. Iā€™ve heard worse.ā€

I scoffed at her. Threats against me didnā€™t scare me, only those against my uncle did.

The Doctorā€™s words were mild compared to the abuse Iā€™d heard before.

I had endured every curse, insult, and obscenity imaginable. Sad, really.

The Doctor released me, her eyes cold.

ā€œLetā€™s see how long you can stay so calm.ā€

Smiling cruelly, she reached for a first aid kit and pulled out a syringe.

ā€œLetā€™s start by drawing some blood.ā€

ā€¦Why always blood?

Regular needles couldnā€™t pierce my skin.

Even though I wasnā€™t a physical hunter, an S-rankā€™s body was inherently tough.

As expected, the needle snapped. Instead of being frustrated, the Doctor smiled proudly.

ā€œThis F-rank is surprisingly sturdy. Is it due to the experiment?ā€

Donā€™t be so smug, itā€™s not because of that.

She rummaged in the first aid kit for a sturdier syringe, likely one for hunters.

Though tougher than normal needles, it wasnā€™t designed for S-ranks.

This might expose me.

To silence them, murder might be the only option, but no matter how villainous, I couldn’t kill a person.

It was enough to kill them in my dreams.

So there was only one way.

Use my strength without revealing my identity.

I gave the doctor holding the needle a wide grin.

Then, I kicked the doctor who looked like an ordinary person. I used moderate strength, but the doctor still went flying.

ā€œYou bastard!ā€

The kidnapper standing behind shouted in rage.

Ignoring him, I used my wrist and ankle strength to break free from the restraints.

ā€œWhat, what the hell? How?ā€

ā€œYou should have secured them properly!ā€

In fact, they weren’t poorly secured. The restraints were just so cheap that they broke with a bit of force.

I stepped back from the doctor and the kidnapper, my back soon hitting the wall.

Seeing this, the kidnapper regained his confidence.

ā€œHah, what do you think you can do now? You’re just an F-rank.ā€

ā€œWhat do you think?ā€

I took a small bomb from my inventory and threw it.

ā€œIt’s item power, you bastard!ā€

Boom! Kaboom!

The explosion from the small bomb that Shinhae gave me was enormous.

With a loud noise, the room shook as if it would collapse at any moment.

The kidnapper and the doctor were slammed into the wall together.

Just like the gun, the bomb was a disguise. I had used my strength.

ā€œCatch that bastard!ā€

I opened the door and stepped out, the fallen kidnapper shouting desperately.

I took out a gun instead of another bomb and shot at the other kidnapper running towards me.


With a pleasant sound, the kidnapper fell backward.

I intentionally stepped on the fallen kidnapper and ran into the room where I had been locked up.

ā€œChoi Dokyum!ā€

I flung the door open, and Choi Dokyum, who had been trembling in fear from the sudden explosion, fell forward in surprise.

ā€œWhat, what’s going on?ā€

ā€œLet’s escape.ā€

There was no time to leisurely untie his restraints. I lifted Choi Dokyum and ran down the hallway.

ā€œStop right there!ā€

The kidnappers who had been knocked out and others were swarming in.

I kicked a window at the end of the hallway and jumped out.


Landing was unsteady since I was holding someone. Choi Dokyum clung to me in shock. I stopped running to escape and looked ahead.

ā€œYou’re really something.ā€

It was Kwon Sahyeok.

Seeing him appear at this timing meant he had been waiting here all along without showing himself.

ā€œHey, you bastard.ā€

ā€œDon’t swear, it excites me.ā€

With a creepy voice, Kwon Sahyeok leisurely looked up.

The faint light disappeared, replaced by a dense darkness. From the empty floor, something black shot up.

Kwon Sahyeok’s well-known ability was darkness.

He could materialize darkness to attack. This made him even stronger at night.


The pitch-black darkness entangled people like vines.

When the people were immobilized, the vines turned into sharp thorns.

The kidnappers were pinned to the spot as if they were taxidermied.

Kwon Sahyeok, who had easily subdued the situation, turned his body toward us. After glancing at both Choi Dokyum and me, he approached.

He then crushed Choi Dokyumā€™s restraints with a bit of strength.

ā€œTh-thank youā€¦ā€

Choi Dokyum almost cried as he bowed his head.

ā€œDon’t mention it.ā€

Kwon Sahyeok’s pretentious politeness was sickening. I kicked him.

ā€œSince when were you watching?ā€

ā€œSince you guys arrived here?ā€

ā€œFrom the beginning!ā€

Kwon Sahyeok dodged my punch, laughing annoyingly.

ā€œWell, I couldn’t help it. I needed to gather more clues.

I was going to save you anyway. You just beat me to it.ā€

ā€œReally boasting, aren’t you!ā€

ā€œOh, I’m so scared.ā€

Kwon Sahyeok faked a pitiful tone. Just as I was about to grab his collar, someone called his name from behind.

I turned to see a Hunter Association member in uniform.

The association employee, sweating profusely, wiped his forehead as he saw the immobilized kidnappers.

ā€œHuff, huffā€¦ Is the situation already under control?ā€

ā€œWhile you were taking your time getting here.ā€

ā€œYou’re fast, not me!ā€

The association employee, catching his breath, snapped at Kwon Sahyeok.

Then he glared at the kidnappers, took a deep breath, and turned to us.

ā€œAre you okay?ā€

ā€œOh, yes. We’re fine.ā€

ā€œMe tooā€¦ā€

Choi Dokyum slumped to the floor.

He seemed more at ease seeing the familiar Hunter Association uniform, unlike with just Kwon Sahyeok.

ā€œThis is exhaustingā€¦ā€

ā€œA helicopter will be here soon. We’ll get you out safely, so please rest for a bit.ā€

The association employee was reliable, unlike the leisurely Kwon Sahyeok.

Choi Dokyumā€™s face brightened. I felt relieved too.

Soon, the association’s backup arrived.

While waiting and watching them subdue the kidnappers, the sound of a helicopter could be heard in the distance.

ā€œIt looks like itā€™s here.ā€


ā€œOver there.ā€

I pointed at the helicopter. Suddenly, the door opened wide. Even from a distance, I could feel a strong gaze.

Someone on top of the helicopter jumped down.


Beside me, Choi Dokyum, too shocked to scream, inhaled sharply. I was equally surprised, though for a different reason.

ā€œā€¦Baek Gunho?ā€

ā€œHow did he know to come here?ā€

Kwon Sahyeok mumbled, indicating he hadn’t informed him.

How did he find out so quickly?

Did he pressure a guild member to get my location?

Even so, he found out really fast.

ā€œSeo Heewon!ā€

Baek Gunho, moving with unbelievable speed, landed smoothly and ran toward me.

ā€œAre you okay?ā€

ā€œI’m fineā€¦ā€

ā€œYouā€™re not fine, you look pale.ā€

Baek Gunho suddenly pulled me into a tight hug.

Whatā€™s with this sudden action?


Kwon Sahyeok’s admiring comment made my face heat up.

I tried to push Baek Gunho away, but he just hugged me tighter.

ā€œDamn itā€¦ā€

Baek Gunho’s breath tickled as he sighed, holding me.

Damn it, I felt like swearing.

Donā€™t act so tenderly, please.

ā€œYouā€™re okay now, Seo Heewon.ā€


I’m not okay because of you.

Baek Gunho patted my trembling back as if soothing a child.

Realizing that I was irreplaceable to Baek Gunho, in any way, made me both happy and miserable.

It was a feeling I had to swallow if I didnā€™t want to break our current relationship.

ā€œIā€™m fine, so let go.ā€

ā€œYou’re not fine, so stay still.ā€

Even though I was alright, he wouldnā€™t listen.

After several protests, Baek Gunho still didnā€™t budge.

I could only stay still, unable to win against him.

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29 days ago

boyfie is here~

28 days ago

So cutešŸ¤­

21 days ago

Heewon is too miserablešŸ˜¢

19 days ago


10 days ago

god he really does take care of him well, why donā€™t they just date

8 hours ago

Boyfieee to the rescueeee

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